About Fitting Process (adapted and transcribed from Scratch Golf)
Being properly fit is important for all golfer, tour players, top amateurs and high handicappers alike.
Better performance is something every golfer is looking for and custom fitting process is the tool to achieve that performance.
Fitting philosophy starts from the ground up. The way the golf club works through and interacts with the turf ultimately determines the quality of contact with the golf ball. Proper ball contact ensures correct spin, trajectory, and distance control. Better control means better shots, which can lead to lower scores. Club fitting improves contact with unique and proven sole grinds. So, find a sole grind that suits your needs.

Typical Swing Types
•Digger / Driver: Players in this swing profile tend to be very "steep and deep" with the club at impact. Their aggressive angle of attack causes the club head to dig into the ground requiring greater bounce angles to get the club head back out of the ground and maintain contact between the face and golf ball. Miss-hits for this profile are commonly fat.
•Driver / Slider: This swing type encompasses a vast majority of golfers. These players will try and trap the ball between the clubface and ground, taking a shallow, even divot. Driver/Slider's moderate angle of attack requires a mid-bounce angle providing assistance in maintaining the club head's path through the turf and ensuring crisp, clean contact. Driver/Sliders tend to miss both thin and fat.
•Sweeper/Slider: Often a favorite of course superintendents, Sweeper/Sliders have a very shallow angle of attack and take little to no divot at all. This swing profile requires a low bounce angle, which helps combat the thin miss-hit for Sweeper/Sliders.

Wedge Fitting Process 
Outdoor Experience: 
Through club fitting, customers will have the benefit of hitting all available grinds in the Tour Custom line in actual playing conditions using 53* and 58* lofts. The process has 4 main performance evaluation steps.
Step 1: Full Shots 
Players will hit full shots under the careful eye and ear of an experienced pro, assessing and evaluating each grinds performance and interaction with the turf. The best performing grinds will be selected for further testing.
Step 2: Partial Shots 
Most wedge shots are partial shots so finding a grind that performs best on these is critical. From the selected grinds, the player will hit a series of partial shots and rate the performance of each. The fitting pro will look for any tendencies or habits to determine if changes or tweakings are needed to the grinds.
Step 3: Trouble Shots 
Even Tour Pro's have trouble shots, but having the right grind can greatly reduce or eliminate these shots. The Fitting Expert will ask the player if there are any particular shots they struggle with, recreate the situation, and then find a grind that will help alleviate the trouble.
Step 4: Short Game and Bunker Performance 
So many shots are played within 15 yards of the hole and having the right grind for your game around the green can help you save some of those shots. With their best performing grinds, the player will go through a series of greenside and bunker shots to determine the optimum grind for their golf clubs.


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