8 formulations avail themselves of the unitary and the holistic.
The theories of science of religion has been transformed during the past ten years, which enables the researchers to change the importance of systematic study of culture and religion to the attending to believers that are attached to it. Thus the researchers don't regard religions as a system, but a phenomenon, and they observe from the aspects of a believer or a practitioner how to realize a religion and avail oneself of it as well as to know how religion melts into their livings. The researchers therefore find out that religion is not a rigidly comparted or isolated field to be realized through some specific model or theory from which the believers could render to various interpretations.

The new trend of religeous movement after the half past of 20th century is:
the return to religeous fundamantalism and traditions,
the denounce over the degeneration and being astray of modern civilizations in a seemingly highly updated syndicatic preaching methods by means of individual karisma.
The trend traces itself back to traditions but with considerable sensitivity of innovation and novelty, which challenge the earlier doctrine 'secularization' that led to the introspections the inner teachings of pure duality of epistemology amid being 'traditional/modern' or 'sacred/secular'. 


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