
目前分類:英語 (362)

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Self-financed health check is a medical industry that has emerged in the past 10 years. However, due to early prior medical law restrictions, self-financed health check centers were unable to publish do advertising / take appealing linage into the market, which led to the closure shut down / close down of many small health check centers. However, with the ongoing economic environment and consumer market demand for health continued With the change in care along with the prevailing awareness of consumerism, the rising of consumerism and the changes in the supply and demand of the medical service market, the consumer awareness identification of medical services has gradually awakened. Especially as the scope of medical services is expanding, the nature of the services is becoming more complex, and the decision-making risks are increasing. Consumers must rely on sufficient information to make the best decision when choosing medical professional services therefore. The government is open liberal to encourage the management of private medical enterprises, and under the pressure of competition and throat-cutting survival in amid medical hospitals industries, the marketing methods originally used in the commercial world concurrence have become the means remedies of competition in the medical industry.

This study is based on consumers from the H Health Check Center, analyzing consumers' acceptance of self-financed health check hospitals using marketing advertisements, and using demographic variables and marketing advertisements to explore the significant impact factors of consumers. In this study, a questionnaire survey method was used utilized to collect 301 valid questionnaires. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and variance analysis (ANOVA) were used applied to analyze the differences between preference factors and demographic variables that do/may affect job performances.

This research conducted is also to analyzes whether different interviewees have different views on their characteristics. After According to statistical analysis readings, the following four important conclusions are drawn: 1. Men are obviously more agree with the marketing of self-financed medical advertising than women; 2. The higher the consumers' age, the more significant differences in "consumption pricing", "authenticity", and "advertising tools" they will be subject to; 3. Respondents with an education level below university (college) lower than college degree have are more aware of significant differences in the "consumption pricing" of medical advertising; 4. In terms of occupation, public education personnel disagree government employees and teachers agree the least with the marketing of self-funded medical advertisements the most in aspect of questionnaire respondents' occupations.

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Regarding power and organizational development, generally thought the average person may think that there is a contradictory relationship between the two. Considering the change of power as a negative factor affecting the development of the organization, rather or consider the two to be contradictory management methods. However, in practice, the process of changing the power of organization members and the management behavior of organization development in fact often co-exist, and each has its own growth and decline, and it is dynamically adjusted between each processes.

Organizational development has always been an important task job for business leaders, and it is also a challenge that leads the organization toward its goals. However, the development of the organization depends not only on the leader or manager of the organization but on every member of the organization. An organization is formed by a group of people and is born to pursue a specific purpose. Organization development is to create value and continue through effective management. In the process of organizational development, through reform and iteration, new goals and processes are produced, thus and finally the value being is reflected.

In a specific type of organization, such as a medical institution, because of the special nature of the industry, it is often difficult for people the average person to get a clearer big picture gain a glimpse of its management style and connotation, as well as various problems that may arise within the organization. And the nature of medical institutions is special, involving public policy, medical system, social morality and ranking rivalry power struggle, so it is not easy to discuss. Management textbooks discuss organizational behavior, strategy, or organizational design, but the organization's operations are conducted through the comprehensive interaction of various elements. When discussing power issues within an organization, it often becomes a sensitive issue, which easily leads to the balance of stakeholders. Therefore, this study uses text analysis as a tool to analyze the network positioning strategy under the integrated concept, and uses the indexed medical drama series "WAKE UP" as an analysis case to discuss the research on the development of medical organizations and changes in power.

From an organizational point of view, organizations value the resources and effectiveness that members can bring to the organization. Therefore, the organization of the organization's power structure is relatively important. Properly arranging the network position of the members can improve mutual network efficacy their effectiveness and balance manpower deploying the members in the organization. Power relationship. Whether it is of organization development or strategy execution, if the knowledge and goals of the organization members can be brought close to the organization goals, the organization members will more easily obtain the space for power development and can also promote the achievement of the organization goals.

