last wednesday was a 'short' time for chris and i to reconfirm what we're really short of, i.e., the carries of approaches and chips, to recap the short distances getting to the greens within about 100 yards, which might well be, in my opinion, the most important shots critical to saving a par when failed to reach the normal g.i.r., not to mention the birdies.
as the grip and the whole swing procedure were slightly altered yet the swing concept was up-side-down revolved, the carries of approaches and chips thus vary. i was so happy to make the adjustment, besides, so honored to help fix those of chris', whose swing is about to be grooved and in control regardless of his restless 'heartily' stubbornness.

110 56 s (square), f (full swing)
100 60 s, f
090 56 s, 1/2f
080 60 s, 1/2f
070 56 c (choked-down), o (open), f
060 60 c, o, f
050 56 c, o, 1/2f
040 60 c, o, 1/2f
030 56  h (hand-first, c, o, 1/4f)
020 60 h

one may ask, 'what if you encounter the distance in between'? 
well, this may depend on two ways to fix that: 
1. one or two inches down or up; take 75 yards as an example, you can pick a 60 with 1 inch down grip or a 56 with 1 inch back from its original cof, so is the picking when coming up with some 45 yards, namely, a 60 with 1 or 2 inches back from cof depending on the lie and break.
2. when facing some embarrassing very short yardages such as 8 yards to pin at fringe, you may remain the swing form and range but slightly lessen your shoulder tempo when you want to chip a 10 yard roll. if you won't sacrifice the consistant tempo, you'll have to make the range even shorter, that is, make it a 1/8 or less with the same rhythm and tempo. well, that's also doable. so pick one that suits you.

and the rest is best wishes of good luck and nice low for both chris!


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