After reading the gist of the whole comedy, I realized what so-called the classic should be, the precious legacy orchestrated by Shakespeare, one of the greatest tycoons of English literature, or, to be mentioned more precisely, the morning star of generic civilization of mankind.

Shakespeare's comedy 'The Taming of the Shrew' in his early written works in 1593, which was at the background of new rising bourgeoisies and was of full irony and in sarcasm style for stage play, was performed at the gayest period of Shakespeare's robust career.

The main shaft of the story was about a shrewish and pungent girl, Katherine, who was a pain in everyone's ass in the whole town. Yet Katherine was accosted by a smart young man Petruccio from far away, and Petruccio should propose to her boldly. As every villager couldn't wait to see what happened when the guy married the lioness, Petruccio turned out to 'tame' the beast into its utmost complaisance.

It may not be well accepted in terms of the means Petruccio had taken to deal with his wife with a view from a modern society. However, Petruccio was regarded as a successful man to perform the decent 'manhood' in Medieval times. His ways to approach this was also considered humourous and wise at that time.

I saw Shakespeare's awareness of the malicious tradition of marriage trading in feudalistic system, which was fairly rare in Shakespeare's master pieces. The play showcased explicitly the cruelty of manipulation of noble human virtue of merits such as true love and freedom, the inherent essential rights of survival. Thus I appreciated the insight of Shakespeare to overlook such ulcer in far early times and as well the height of his works, which were extraordinary and transcending beyond other contemporaries, simply second to none.

Above all, I should thank my English teacher, who assigned this homework to us. Without our dear teacher, it is unlikely for all of us to take time reading the excellent story by the excellent playwright the world could ever have. In the light of this, I noticed the glistening gem of education, in which I owe my gratefulness and love to our spiritual mentor.

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