The long-governing for over 64 years Japanese Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has eventually defeated by his opposite rival --- the Democratic Party (DP) earlier in August this year. The shock lies not in the alternation of the two dominant major parties though rarely seen in the Japanese political environment yet the former was beated by how large a margin determined by all the Japanese constituencies ---  an announcement of the decadence of a once glowing political behemoth of Showa Golden Age.

As we all know, a political party which takes office in the government, fixed and fest, is not likely to be shaken easily by the opponents. The long period of managing people and local affairs not only brings about trust of his voters but arise a drift of momentum of inertia of politics, which causes people relatively to be willing to stay put in the existing political ambiance, no matter how stringent the grilling will be from the lefty reactionary, which is obviously not auspicious for DP. Yet DP has outright lead from the grappling this time, thorough and thorough. What strength instilled could overthrow such vast stability? Why has the ostensible political serenity no longer sustained? The article undoubtedly has revealed all in details compiled as followed:

First, people wealthy mind less risky. We often don't recall what dormant crisis there might be when we live well off, so are the Japanese. They enjoyed really a wonderful, peaceful, and high-tech life with the GNP nearly three times as many as Taiwanese contemporary from 1970s to 1990s till the 'bubble economy' crumbled suddenly. They invariably thought less about health care problems, future arrangement for low-income labours, or the grand principle of the coming project to improve and sustain the current thriving. Unfortunately, they merged themselves in the vanity of succuss and glory of the post-war economical miracle, continued to pay no heed at their self indulgence, and finally made the situation at stake. When the crisis broke out, they suddenly came to and realized their leading government has not done his bit to keep people alert. And this may be why they got to lose faith on LDP.

Second , as the New York Times, on Aug 25, 2009, pointed out that financial stringency and organizational rigidities have led to inadequate hospital services in some areas, particularly in emergency care, where patients in ambulances are sometimes turned away. There also are doctor shortages in some regions and specialties. Consultation times can be too short for complicated diagnoses and for psychotherapy. Specialized training and certification for physicians should be better, and cutting-edge surgical techniques should be more available.

Last but not least, many of the problems are largely due to underinvestment, and the severity of the cost control has become an issue in the current election campaign. Bad checks and failure deficit have made the economy of Japan totally paralyzed, and it will be of great challenge for DP to face with in the coming future.

Instead of "changing" a political party to take over the hot potato, Japaners would rather poise another shining hope for their continual prosperities.

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