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Domestic Violence Prevention Act
Amended Date:2015-02-04

Chapter 1 General
Article 1

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crimes    犯罪
illegal act    違法行為
public offense    功罪
compulsive    強制性規定


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輔仁大學法律學院 黃裕凱老師、劉晏齊老師 編著

1. “如果不”原則 “but for” rule


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  • Jun 12 Fri 2020 01:26
  • kahuna

卡胡納(英語:Kahuna)是一個夏威夷詞彙,是當地 對工匠、專家、僧侶、藥師、教師以及其他智者的總稱

用於神官的場合,最高地位的神官被稱為 Kahuna nui。用於藥師的場合,Kahuna lapaau 指的是精通藥草知識的人。用於專家的場合,可指劃獨木舟或衝浪的高手。現該字多引申為 '專家'、或 '最佳解答' 之意,類似 guru 或 master tips 等。

~ wiki

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On Good Deeds (美德善行)

There is a saying that goes like this: 'Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty'. It is a plea for people to do kind things for no particular reasons, with no particular plans. I don't know where it originated or who said it first. But I have seen people putting the idea into practice. (55)

On Good Deeds (好意施惠)


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You Needed Me 祢需要我

I cried a tear, you wiped it dry 我傷心 你拭乾我的淚
I was confused, you cleared my mind 我困惑 你使我明白
I sold my soul, you bought it back for me 我曾出賣了自己的靈魂 你又贖了回來

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  • May 05 Tue 2020 03:00
  • CK

補充先前女子英文名列 (https://repentor.pixnet.net/blog/post/222459560):

Chris 充滿自信

Claire 聰明的

Catherine 神聖


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giddy a. feeling silly, happy, and excited and showing this in one's behaviour

incidental a. not essential, minor, secondary, trivial, inconsequential

insularity n. provinciality (南部人), narrow-mindedness 

inexorable a. relentless, implacable

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intractable a. stubborn, unyielding, unruly, obstinate

intrepid a. exhibitin courage, undaunted

inundate v. submerge, overrwhelm

itinerant a./n. roving, wandering, traveling

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Cavatina (Italian diminutive of cavata, the producing of tone from an instrument, plural cavatine) is a musical term, originally meaning a short song of simple character, without a second strain or any repetition of the air. It is now frequently applied to any simple, melodious air, as distinguished from brilliant arias or recitatives, many of which are part of a larger movement or scena in oratorio or opera.

One famous cavatina is the 5th movement of Beethoven's String Quartet in B-flat major, Opus 130. "Ecco, ridente in cielo" from Gioachino Rossini's opera Il Barbiere di Siviglia, "Porgi amor" and "Se vuol ballare" from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro are also well-known cavatinas. Probably the most popular cavatina is a melody for classical guitar by Stanley Myers that was subsequently used as the theme for The Deer Hunter.

In opera, the term has been described as:

a musical form appearing in operas and occasionally in cantatas and instrumental music....In opera the cavatina is an aria, generally of brilliant character, sung in one or two sections without repeats. It developed in the mid-18th century, coincident with the decline of the previously favoured da capo aria (in which the musical form is ABA, with the repeated A section given improvised variations). Examples occur in the operas of Mozart, Weber, and Rossini. In 19th-century bel canto operas of Bellini, Donizetti, and Verdi the term came to refer to a principal singer’s opening aria, whether in one movement or paired with a contrasting cabaletta.

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AKA(=also known as)
ASAP(= as soon as possible)
BTW(=by the way)


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  • Mar 21 Sat 2020 20:00
  • nea

according to its officail website:

Formed on 1 July 2002, the National Environment Agency (NEA) is the leading public organisation responsible for ensuring a clean and green environment, and the sustainable development of Singapore. Its key roles are to protect Singapore's resources from pollution, maintain a high level of public health and provide timely meteorological information. 

NEA also develops and spearheads environmental initiatives and programmes through its partnership with the People, Public and Private sectors. It is committed to motivating every individual to care for the environment as a way of life, in order to sustain a quality living environment for present and future generations.

