giddy a. feeling silly, happy, and excited and showing this in one's behaviour

incidental a. not essential, minor, secondary, trivial, inconsequential

insularity n. provinciality (南部人), narrow-mindedness 

inexorable a. relentless, implacable

inert a. indolent

ineffable a. unable to be put into words

induce v. persuade, convince

indolent a. habitually lazy, slothful, sluggish

indict v. incriminate, inculpate

indiscriminate a. happazard, arbitrary, choosing at random

indefatigable a. tireless, untiring, unflagging

incorrigible a. incurable, unruly, incapable of being reformed

inane a. lacking a point or sense, empty-headed

inadvertent a. exhibiting a lack of attention 

impudence n. insolence, impertinence, disregard for others

impede v. thwart

impecunious a. impoverished, penniless

immutable a. static, unchangeable

immaterial a. not important

illicit a. illegal

iconoclastic a. attacking cherished traditions, impious

pecking order n. an informal social system in which some people or groups know they are more or less important than others:
ex There's a clearly established pecking order in this office.
ex He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.

dissidence n. heresy, opinion contrary to popular belief

hedonist n. epicurean, sensualist

haughtiness n. disdain toward persons lower in rank or status

hackneyed a. clichéd, trite, unoriginal see 'hackney'

guile n. crafty or cunning deception, deceit, duplicity, wiliness (wiles)

gratuitous a. not necessary, uncalled for

glutton n. gourmand, chowhound

garrulous a. rambling, roundabout, excessively conversational

furtive a. done in a secretive or shifty manner, surreptitious

formulaic a. following a set of procedure

foolhardy a. rash, reckless, imprudent, foolishly bold

florid a. tinged with red, having an overly decorated literary style, ruddy

flippant a. lacking proper seriousness, frivolous, impertinent

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