Jerky take-up and jostling down? Such J problems can all be fixed up with help of our dear pulpy John, a shining new master of persimmon pop guru, who precisely crowbarred my rusty, rooted-nailed, and entangled myth of not being able to poise calmly at the top of my up-swing, namely, my hastiness and urge to rush down without any fulcrum, which often resulted in nasty swing form as a weekend golfer does. Our dear Magic John, aka Maggie J, could easily swish them off once and for all.
Johnny and I went to Bi-tan driving range the other day; there we also met Eric, a decent pro with a mild and amiable personality, and I had him check my grip and swing tempo, which was last time spotted and doubted problematic at a gear store in Chi-lin Street. To my surprise, Eric said almost nothing about it. To him, my tempo and grip were just fine, provided that I could only hold a bit longer inbetween my up and down swing to offer more stability and control. And it would be much better if I had my club stay longer sliding along the target line in order to square my up-swing plane. Well, aside from the swing plane, I just couldn't hold that long, even for a mere 0.5 second. To me, that was an endless duration for my unsteady body burdened with a 1000 kg heavy club. I felt hoplessly frustrated then.
What was worse, Johnny later noticed me my jerky down swing. He told me my right leg shook and trembled after the impact, seeming not to take the whole momentum of whipping down. That perhaps, according to Maggie, was the main factor that I looked stupid in the eye of Big Bro Hsu, who pointed out my swing tempo might be too fast and strenuous.
Jerky take-up and jostling down? The following are the famous MJ solutions:
To be able to stay a bit longer at top of take-up, I only have to shift my weight a bit more onto my right foot! I used to shift to the right less than needed, fearing that my weight would be too far from my backbone and outbound over my right foot median. I was too precautious to attain the appropriate take-up gesture, and my weight shift to the right was not done thoroughly.
To avoid trembling right leg after down swing, I just do the down swing more decisively, completing my weight shift totally leftward to the sheer end, not even trying to pause in the middle, finishing the follow-through, and down swinging forward, not upward. Not upward! Never upward! Never compromise! Failing to do so will end up with a scoop-up, plus a shaky bobbing right leg.
If you do take the above green advice to heart, you will not only fix the said two common swing defects but be in the warmest memories to the moulded green sedan, owned by our most respectable MJ, still aka VJ, Virologist Johannes!
- Jan 29 Sat 2011 00:00