GRE 字彙 A 1-10

英文單字何其多,每每讓人望而生畏。其實,只要切割成小單位,日起有功,不知不覺中的積累,實難想像。現在就讓我們開始「take ‘ten’ at a time」(原應做「take one at a time」,意指一件一件來,一個個處理)。

GRE 字彙 A 1-10

1. aardvark [ˋɑrd͵vɑrk] n. C 非洲食蟻獸 

Aardvarks’ only food is ants and termites.  食蟻獸的唯一食物是螞蟻和白蟻。

An aardvark has a long sticky tongue and powerful claws. 食蟻獸有一根長且黏的舌頭和強有力的爪子。

2. aback [əˋbæk] adv. 吃驚 

I was taken aback by his indifference. 他的冷漠態度使我吃驚。

She was taken aback when he popped the question. 當他向她求婚時,她吃了一驚。

3. abacus [ˋæbəkəs] n. C 算盤 

The girl knows how to work an abacus. 那個女孩會打算盤。

The abacus is used for solving arithmetic problems. 算盤被用來解算術題。

4. abalone [͵æbəˋlonɪ] n. C 鮑魚.

An abalone looks like a large oyster. 鮑魚看起來像一個大牡蠣。

5. abase [əˋbes] vt. 貶低,使卑下 

Whoever betrays his county shall be abased. 背叛國家者應遭唾棄。

Jack abased himself by his cowardly behavior. 傑克因其怯懦的行為貶低了自己

6. abash [əˋbæʃ] vt. 使羞愧,困窘,或侷促不安

Nothing can abash him. 他的臉皮很厚。

His kindness quite abashed me.


7. abate [əˋbet] v. (1)減少,減輕(痛苦);降低(價錢);緩和(憤怒);(2)(風勢、雨勢、熱病)減低,減弱

The medicine will abate her pain. 這藥會減輕她的痛苦。

Soft words did not abate my fury. 輕聲細語無法消減我的怒氣。

The snowstorm abated on the third day. 暴風雪在第三天開始減弱。

Her fever has abated.  她的燒退了。

8. abatement [əˋbetmənt] n. (1) U 減少、減輕;(2) C 減價

the abatement of the storm. 暴風雨的轉弱。

The prices admit no abatement. 這些價格不能減少。

The store will effect an abatement next week. 那家商店下星期會打折。

9. abattoir [͵æbəˋtwɑr] n. C [英] 屠宰場 

The sheep were driven to the local abattoir. 那些綿羊被趕到了當地的屠幸場。

Modern abattoir kills cattle in a humane way. 現代的屠宰場以人道的方式宰殺牛隻。

10. abbess [ˋæbɪs] n. C 女修道院院長

The senior nun is now an abbess in a convent in France. 那位年長的修女現在是法國一家女修道院的院長。





hard to abate industries / sectors 難減排產業。2021年的聯合國氣候變遷大會COP26將重型陸運、航運、航空、鋼鐵、化工石化、水泥等排放大量溫室氣體的產業歸類為「難減排產業(Hard-to-abate Sector)」,另,航空、航運等高耗能交通業亦可納入。



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