91. acrobatics [ˌækrəˈbætɪks]
n. (1) (當複數用) 雜技,特技;(2) U 特技
- He performs acrobatics in the circus.
- Aerial acrobatics are marvelous.
- Acrobatics is hard to learn.
- Acrobatics is an art.
92. acronym [ˈækrəˌnɪm]
n. C 頭字語
- An example of an acronym is NATO, which is made up of the initial letters of “North Atlantic Treaty Organization.”
頭字語的一個例子是 NATO,它是由「北大西洋公約組織」的開頭字母構成的。
93. across-the-board [əˌkrɔs ðə ˈbɔrd]
a. (用在名詞前) 全面的
- Our company gave us an across-the-board salary increase of three percent.
- Across-the-board budget cuts.
94. acrylic [əˈkrɪlɪk]
n. U 壓克力
- Acrylic is a material manufactured by a chemical process.
- Acrylic blankets.
95. act of God
n. C 天災
- An act of God is beyond human control.
- Typhoons and earthquakes are acts of God.
96. adage [ˈædɪdʒ]
n. C 俗諺
- “Two heads are better than one” is an adage.
- I remember an old adage: God helps those who help themselves.
97. adamant [ˈædəmənt, ˈædəmənt]
a. 堅決的
- He tried to persuade Mary, but she was adamant.
- He was adamant against temptation.
- She's adamant on this point.
98. addled [ˈædld]
a. 頭腦混亂的
- In his addled state, he couldn't remember why he had come here.
99. adduce [əˈdus, əˈdʒus]
vt. 引證;舉出
- He adduced reasons in support of a constitutional amendment.
100. adept [əˈdɛpt]
a. 熟練的,精通的,擅長的
- He's an adept mechanic.
- She's adept at playing the piano.
- She's quite adept at skating.
來看看across-the-board 的同義詞:
- comprehensive – 全面的,綜合的 The company made a comprehensive policy change.(公司進行了全面的政策變更。)
- universal – 普遍的,影響所有人的 The new rule had a universal effect on employees.(新規則對所有員工都有影響。)
- sweeping – 影響廣泛的,大範圍的 The government introduced sweeping reforms.(政府推出了大規模的改革。)
- wide-ranging – 涉及範圍廣的 The project had wide-ranging implications.(這個計畫有廣泛的影響。)
- all-encompassing – 全面的,無所不包的 The new strategy is all-encompassing.(這個新策略是全面性的。)
- blanket – 一概而論的,無差別的 The company issued a blanket ban on smoking.(公司頒布了全面禁煙令。)
across-the-board 與上述六個單字的比較:
1. comprehensive vs. across-the-board
- Comprehensive 指的是「涵蓋所有重要部分」,但可能有選擇性,並非絕對的「全面」。
- Across-the-board 更強調「沒有例外,所有人或事物都受到影響」。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market. (報告提供了市場的全面分析。)
- ✅ The company announced an across-the-board salary increase. (公司宣布全面加薪,所有人都適用。)
2. universal vs. across-the-board
- Universal 更偏向「適用於所有人或事物」,通常用來形容「普遍存在的原則、真理或規則」。
- Across-the-board 強調「無例外地適用於某個群體或範圍內的所有事物」,但範圍通常有限。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ Freedom of speech is a universal right. (言論自由是普世權利。)
- ✅ The company implemented an across-the-board policy change. (公司實施了全面性的政策變更。)
3. sweeping vs. across-the-board
- Sweeping(大範圍的、影響深遠的)通常帶有「劇烈變化、影響深遠」的意思,可能是消極的。
- Across-the-board 則更中性,強調「全面適用」,但不一定涉及重大變化。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ The government introduced sweeping economic reforms. (政府推出了影響深遠的經濟改革。)
- ✅ The company issued an across-the-board policy adjustment. (公司發布了一項全面性的政策調整。)
4. wide-ranging vs. across-the-board
- Wide-ranging 指的是「涉及的範圍很廣」,但不一定是全面適用的,而是涵蓋多個領域或不同方面。
- Across-the-board 則是「針對所有人或事物一視同仁」。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ The discussion covered wide-ranging topics. (討論涵蓋了廣泛的主題。)
- ✅ The government imposed an across-the-board tax increase. (政府實施了全面性的稅收增加。)
5. all-encompassing vs. across-the-board
- All-encompassing(無所不包的)比 across-the-board 更強調「完全包含一切、沒有遺漏」。
- Across-the-board 只是「無例外適用於某個範圍」,但可能不包含所有可能的方面。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ The project takes an all-encompassing approach to environmental issues. (這個專案採取了無所不包的環保措施。)
- ✅ The school enforced an across-the-board dress code. (學校實施了適用於所有人的穿著規範。)
6. blanket vs. across-the-board
- Blanket(一概而論的、無差別的)通常帶有「粗暴、不考慮細節」的語氣,而 across-the-board 更偏向「公平、普遍適用」。
- 例句對比:
- ✅ The government issued a blanket ban on alcohol sales. (政府頒布了一項無差別禁酒令。)
- ✅ The manager implemented an across-the-board policy revision. (經理實施了一項全面的政策修訂。)