
於是發展出 '二代目',比一代目容錯率再大些的操作,順便可以有以下的好處:

1. 增大上下桿時重心的恆定,幫助重心的移轉

2. 意想點與實際起動點的合致,更形具體

3. 增大施力幅距與作用時間,水平力更大

4. 改善後手用力的方向,增加送球延伸長度與改善桿面觸球方向

(-(- P,掌握了這套路之後,朋友,剩下要做的就跟前日巡球后涂阿玉女士當年一樣,照這個操作每天空揮個百來回,穩定強遠的全揮桿應可入手囉!

more legerage for take-up: mass pushed back to right heel + right arm pushing up + left arm pushing backward into the grip 

more speed for downswing: {hard (- + hard trailing leg} + {loosen leading leg + loosen├}

whenever up and down, do focus on the leading side.

generally speaking, the leading pelvis makes the way up pushing everything in position through momentum, while there's a rope tied on both ends of leading pelvis and a tiny spot, which is dragged  by the same point up all the way down. other parts will naturally take care of themselves.



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