Changes are not always satisfactory, yet sometimes they are omens to indicate progress and determination. Having being a high school student for only two weeks, I found myself somehow perplexed and even vexed, for not doing well in all the subjects to a degree, but the stalement and the sluggishness I still remained, which would humiliate the solemn outfit of black and white as well as the valiant denominator of this historical pristine campus.

Changes, are what I need desperately to improve my curent impassive, lukewarm situation of learning. To keep in path with the peers and the basical standards from instructors of most subjects - well, English is perhaps the one to be in the maintainance pit in no time - I need to make the most of my free time and, what is crucial and essential, a detailed schedule of daily arrangement.
According to personal experience from a queue of my good friends, also best model students in my junior high shool, utilizing some study skills will make you a better manager of your time. For example, they have got considerable help simply by planning well. Figure out what will take the most time; probably the test will need more study time than the quiz, and a long report might take more time than a short paper. Setting aside suitable amounts of time will give you a sense of control. Find a quiet place to work, and don’t allow any interference from your friends, roommates, or TV.

Also, I would spare some time to ponder well about why I have to study further and how beneficial it will be if I study further. In fact, it is time for me to figure out what my MOTIVE of going to a senior high school. Just as Dr. Sun Yet-sen said once, "Contemplation derives faith, which then derives will."Only through self soul-searching could I get the endless power from my gushing wills. Then nothing is impossible.

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