不好意思... 我... 好像... 找到了比小紅書所寫更 '奇妙' 的動作 ㄟ...



可是,又不想騙自己,我真的覺得這確實可行啊... 好矛盾、好興奮、好緊張... 五味雜陳的心情,好好玩...

'潘尼克動作' 到底有多重要?我們可以看看一位教練的分享:

Why you need to learn the Transition, by Iain Roberts
The crucial movement that many golfers never learn is the transition, or 'magic move', as the legendary Harvey Penick termed it. Why is it so important? Well, it can add an extra thirty to fifty yards on a drive, but it is not easy to learn and it takes a long time to master. One of the reasons for this is that the transition is formed from a sequence of key positions which are then fused together to produce one flowing movement. It is the part of the swing which becomes a purely athletic move, similar to the move of a javelin or a discus thrower in that there is a delay action in the arms as they follow the weight transfer of the body. As you reach the top of your backswing, you should start to transfer your weight calmly back onto your left foot. As your left foot becomes firmly grounded, your left knee and hip will move laterally thus stabilizing into a firm left side and the arms and shoulders should follow slowly.You are aiming for a feeling of the arms delaying slightly as the weight transfer is taking place. Now you are able to release the build up of power into the ball and through [編按:馬的,我也知道啊... 重點就在怎麼做到的啊、值錢的地方就在這裡啊...] to the finish. 

沒錯,也就是說,我 (好像啦) 找到了一個比阿潘哥所建議還簡單、還無腦的動作,簡單到我敢說任何一位不曾打過球、只要四肢算普通正常的初學者:壯漢、老頭、女人、小孩、肥宅、竹竿等 (拒收古井,抱歉),教一下就可以做出個五分像來;重點是不只是操作更簡單、所需基本動作更少、對於擊球效果還可更加穩妥。比上集的 'Q 方程式' 還要簡單喔。圖像化為:


敢這樣寫出來,當然代表有一定的把握可以一人獨得 '理論賞' 與 '操作賞' 兩項大獎!這不是重點啦,重點是費了八年的苦思,至今總算再度突破現況、找到了前所未有的、易學簡單、合乎物理、準諸四海的操作通則來;這才是多年來夢寐以求所尋找的 '關鍵動作'、最大釋放的奧義、力與美的結合啊!

現在的心情,真可以用貝多芬當年譜寫完世間最偉大鋼琴鉅作之一的 Hammersklavier 奏鳴曲時所說的一句話來比喻:

'呵,我真想知道,還有哪首曲子的演奏技巧可以超過它!' [編按:其實貝勒爺有所不知,在他以後,至少出了一位 '鋼琴之王' 與一位 '鋼琴詩人',這兩位的作品難度... 不好說,呵呵]





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