
  1. perfunctory a. lacking interest, care; not thorough
  2. peripheral a. outer part, pertaining to the surface, of minor importance
  3. piety n. religious devotion
  4. pithy a. terse and to the point
  5. placate v. appease, often by making concessions
  6. plausible a. appearing to worth believing
  7. polemical a. aggressive in verbal attack
  8. ponderous a very heavy, tedious, and awkward
  9. precarious a. dangerous because of unknown conditions
  10. precocious a. gifted, advanced in development
  11. precursor n. forerunner, predecessor, herald
  12. predilection a. partiality, preference, inclination; have a predilection for sth.
  13. insolent a. presumptuous, arrogant
  14. prodigal a. reckless with money, extravagant, spendthrift
  15. defile a. profane, descrate
  17. profusion n. abundant quantity; lavish expenditure
  18. proliferation n. rapid increase in numbers, propagation
  19. proponent n. not an opponent, advocate, champion, adherent
  20. prosaic a. dull and unimaginative, pedestrian
  21. proximity n. state of being close
  22. quandary n. predicament, state of perplexity
  23. quell v. overwhelm, put an end to
  24. fretful a. whining, petulant, peevish, querulous, habitually fussy and full of complaints
  25. quiescent a. temporarily inactive, dormant
  26. quixotic a. idealistic but impractical
  27. ramble v. amble, meander, digress
  28. rancor n. lasting resentment, bitterness
  29. haphazard a. random, accidental
  30. rant v. rave, speak grandiloquently, clamor, declaim
  31. ratify v. approve formally, corroborate
  33. rebuttal n. refutaion, denial, reply pointing out flaws in oppnent's argument
  34. recant v. openly confess error, repudiate, renounce, disclaim
  35. hermit n. recluse, loner
  36. recount v. give, tell , narrate a detailed account
  37. rectify v. fix, correct, remedy
  38. regimen n. a program or plan; regular couse of training
  39. relegate v. consign to an inferior position, banish
  40. remorse n. self-reproach, penitence
  41. renounce n. disown, repudiate; ex. even though joan d'arc knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch, she refused to renounce her belief that her voices came from God.
  42. reprehensible a. culpable, deserving blame
  43. reprimand n./v. strong rebuke, reproof
  44. reprove v. scold, generally in a gentle manner
  45. rescind v. repeal, void, retract, revoke
  46. reserve n. avoidance of intimacy, aloofness 矜持、內向、拘謹
  47. reticent a. taciturn, uncommunicative 木訥寡言
  49. disavow v. retract, withdral
  50. bombastic a. oratorical, rhetorical
  51. sage n. pundit, savant, guru
  52. sardonic a. showing little respect in a humorous but unkind way, sartirical
  53. scrupulous a. conscientious and exact, very very thorough, meticulous
  54. scrutiny n. inspection, clese and critical examination
  55. seclusion n. solitude, state of being removed from social contact
  56. servile a. slavishly (唯命是從的) submissive, fawning (flattering), cringing; 卑躬的;諂媚的
  57. sporadic a. intermittent, irregular
  58. spurious a. forged, conterfeit, fake
  59. squander v. spend foolishly, dissipate
  60. stagnant a. stale, static
  61. strident a. raucous, shrill
  62. subside v. dwindle, abate, lessen
  63. pedantic a. overly concerned with small details, didantic, nit-picking, bookish



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