螢幕快照 2025-02-27 上午9.52.06

81. acquiesce [,ækwɪˈɛs] (vi.) 默許

  • They acquiesced in our plans. 他們默許了我們的計畫。
  • Alice is so independent that she will never acquiesce. 愛麗絲很有主見,所以絕不會默許。

82. acquiescence [,ækwɪˈɛsəns] (n. U) 默許

  • He smiled acquiescence. 他微笑表示默許。
  • acquiescence in a plan 對一項計畫的默許。

83. acquiescent [,ækwɪˈɛsənt] (a.) 順從的

  • She is an acquiescent person. 她是個很好說話的人。
  • The boss thought they were acquiescent employees. 老闆認為他們是順從的員工。

84. acquisitive [əˈkwɪzɪtɪv] (a.)

  1. 好求得 [獲得] 的,貪得的;
  2. 渴望獲得…的
  • an acquisitive mind 好學之心。
  • acquisitive societies 貪婪的社會。
  • an acquisitive person 貪婪的人。
  • acquisitive nature [instinct] 獲取的本性 [本能]。
  • He is acquisitive of knowledge. 他渴求知識。
  • Many politicians are acquisitive of power. 很多政客欲獲得權力。

85. acquit [əˈkwɪt] (vt.) 宣告…無罪

  • The jury acquitted the suspect. 陪審團宣告那名嫌疑犯無罪。
  • The jury acquitted her of the crime. 陪審團宣告她無罪。
  • She was acquitted on all charges. 她在各項指控都被宜告無罪

86. acquittal [əˈkwɪtəl] (n. C/U) 無罪開釋

  • His acquittal was a big victory for him. 他獲得無罪開釋對他來說是一大勝利。
  • There were three acquittals in court yesterday. 昨天在法庭有三個案件不起訴。

87. acreage [ˈeɪkərɪdʒ] (n. U) 英畝數,面積

  • What is the acreage of your farm? 你的農場有多少英畝?
  • This farm has a considerable acreage. 這個農場面積相當大。

88. acrimonious [,ækrɪˈmoʊniəs] (a.) 尖刻的;劇烈的

  • They had an acrimonious quarrel. 他們有過一場劇烈的爭吵。
  • acrimonious words 尖刻的言詞。

89. acrimony [ˈækrɪˌmoʊni] (n. U) 尖刻;劇烈

  • Their argument was marked by acrimony on both sides. 他們的爭辯雙方都顯得尖刻。
  • acrimony over the issue 對該問題的尖刻情緒。

90. acrobat [ˈækrəˌbæt] (n. C) 特技表演者

  • He is a circus acrobat. 他是一位馬戲團的特技表演者。
  • The acrobat walked on ropes and performed difficult balancing acts. 那個特技表演者走繩索並表演困難的平衡動作。



​​​​​​​螢幕快照 2025-02-25 下午6.35.39

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