世界級名小提琴演奏家之中,猶太人竟有這麼多 (紅標者為我所熟知):
Joseph Achron
Licco Amar
Leopold Auer
Yuri Bashmet
Joshua Bell 1
Adolf Brodsky
Isidore Cohen
Ferdinand David
Mischa Elman
Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst
Aldo Ferraresi 2
Julia Fischer 3
Carl Flesch
Pamela Frank
Miriam Fried
Joseph Fuchs
Felix Galimir
Josef Gingold
Ivry Gitlis
Vadim Gluzman
Szymon Goldberg
Jakab Grün
Ida Haendel
Emil Hauser
Jascha Heifetz
Gustav Hollaender
Daniel Hope 4
Bronislaw Huberman
Joseph Joachim
Oleg Kagan
Ilya Kaler
Leonid Kogan
Rudolf Kolisch
Miriam Kramer
Fritz Kreisler 5
Gidon Kremer 6
Izydor Lotto
Albert Markov
Alexander Markov
Lord Yehudi Menuhin
Anne Akiko Meyers 7
Nathan Milstein
Shlomo Mintz
Mischa Mischakoff
Erica Morini
Tivadar Nachez
David Oistrakh
Igor Oistrakh 8
György Pauk
Itzhak Perlman
Mark Peskanov
Michael Rabin
Aaron Rosand
Arnold Rosé
Alexander Schneider
Toscha Seidel
Gil Shaham
Hagai Shaham
Oscar Shumsky
Joseph Silverstein
Julian Sitkovetsky
Vladimir Spivakov
Tossy Spivakovsky
Arnold Steinhardt
Isaac Stern
Henryk Szeryng
Joseph Szigeti
Henri Temianka
Lionel Tertis
Maxim Vengerov
Henryk (Henri) Wieniawski
Efrem Zimbalist
Nikolaj Znaider
Pinchas Zukerman
Paul Zukofsky
1. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See article in New York Magazine by Charles Michner, 16 July 1990.
2. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See
3. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father; see 21 July 2005 interview with Julia Fischer: "Maturity is all in a musician's mind," by Andrew Clark in The Financial Times (London). Clark writes of Fischer that "she is the product of nature as much as nurture. Her Jewish mother - 'everything comes from her' - is a pianist of Slovak descent; her German father, a computer specialist, 'is the most passionate listener to music I've ever known.'"
4. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See
5. Kreisler never acknowledged his Jewish background, but both of his parents came from Jewish families. Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) lists his religion as "israelitisch dann katholisch" ("Jewish, then Catholic"). Amy Biancolli's biography Fritz Kreisler: Love's Sorrow, Love's Joy (Amadeus Press, Portland Oregon, 1998) contains an extensive discussion of Kreisler's Jewish background (see Chapter 8: "Kreisler the Catholic, Kreisler the Jew"). She cites a 1992 interview with Franz Rupp, Fritz Kreisler's piano accompanist in the 1930s, which was conducted by David Sackson. Rupp is quoted as stating that he once asked Kreisler's brother, the cellist Hugo Kreisler, about their Jewish background, to which Hugo responded simply, "I'm a Jew, but my brother, I don't know." Viennese Jewish communal archives contain the birth records of both Fritz and Hugo Kreisler, as well as Hugo's 1929 burial record. They also contain the marriage record of their parents, Dr. Samuel Kreisler and Anna Reches. The birth records of Fritz and Hugo give Anna Reches' Jewish name as "Chaje Riwe" (rendered as "Chaje Ribe" in Hugo's record). There are numerous other individuals surnamed "Reches" in the Jewish archives. Biancolli indicates that Fritz's mother was most probably not of Jewish origin, but this assertion is apparently incorrect. According to Louis Lochner's 1950 biography Fritz Kreisler, Kreisler was reared as a Roman Catholic. However, according to unpublished parts of the manuscript uncovered by Biancolli in the Library of Congress, he was baptized only at the age of twelve. The bottom line seems to be that Kreisler was entirely Jewish by descent and his reticence on the subject primarily an attempt to placate his highly anti-Semitic wife Harriet. ("Fritz hasn't a drop of Jewish blood in his veins!" she is said to have vehemently responded to an inquiry from Leopold Godowsky. Godowsky retorted: "He must be very anemic.")
6. Jewish father; see
7. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother. In an April 5, 2002 interview with Derek Paiva in The Honolulu Advertiser, Meyers is described as being "of Jewish and Japanese ancestry."
8. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
"And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples, as dew from the Lord, as showers upon the grass..." MICAH 5:7
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