2019/ 05/ 20 由師父領進門之後,今天起開始不定期階段性記錄 (自己) 學習小提琴 (以後就稱她作 '小葫蘆' 啦) 所遇疑問與認為該注意或最想知道的事項,用自問自查自答自評的方式呈現,不見得正確,所以會不時更正更新舊文:
@ 對照鋼琴,小提琴的音域為何?
共四根弦,最粗、最低音的那根 (通稱的第四根;空弦,下同) = 低八度 G、第三根 = 中央 D、第二根 = 中央 A、第一根 = 高八度 E
@ 怎麼保養小提琴?
2019/ 05/ 20 由師父領進門之後,今天起開始不定期階段性記錄 (自己) 學習小提琴 (以後就稱她作 '小葫蘆' 啦) 所遇疑問與認為該注意或最想知道的事項,用自問自查自答自評的方式呈現,不見得正確,所以會不時更正更新舊文:
@ 對照鋼琴,小提琴的音域為何?
共四根弦,最粗、最低音的那根 (通稱的第四根;空弦,下同) = 低八度 G、第三根 = 中央 D、第二根 = 中央 A、第一根 = 高八度 E
@ 怎麼保養小提琴?
如果你已經有心儀的樂器,並且決定非它不可,那麼可以跳過本文。如果你還不知道想學哪一門樂器、或者只是想認識音樂、了解一下樂器學習的入門、以及學習投資報酬是否划算,那本文非常值得一讀。現於篇幅與有限的經驗,這裡只談 '三大樂器':小提琴、鋼琴、吉他的學習。
成人學樂器,若選小提琴,則 千萬要三思 啊啊啊!因為入門難度實在太大了。
Transformers will know how to "face the music", too! First I have to admit that I am a passionate lover of jazz drums; also I'm a believer of great products usually being from great brands. And Vic Firth is one of them, perhaps the number one drum sticks factory in the world.
Here I would like to introduce you the general concepts of what is known as "drum sticks", pairs of esential instruments that would give much color to jazz drums and revive the fine texture and dynamic grain of percussion. Aside from a good drumset, we should know what kind of drum sticks fits you most and creats the least undue shocks on the wrists along with the most effective rebounce and flexibility.
At one time, sticks were generally "classified" into 3 categories: "A" for Orchestra/Jazz/Acoustic settings, "B" for Band and "S" for Street (Marching). However, those general descriptions no longer apply across the board. Percussionists today have a wide selection of implements to create exactly the sound and feel that they desire for any given situation.
Like a chef who wouldn't dream of using a meat cleaver to dice tomatoes, a great drummer wouldn't dream of using a heavy rock stick on a jazz gig! While it will ultimately be up to you to choose the perfect stick, this article will give you some general guidelines and give you a great starting point to begin experimenting with different sticks for different applications!