親愛的同學們,對不起,我這陣子身體有點不太舒服 (這是藉口),所以拖了兩個禮拜該有的進度,非常抱歉。考完我請吃飯補償啦 ㄏ。

suc 'cinct a. without wasted words; short and to the point; terse

super 'fluous a. more than required; excessive

sur 'pass v. go beyond the powers of; outdo; transcend

surrep 'titious a. done by stealth; furtive; sneaky

su 'sceptible a. easily influenced; open to impression; receptive

'taci turn a. disinclined to talk; laconic; reserved; uncommunicative

'tan tamount a. corresponding in some respects; alike in quantity or value; equivalent

te 'nacity n. stubborn determination to reach a goal; unwillingness to admit defeat

'ten tative a. showing uncertainty; not fully developed; hesitant; cautious; unsure


'ti rade n extended forceful and critical speech; diatribe; rant; harangue

'tran sient a. staying for a short time; fleeting

trepi 'dation n. nervous apprehension; fear; anxiety

'tri fling a. trivial; petty

trite a. not fresh or original; hackneyed; stale; pedestrain ex. a trite plot = 老梗、爛梗

tu 'multuous a. violently agitated; turbulent; unruly

com 'motion n. turbulent motions; hubbub

un 'warranted a. having no justification or grounds; baseless


u 'surp v. to seize another's power, rank, or authority; appropriate (無權占有)

'va cillate v. to hesitate in making a choice; waver; oscillate; fluctuate

've nerate v. to revere; to regard with esteem

ver 'bose a. using more words than needed

ves 'tigial a. visible traces left by something that no longer exists; residual (遺留下來的痕跡); primitive

'via ble a. feasible; practicable; capable of maintaining life

'vin dicate v. to defend form blame; provide justification for; exonerate; exculpate

'vo latile a. evaporating rapidly; tending to explode into violence

'vo luble a. tending to talk easily; glib



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