Self-financed health check is a medical industry that has emerged in the past 10 years. However, due to early prior medical law restrictions, self-financed health check centers were unable to publish do advertising / take appealing linage into the market, which led to the closure shut down / close down of many small health check centers. However, with the ongoing economic environment and consumer market demand for health continued With the change in care along with the prevailing awareness of consumerism, the rising of consumerism and the changes in the supply and demand of the medical service market, the consumer awareness identification of medical services has gradually awakened. Especially as the scope of medical services is expanding, the nature of the services is becoming more complex, and the decision-making risks are increasing. Consumers must rely on sufficient information to make the best decision when choosing medical professional services therefore. The government is open liberal to encourage the management of private medical enterprises, and under the pressure of competition and throat-cutting survival in amid medical hospitals industries, the marketing methods originally used in the commercial world concurrence have become the means remedies of competition in the medical industry.

This study is based on consumers from the H Health Check Center, analyzing consumers' acceptance of self-financed health check hospitals using marketing advertisements, and using demographic variables and marketing advertisements to explore the significant impact factors of consumers. In this study, a questionnaire survey method was used utilized to collect 301 valid questionnaires. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and variance analysis (ANOVA) were used applied to analyze the differences between preference factors and demographic variables that do/may affect job performances.

This research conducted is also to analyzes whether different interviewees have different views on their characteristics. After According to statistical analysis readings, the following four important conclusions are drawn: 1. Men are obviously more agree with the marketing of self-financed medical advertising than women; 2. The higher the consumers' age, the more significant differences in "consumption pricing", "authenticity", and "advertising tools" they will be subject to; 3. Respondents with an education level below university (college) lower than college degree have are more aware of significant differences in the "consumption pricing" of medical advertising; 4. In terms of occupation, public education personnel disagree government employees and teachers agree the least with the marketing of self-funded medical advertisements the most in aspect of questionnaire respondents' occupations.






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