What We Do: We strive to achieve our mission of ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for Singapore through five key roles.

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mcavoy said to jenny:

and yeah, you sorority/fraternity girl/boy. just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day. there are some things you should know: one of them is there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we are the greatest country in the world. we are 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, 4th in labor force, and 4th in export. we lead the world in only three catagories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies. now none of these is the fault of a 20-year-old college student. but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the worst period generation ever. so, when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, i don't know what the f*** you are talking about. yosemite?

it sure used to be... we stood up for what was right: we fought for moral reasons. we past laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. we waged wars on poverty, not on poor people. we sacrificed. we cared about our neighbors. we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat out chest. we built great big things, made ungodly technological advanced, explored the universe, cured the disease, and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and world's greatest economy. we reach for the stars, acted like men. we aspired to intelligence. we didn't belittle it. it didn't make us inferior. we didn't identify ourselves by whom we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easily. we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men, who were revered. first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. america is not the greatest country in the world anymore.


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due to the outbreak of biochemi-strategy-oriented cornorvirus contraction, i strongly suggest you stay home longer during april. thus i have you recite some more... :)

  1. dismiss v. to refuse to acccept; discard; set aside
  2. disparage v. to belittle, redicule, mock, or sneer at
  3. disparity n. condition of inequality; discrepancy
  4. disperse v. to cause to break up or spread apart; to dissipate 
  5. disposition n. final arrangement; temperamental mood; temperament
  6. disseminate v. scatter as in sowing seeds
  7. enigma n. riddle; maze
  8. enmity n. mutual ill will; hatred; antagonism
  9. enumerate v. count one by one; itemize
  10. ephemeral a. lasting only a short time; transient
  11. epitome n. embodiment; quintessence; model
  12. equitable a. ipartial; evenhanded; unbiased
  13. equivocal a. unclear; shifty; evasive
  14. erudite a. learned; well-educated
  15. esoteric a. known only to few; abstruse; arcane; cryptic
  16. circumlocution n. euphemism; often misrepresentation
  17. exacerbate v. worsen; embitter
  18. exalt v. acclaim; elevate
  19. commendable a. exemplary; estimable
  20. exonerate v. exculpate; acquit
  21. expedient a. governed by self-benefit
  22. expedite v. hasten; speed up the progress with promptness
  23. explicit a. clearly defined, leaving nothing implied
  24. exploit n. brave deed; feat
  25. extraneous a. not pertinent to; irrelevant
  26. fallacious a. logically unsound
  27. falter v. waver; stumble; totter; stammer
  28. fastidious a. 難討好的、龜毛的 = fussy; finicky; picky; dainty
  29. fervor n. passionate intensity of feeling; zeal
  30. flagrant a. conspicuously bad; glaring; blatant; egregious




