從前,有一位高姓大力士拿起 Taylormade R10 球桿,用力一揮,竟揮出一道彩虹...

To be a nice golfer with efforless powerful swing and eligible trajectories, you need to know the following seven rules, the Grand Sevens:

1. Alignment (accuracy): Consistant spine angle during take-up, down swing, impact, and follow through. Consistant head position at address, initiation, weight shift, and impact.

2. Range (distance): Ideal full shoulder (90"), left arm (60") amplitudes, and sheer hip turn (30") with the straightened left arm.

3. Sequence (accuracy and distance): The consummating swing procedure consists in the timely motion linkages of left shoulder - arms - wrists and hands - hip and legs - shoulders - right arm - right wrist and hand, which are all done under a perfect and smooth right-left weight shift.

4. Independence (accuracy and distance): Each motion compartment should work independently but in accordance with one another.

5. Hip-torso turn (distance): To hit far, the club head speed is never too high should the torq does enable the club head adequate power if only the hip and torso turn speed is high enough. Besides, significant 'cylinder rotation' enables a good timing to weight shift when down swing.

6. Right hand drop and exertion (distance): Pertaining to maintain the constant path for both hands for firm impact from inside out within take-up and impact and enhance the club speed through the adroit and skilled right hand and wrist. So your right hand needs a good 'course'!

7. Left hand lead (accuracy and distance): At impact, keep the left hand exorable, especially the left wrist, TOTALLY subject to your right hand, which is a dominating hand keeping snuggling inward the bottom of the grip, or upon the left hand, and slide alongside the target line with the left hand glove logo square to the target line as possible to maintain the square impact brought forth by the powerful right hand.

Take heart, and take to heart, and your swing will be hearty...


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