according to its officail website:

Formed on 1 July 2002, the National Environment Agency (NEA) is the leading public organisation responsible for ensuring a clean and green environment, and the sustainable development of Singapore. Its key roles are to protect Singapore's resources from pollution, maintain a high level of public health and provide timely meteorological information. 

NEA also develops and spearheads environmental initiatives and programmes through its partnership with the People, Public and Private sectors. It is committed to motivating every individual to care for the environment as a way of life, in order to sustain a quality living environment for present and future generations.

What We Do: We strive to achieve our mission of ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for Singapore through five key roles.

High Public Health Standards: We maintain an effective surveillance programme for vector-borne diseases and the control of vector populations. We shape social norms against littering and maintain an effective cleaning regime in public places to guard against environmentalrelated diseases. We also provide cremation, burial and columbarium services, and operate Singapore's public after-death facilities. 

Vibrant Hawker Centres and Hawker Trade: We develop and manage hawker centres as vibrant communal spaces, offering a wide variety of affordable food, in a clean and hygienic environment. 

Safe, Healthy and Conducive Living Environment: We control air and water pollution, and regulate hazardous substances and toxic industrial waste. We also safeguard the public, radiation workers, and the environment against the harmful effects of radiation.

Resource Efficient and Sustainable Singapore: We promote energy efficiency and conservation to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. We plan, develop and manage the solid waste management system in Singapore and promote 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) to conserve resources. 

Timely and Reliable Weather Information and Hazard Preparedness: We provide up-to-date weather information and climate services to support public safety and socio-economic activities. We also issue haze alerts and provide vital meteorological services to the aviation and maritime communities.

and mcavoy said it is a loser. it accounts for a penny out of our paycheck, but it gets to hit you with such penny thing anytime it wants. it doesn't cost money; it costs votes, airtime, and column inches... hahaha


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