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  1. perfunctory a. lacking interest, care; not thorough
  2. peripheral a. outer part, pertaining to the surface, of minor importance
  3. piety n. religious devotion
  4. pithy a. terse and to the point
  5. placate v. appease, often by making concessions
  6. plausible a. appearing to worth believing
  7. polemical a. aggressive in verbal attack
  8. ponderous a very heavy, tedious, and awkward
  9. precarious a. dangerous because of unknown conditions
  10. precocious a. gifted, advanced in development
  11. precursor n. forerunner, predecessor, herald
  12. predilection a. partiality, preference, inclination; have a predilection for sth.
  13. insolent a. presumptuous, arrogant
  14. prodigal a. reckless with money, extravagant, spendthrift
  15. defile a. profane, descrate
  17. profusion n. abundant quantity; lavish expenditure
  18. proliferation n. rapid increase in numbers, propagation
  19. proponent n. not an opponent, advocate, champion, adherent
  20. prosaic a. dull and unimaginative, pedestrian
  21. proximity n. state of being close
  22. quandary n. predicament, state of perplexity
  23. quell v. overwhelm, put an end to
  24. fretful a. whining, petulant, peevish, querulous, habitually fussy and full of complaints
  25. quiescent a. temporarily inactive, dormant
  26. quixotic a. idealistic but impractical
  27. ramble v. amble, meander, digress
  28. rancor n. lasting resentment, bitterness
  29. haphazard a. random, accidental
  30. rant v. rave, speak grandiloquently, clamor, declaim
  31. ratify v. approve formally, corroborate
  33. rebuttal n. refutaion, denial, reply pointing out flaws in oppnent's argument
  34. recant v. openly confess error, repudiate, renounce, disclaim
  35. hermit n. recluse, loner
  36. recount v. give, tell , narrate a detailed account
  37. rectify v. fix, correct, remedy
  38. regimen n. a program or plan; regular couse of training
  39. relegate v. consign to an inferior position, banish
  40. remorse n. self-reproach, penitence
  41. renounce n. disown, repudiate; ex. even though joan d'arc knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch, she refused to renounce her belief that her voices came from God.
  42. reprehensible a. culpable, deserving blame
  43. reprimand n./v. strong rebuke, reproof
  44. reprove v. scold, generally in a gentle manner
  45. rescind v. repeal, void, retract, revoke
  46. reserve n. avoidance of intimacy, aloofness 矜持、內向、拘謹
  47. reticent a. taciturn, uncommunicative 木訥寡言
  49. disavow v. retract, withdral
  50. bombastic a. oratorical, rhetorical
  51. sage n. pundit, savant, guru
  52. sardonic a. showing little respect in a humorous but unkind way, sartirical
  53. scrupulous a. conscientious and exact, very very thorough, meticulous
  54. scrutiny n. inspection, clese and critical examination
  55. seclusion n. solitude, state of being removed from social contact
  56. servile a. slavishly (唯命是從的) submissive, fawning (flattering), cringing; 卑躬的;諂媚的
  57. sporadic a. intermittent, irregular
  58. spurious a. forged, conterfeit, fake
  59. squander v. spend foolishly, dissipate
  60. stagnant a. stale, static
  61. strident a. raucous, shrill
  62. subside v. dwindle, abate, lessen
  63. pedantic a. overly concerned with small details, didantic, nit-picking, bookish


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ascendancy n. position of dominance; controlling influence

assiduous a. careful and persistent (to a task); be assiduous in ving

astute a. shrewd, perceptive, clear-sighedness

augment v. to make larger or more numerous

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先說最大範圍:豆科 = legume family,這個字後來也被引申為 ‘菜蔬類’ 的總括。


1 青綠色的腎形 ‘青豆’ = bean(這個字也是總稱:泛指所有的 ‘豆類’)


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  • Feb 22 Sat 2020 20:00
  • talent

talent (n.)
late 13c., "inclination, disposition, will, desire," from Old French talent (12c.), from Medieval Latin talenta, plural of talentum "inclination, leaning, will, desire" (11c.), in classical Latin "balance, weight; sum of money," from Greek talanton "a balance, pair of scales," hence "weight, definite weight, anything weighed," and in later times sum of money," from PIE *tele- "to lift, support, weigh," "with derivatives referring to measured weights and thence money and payment" [Watkins]; see extol.

An ancient denomination of weight, originally Babylonian (though the name is Greek), and varying widely in value among different peoples and at different times. [Century Dictionary]
According to Liddell & Scott, as a monetary sum, considered to consist of 6,000 drachmae, or, in Attica, 57.75 lbs. of silver. Also borrowed in other Germanic languages and Celtic. Attested in Old English as talente). The Medieval Latin and common Romanic sense developed from figurative use of the word in the sense of "money." Meaning "special natural ability, aptitude, gift committed to one for use and improvement" developed by mid-15c., in part perhaps from figurative sense "wealth," but mostly from the parable of the talents in Matthew xxv.14-30. Meaning "persons of ability collectively" is from 1856.

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