Georg Friedrich Schenck was born in Aachen Germany in 1953. Graduating from Hanover Music College (student of Bernhard Ebert), he took masterclasses with Claudio Arrau, and then was a student of the American pianist Andre Watts for many years.

In 1986, Schenck was appointed Professor of Piano in the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf. As a performer, Schenck has a wide repertoire. In 1987/88, he recorded the complete Beethoven's piano sonatas and published recordings of Hindemith's piano music, as well making a prize-winning recording of Brahms' piano transcriptions. Contemporary composer Adriana Hölszky dedicated to him a work entitled Hearing Window for Franz Liszt, which was first performed in Frankfurt in 1989.

Among his past students is Bulgarian pianist Evgeni Bozhanov.

如此乾淨有力的貝多芬詮釋,繼 emil、gulda 之後,許久不曾聽過啦



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