Box 7: The environmental religion
Nothing new but all environmental destructions, the world glowed like a radium watch face. Telepathically Danny heard a voice for a need to clean up our world. These voices came at first from Russia, then South America, probably from Uruguay or Paraguay. A speaker emerged from Russia and talked with zeal to heal the environment. He soon was elected one of the leaders of UN. Danny saw this man riding on a white horse, and he knew that the Russian could come before the year 2000.

Boxes 8 and 9: China battles Russia
China grew strong anger toward Russia in 1975. Danny didn’t know then that it meant the break-up of the Soviet communism. The Chinese armies then amassed their emphasis at the border and pushed into the region. The main dispute was over a railroad. The Chinese pushed deep into Russia, cutting the country in half and taking over the oil fields of Siberia. Danny saw snow, blood, and oil and knew the casualties had been very heavy.

Boxes 10 and 11: Economic earthquakes, desert storm
Boxes 10 and 11 revealed scenes of the economic collapse of the world. By the turn of the century, the whole world showed great turmoil, which resulted in a new world order that was truly one of feudalism and strife.
In one vision people lined up to take money from banks. In another banks were being closed by the government, which would lead the bankruptcy of America by the year 2000. The oil price would be accelerating out of control. Danny saw 13 new nations entering the world market in the late nineties. One by one the European markets began to give their business to these countries. All of this led to a greatly weakened economy.
Then came a vision to show two horrendous earthquakes in which buildings were swaying and toppling over like a child’s wooden blocks. Then came a big water. The voice in these vision told Danny that Americans starving and lined up for food.
As he left the 10th box, the date ‘1990’ came into his head. That was a year of Desert Storm, the military operation that squashed the army of Iraq for occupying Kuwait.

Box 12: Technology and virus
Box 11 showed Iran and Iraq in possession of nuclear and chemical weapons. Chemical weapons played an important role in the vision. Danny saw the French published a book that infuriated the Arab world. Arabians put poison into the water supply. Thousands drank it and died. Egyptians rioted in streets by 1997, when Egypt would collapse as a democracy and be taken over by religious fanatics. The final vision from box 11 was about Sarajevo. Her inhabitants fought one another for reasons ranging from racism to religious conflict. Europeans in a hilly region of the world were weeping as they cooked human meat. Danny saw people of all five races eating their fellow humans.
In the 12th box, Danny saw a biological engineer from the Middle East found a way to alter DNA and create a kind of virus used in computer chips. Japan, China, and countries of the Pacific Rim boomed as a result of this discovery and became powers of incredible magnitude. This engineer was so powerful and rich that he had a strangle-hold on the world economy. He then began to take control of the world by implanting a microchip into human skin, in which there was all the needed info and data about the individual. This chip could even limit the life spans of humans. Any who refused to have chip implanted would roam as outcasts, not being employed and were denied government services.

The Final visions
At the very end came the 13th vision. Danny didn’t know where it came from for he saw no Beings of Light bring it forward in a box, nor did he see one take it away. The vision was the most important for it summed up all the 12 boxes had showed.
Scenes from World War III came forth, an Armageddon, being caused by fear would come, where Danny saw army of women in black robes and veils marching through a European city. Natural disasters, parched desert, torrential rainstorms, and starving kept coming. Danny also saw civil wars breaking out in Central and South America. Mexican economy was broken by the refugees.
A Being said to him, ‘If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last thirty years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war.’
Then the 13th Being of Light told Danny his purpose back on earth. ‘You are there to create spiritualistic capitalism. You are to engage this coming system by changing people’s thought processes. Show people how to rely on their spiritual selves instead of the government and churches. Religion is fine, but don’t let people be entirely controlled by it. Humans are mighty spiritual beings. All they need to realized is that love is treating others the way they themselves want to be treated.

Then Danny was asked to go back to earth to build ‘seven centers’, which are seven rooms for various features and functions to help people release the pressure:
Room No. 1: People come together and talk to each other.
Room No. 2: People get massaged, and they massage others.
Room No. 3: People relax and go deep within themselves.
Room No. 4: People learn about their extent to control their emotions.
Room No. 5: People read and allow those with psychic abilities to provide patients with personal insights.
Room No. 6: People relax so deeply that he can actually leave their bodies.
Room No. 7: People here can’t see their own reflections. (Danny didn’t understand the purpose of this room.)

'The purpose of all of these rooms is to show people that they can be in control of their lives through God,' said the Being. Then Danny came back, back to our world.

To be continued...


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