101. adherence [ədˈhɪrəns, æd-] n. U 堅持;固守;忠誠
She pays strict adherence to the rules.
Their adherence to democratic systems is unquestionable.
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91. acrobatics [ˌækrəˈbætɪks]
n. (1) (當複數用) 雜技,特技;(2) U 特技
- He performs acrobatics in the circus.
- Aerial acrobatics are marvelous.
- Acrobatics is hard to learn.
- Acrobatics is an art.
92. acronym [ˈækrəˌnɪm]
n. C 頭字語
- An example of an acronym is NATO, which is made up of the initial letters of “North Atlantic Treaty Organization.”
頭字語的一個例子是 NATO,它是由「北大西洋公約組織」的開頭字母構成的。
93. across-the-board [əˌkrɔs ðə ˈbɔrd]
a. (用在名詞前) 全面的
- Our company gave us an across-the-board salary increase of three percent.
- Across-the-board budget cuts.
94. acrylic [əˈkrɪlɪk]
n. U 壓克力
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81. acquiesce [,ækwɪˈɛs] (vi.) 默許
- They acquiesced in our plans. 他們默許了我們的計畫。
- Alice is so independent that she will never acquiesce. 愛麗絲很有主見,所以絕不會默許。
82. acquiescence [,ækwɪˈɛsəns] (n. U) 默許
- He smiled acquiescence. 他微笑表示默許。
- acquiescence in a plan 對一項計畫的默許。
83. acquiescent [,ækwɪˈɛsənt] (a.) 順從的
- She is an acquiescent person. 她是個很好說話的人。
- The boss thought they were acquiescent employees. 老闆認為他們是順從的員工。
84. acquisitive [əˈkwɪzɪtɪv] (a.)
- 好求得 [獲得] 的,貪得的;
- 渴望獲得…的
- an acquisitive mind 好學之心。
- acquisitive societies 貪婪的社會。
- an acquisitive person 貪婪的人。
- acquisitive nature [instinct] 獲取的本性 [本能]。
- He is acquisitive of knowledge. 他渴求知識。
- Many politicians are acquisitive of power. 很多政客欲獲得權力。
85. acquit [əˈkwɪt] (vt.) 宣告…無罪
- The jury acquitted the suspect. 陪審團宣告那名嫌疑犯無罪。
- The jury acquitted her of the crime. 陪審團宣告她無罪。
- She was acquitted on all charges. 她在各項指控都被宜告無罪
86. acquittal [əˈkwɪtəl] (n. C/U) 無罪開釋
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71. acculturate [ə`kʌltʃə,ret] (vt., vi.)
- The conquerors would acculturate the conquered.
- We should not try to acculturate the natives on the island.
72. acculturation [ə, kʌltʃə`reɪʃən] (n. U)
- Parents teaching their children the customs and values of their generation is one kind of acculturation.
73. acerbic [ə`sɜrbɪk] (a.)
- He has acerbic wit.
- His acerbic remarks hurt her very much.
74. acerbity [ə`sɜrbɪti] (n. U)
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61. accentuate [ækˈsɛntʃuˌet] vt. (1) 重讀;(2) …強調,使…更顯眼
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今年冬天真的好冷,超級冷(當然這是對亞熱帶體質的我來說),這種時候除了說 It's so cold! It's freezing! 之外,還有個很活潑的用法,用 stone cold 來形容超級冷,It is stone cold outside, I don't want to go out.(外面冷得要命,我不想出門。)如果你也覺得外頭 stone cold,正好在家裡熟悉下面十個單字吧!
51. abstraction [æbˋstrækʃən] n. (1) U 出神,發呆;(2) C 抽象概念
In utter abstraction I almost forgot her presence. 我完全出神了,幾乎忘記她在我眼前。
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41. abrogate [ˋæbrə͵get] vt. 廢除(法律等)
The old law has been abrogated. 那項舊法律已經被廢除.
abrogate a privilege 廢除一項特權。
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陰雨綿綿、濕漉漉的星期一,你有 Monday Blue 嗎?想來也是難免,那就讓我們憂鬱個五分鐘,然後來杯咖啡,搭配十個單字,開始美好的一天!
31. abode [əˋbod] n. C 住所;住處the abode of kings國王的住處。
The phone book lists her abode as 45 Nanyang Street. 電話簿所刊登的她的住所是南陽街四十五號。
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Three days in a row. 連續三天的GRE單字學習,明後天可以稍微 take a break,看看自強路上的其他文章,蓄積能量,星期一讓我們再度 hit the road.
21. abettor [əˋbɛtɚ] n. C 教唆者
The police also arrested the abettor. 警方也逮捕了那名教唆者。
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You're almost there. (快成功囉!)當然是開玩笑的,至少還有近兩萬字在後面窮追不捨,不過,別擔心, It's never wrong to do the right thing. 馬克吐溫(Mark Twain)告訴我們,堅持不懈就對了。
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英文單字何其多,每每讓人望而生畏。其實,只要切割成小單位,日起有功,不知不覺中的積累,實難想像。現在就讓我們開始「take ‘ten’ at a time」(原應做「take one at a time」,意指一件一件來,一個個處理)。
GRE 字彙 A 1-10
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