felony 重罪 (antonym = minor crimes)
(an example of) serious crime that can be punished by one or more years in prison
affidavit / recognition 具結
a written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court.
perjury 偽證
the crime of telling lies in court when you have promised to tell the truth
parole 假釋
permission for a prisoner to be released before their period in prison is finished, with the agreement that they will behave well
probation 緩刑
a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison
bail 保釋
an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial. The payment is a way of making certain that the person will return to court for trial
because of a previous conviction, the judge refused to grant bail to allow the accused person to be released.
her parents have agreed to put up/stand/post bail for her.
he was remanded on bail of ten thousand dollars.
remand 羈押
to send someone accused of committing a crime away from court until their trial begins
he was remanded on theft charges.
fraudulent 詐欺 breach of trust 背信及 usury 重利罪
Offenses of Fraudulent, Breach of Trust, Taking, and Usury
conversion 侵占
larceny 竊盜
overrule/ reject 駁回
1 告訴狀Criminal Complaint
2 答辯狀Criminal Answer to the Complaint
3 聲請狀Criminal Application
4 聲請撤回告訴狀Application to Withdraw the Complaint
5 委任狀(被告代理人)Power of Attorney
6 和解書Settlement
7 聲請變更期日應訊狀Application to Change the Date of the Investigation
8 聲請變更送達處所狀Application for Changing the Address for Service of Process
9 聲請傳喚證人鑑定人狀Application for Witness Expert Witness Summons
10 聲請移轉管轄狀Motion to Transfer the Jurisdiction
11 聲請查復案件進行情形狀Application for the Informing of Case Progress
12 聲請檢察官提起上訴狀Request for Appeal by the Prosecutor
13 請求增(補)發書類聲請表Application for Additional Copies (Reissuance) of the Documents
14 聲請送達書類狀Application for the Document of Service of Process
15 聲請案移法院併自訴案審理狀Application to Transfer the Case to Another Court for the Combined Trial with Private Prosecution
16 刑事聲請再議狀(告訴人聲請再議)Application for Reconsideration in Criminal Proceeding
17 刑事聲請再議狀(被告聲請再議)Application for Reconsideration in Criminal Proceeding
18 聲請撤回再議狀Application to Withdraw the Reconsideration
19 請求解除限制出境聲請表Application for the Removal of Restriction from Leaving the ROC
20 請求發還刑事保證金聲請表Application for Refund of the Criminal Bail
21 委任書(領取刑事保證金)Power of Attorney(the agent to receive the bail)
22 委任書(領取證物、扣押物)Power of Attorney(he agent to receive the evidence)
23 請求發還證物扣押物聲請表Application for Return of Evidence or Seized Item
24 請求補發相驗屍體證明書聲請表Application for the Reissuance of the Autopsy Certificate
25 請求核發結案證明書聲請表Application for Certificate of Case Closure
26 聲請撤銷通緝狀Application to Cancel a Circular Order
27 平民法律扶助申請書Civilian Legal Aid Application Form
28 請求延期執行觀察勒戒聲請表Application for Postponing the Rehabilitation Treatment
29 請求停止延期執行聲請表Application for Suspending or Postponing the Execution
30 請求更定應執行刑聲請表Application for Determining the Sentence to be Executed
31 請求囑託執行聲請表Application for Executing the Sentence at A Convenient Venue
32 請求准予易科罰金聲請表Application Commuting the Imprisonment Term to a Fine
33 請求准予分期繳納罰金聲請表Application to Pay the Fine in Installments
34 請求准就殘刑繳納罰金聲請表Application for Paying a Fine for the Remaining Sentence
35 請求發監執行聲請表Application for Executing the Sentence of Imprisonment
36 請求發給執行完畢證明書聲請表Application for the Certificate of Sentence Completion
37 緩起訴處分執行完畢證明書聲請表Application for Certificate of Disposition of the Completion of Deferred Prosecution
#法律英文 #書狀 #格式 #表單 #法學英文