ascendancy n. position of dominance; controlling influence
assiduous a. careful and persistent (to a task); be assiduous in ving
astute a. shrewd, perceptive, clear-sighedness
augment v. to make larger or more numerous
austere a. severely simple and unornamented
banal a. lacking originality
bane n. source of harm or ruin
belie v. to give a false impression (與...違和)
malignant a. not benign, not benevolent
bolster v. to support or to prop up
capitulate v. to give up resisting
capricious a. erratic, fickle, impulsive and unpredictable
impetus n. catalyst, stimulus
censorious a. highly faultfinding and critical, harshly censuring
cogent a. appealing to reason, well argued, convincing
colloquial a. pertaining to be conversational, common, or informal
complacency n. 舒適圈;安於現狀 (易與 compliance 混淆)
composure n. mental calmness, equanimity, being careen
conciliatory a. reconciling, appeasing, mollifying
concur v. to assent, to coincide
condone v. to treat as if harmless or unimportant
conflagration n. great fire, inferno, blaze
conjecture v. to duduce by guessing, to surmise, to speculate
constraint n. restriction and embarrassment
contend v. to compete, to struggle in rivalry
contentious a. controversial, belligerent
corroborate v. to support with evidence, to substantiate, to back up
credulity n. being credulous, tendency to believe too easily
cryptic a. obscure, hidden
debilitat v. to sap the strength of
decry v. to express strong disapproval of
deference n. courteous regard for another's wish, respect owed to a superior
definitive a. conclusive, authoritative, most complete
deleterious a. injurious to health, detrimental, pernicious
delineate v. to describe in detail, to depict
deprecate v. to belittle, to protest against
deride v. to scoff, to redicule scornfully
derivative a. 獼猴評文文正公 '正氣歌'
detachment n. 事不干己的態度;無關我事;勿涉
deterrent n. a deterrent to sth/sb; a curb; disincentive
devious a. roundabout, cunning
underling n. a person of low rank and little authority who works for someone more important
deffuse a. rambling, verbose, dispersed
degression n. divergence, detour
diminution n. reduction in size
discordant a. not in harmony to the ear, dissonant
to defame = to disgrace = to discredit = to disdain
disinclination = unwillingness = reluctance
to dictate vs being didactic (說教的)
confidence (確信) vs diffidence (怯信)