
目前分類:樂器 (43)

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@ 肩膀還是疼痛 (可能是高球害的,不能都怪給小提琴)。每日練習時間仍不能擴充,但好多了、有逐漸增加的期待。

@ 將 第二號學生協奏曲 第三樂章 seitz op.12 平順流暢演奏完畢後,當作前面所有基本動作的總結成發,就四四六六算通過啦 哈哈~ 然後該跟中提琴家見個面囉;馬的,聽說他日前背叛了他的中提琴、開始全心投入小提琴的演奏世界,在樂團竟提出改換演奏席位的聲請。幹,從他現在練習的曲目便知,他越拉越好了。不行,我得加把勁惹... XD

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@ 日前因為肩傷 (電腦、揮桿、拉琴、久坐、過肥),停了一個多月,現在好多、可以恢復摸小狐狸啦;加上聽 ray 說到一個訊息,更加想提前開始惹:

拉小提琴一小時,約可燃燒 170 Kcal 的熱量!

就算我這種等級無腦沒難度,好歹也要耗個一百大卡吧?太好了,一舉數得喔~ XD

@ 有些小曲,沒有鋼琴伴奏乾拉實在不怎麼悅耳,誠徵鋼琴伴奏一名。

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抵住腮托是個力、方向向下;肩托是個力、方向向上,上下抵銷,小提琴得以撐住,感覺上毋須出力。手 (虎口) 須扶住琴身嗎?一點點吧、或幾乎不用,或最多用左手拇指肉墊或稍下方 (尤其是手小者,此因人演奏習慣而異) 輕微支撐即可、與肩膀約略同向、與按弦下壓的力量相抵;左拇稍微出力相抵即可,不要整個 '握住' 琴頸,否則手指不可能放鬆、不能放鬆就不能快速移動、作動笨拙,那還拉個屁琴啊?

兩對相反力、共同抵銷,須至無覺無感、指尖律動無礙,後方有流暢運弓之餘地。指不能無念、遑論多變之弓法?試試看凱撒 9 + 10A、B,若手指移動能順暢無礙,便為領略輕鬆使力之初證。


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  • Apr 10 Fri 2020 03:00
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7 Reasons why you should be Playing on your Fingertips

I come across a fair number of violin students who have got into a habit of playing with flat left hand fingers. These can differ from almost completely flat fingers to varying degrees of uprightness.

What are the advantages of playing on fingertips compared with playing with flat fingers? What are the most frequently seen possible causes of playing with flat fingers? Playing on fingertips is beneficial for almost every aspect of the left hand technique: 

1. Playing fingers on fingertips helps improve intonation


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光是把第三本的第六、七兩頁拉好拉滿,足以耗去我整個 2020 後半年。所以必須制定一個 ‘不用看譜快速練習模式’,以節省翻譜查閱的繁瑣:

@ 將全二頁分為四小段、每段分別僅主一弦、依序為 E、A、D、G (從難入手);一弦六行、四弦共二十四行。毋須一段以數弦拉奏。

@ 礙於時空限制、駑鈍的資質、與笨拙的手指,一天僅能允許練習一行;貪多要剁手指。

@ 從今起,恐怕不能再躲了:背譜 = 將把位刻在腦子裡...

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以後暫時沒有小葫蘆了,因為有個人說他要準備考試、沒空練 (藉口啦 ㄏ),所以我把我的小葫蘆先收著、然後把他的小阿姨給海盜過來用、然後將小阿姨重新命名為 '小狐狸',至於還有一把愛樂社社長的收藏 (德國手工琴),今後稱他為 '小王子'。

今天終於完成了第三把位的基本練習 (#1~#32),整整一個月 ㄎ。所以以後不斷重複練習此段就好,再過來的 harmonics 就稍等等囉。重點將放在 '3rd pos.' 與 'kaiser 1~12':音準、音準、音準、relaxing、phrase、balance、and bowing。覺得我對自己還是不夠嚴格,有點妥協自己的嫌疑喔... :)

不知為什麼,還滿喜歡小提琴的。well, wish me luck.

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Why do pianos have 88 keys?
1 February 2019, 16:41 | Updated: 1 February 2019, 16:46

A standard piano has 88 keys: 52 white and 36 black. But who decided this number would be the norm, and why?

Before the piano was invented, composers wrote a lot of music for the harpsichord, which has just 60 keys. This meant that everything they wrote was limited to the harpsichord’s five-octave range.

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一、凱撒 1~12 = 一天一首

二、第三把位教程 (p.54~65) = 目前一天十小節以下


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What is the Suzuki Method?
February 28, 2012, 9:01 AM · Laurie Niles

As a Suzuki teacher for about 20 years, as well as the editor of Violinist.com for the past 15, I have tried to make this guide to the Suzuki Method both simple and comprehensive, to help you understand the Suzuki Method and have access to more information about it.

Shin'ichi Suzuki

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Violin Strings
Eliminate the guesswork and find the perfect strings for your instrument
by Richard Ward AUGUST 22, 2012

Some violinists stick with the strings they’ve been using for years, while others constantly seek different strings that might improve their instrument’s sound or make playing easier. These days, string players face a multitude of choices when it comes to picking violin strings, including a cavalcade of E strings that come plated in platinum, gold, and silver, among other materials. Trying every available string on the market to find your dream strings is probably unrealistic, but you can make an educated guess about a string’s sound if you understand some of the qualities of its core and winding materials, string tension, and the general tonal and playing qualities of each brand.

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some 'peggy' things

To understand a little about how different pegs affect the overall sound of the violin, we need to look at the different materials that they are made from.

Plastic Pegs
These are the worst, to put it bluntly! Plastic pegs are not that common, but they do can come on low budget violin outfits that are ordered online and when the purchaser didn’t know to check. They will never stay in tune as the material can’t grasp the wood of the pegbox. Be careful and make sure that any violin you buy has wooden pegs.

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10 Best Violin Bows in 2019
By Music Critic Staff -Last Updated: October 23, 2019

Today we are looking at some of the best traditional, genuine Brazilian Pernambuco bows and their modern counterparts to help narrow down the best carbon fiber and Pernambuco Violin bows for sale online. With so many on the market choosing a new bow can be a nightmare, especially given the fact their tactile quality is a key factor. A good bow should feel like a natural extension of your arm. Pernambuco used to be the only way to go, but with the woods at near extinction and heavy restrictions inflating its value, carbon fiber resin bows have become increasingly popular over the last 2 decades. 

With that in mind we are going to compare ten of the best bows and answer your queries in our buyers guide:

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Cheap Violins for Sale Are Not a Good Deal
November 4, 2010 by Laurie Niles on violinist.com

If you are new to the violin, you might be tempted to buy one of the low-priced violins advertised all over the Internet – by low-priced I mean anything under about $300.

Don't do it.

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為了 '第一把位雙弦技巧 (for G D A)' 而寫的小練習曲,改編自 '月亮代表我的心',還不錯聽喔 ㄏ:

C4/4 adante .=1/2beat ..=1beat etc. x=pause .


13... 3. 51... 1.

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条崎二 50~51 頁、九組大小調上下行音階、琶音,夠我練許久了。以現有時空言,計畫半年內完成,標準是‘自己聽起來順且爽’。較有趣的是,本來有十二組大小調,崎哥只選了 C + 升降個四個,也就是 C (a)、G (e)、D (b)、A (#f)、E (#c)、F (d)、bB (g)、bE (c)、bA (f) 等九個大調;沒有 bD、#F (bG)、以及 B 大調 (同理也就沒有 bB、be、bA 等小調了)。為什麼呢?是因為少用?小提琴作曲家多半不愛這三個調性的曲目?還是不好搭配其他器樂的合奏?

管他媽嫁給誰,先搞這九個就對了。從 1/11 開始算,看看實際上何時練熟。

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1. 降 b 大調、g 小調的音階與琶音上下行

2. 音色的控制已漸趨 平順穩定,不抖不刮不跳,應該是持弓的掌控又進步些惹   ㄏ爽

雖說當初的約定講好是 '只有進度表、沒有時間表',每天練不到半個鐘頭;但有個王八蛋嗆說他快要過來進行二重奏測驗了,只好再加把勁兒囉... XD

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有一位女士,在聽完海飛茲演奏 柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲第一樂章 後,顧不得整首樂曲還沒完畢,興奮的衝到台前大聲喊道:



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世界級名小提琴演奏家之中,猶太人竟有這麼多 (紅標者為我所熟知):

Joseph Achron
Licco Amar
Leopold Auer

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學習小提琴的 24 箴言




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2019-08-08 ‧ MUZIK AIR 編輯部

最講究方法、不吝挑戰常規、教出了陳銳與曾宇謙的美國小提琴名家亞倫.羅桑(Aaron Rosand,1927~2019)教你怎麼好好練一場琴。


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