In the session of learning golf, I roughly divided the journey, from an ignorant practicing ranger to a pro, into four major progress milestones, which should be apporached step by step, thoroughly, and should well be painstakingly, for it is way worth doing so, to attain an effortless, elegant, tasteful, and powerful long drive remaining in my dream since long:
1. Form: It's the very haunting torture that I am currently working on. It relates from 14-1 to 14-9.
How to know your form is satisfying? Ernie Els will tell you.
2. Release: Source of power and distance, from 14-10 to 14-14.
How to know your release is well-performed? i7-170 is the evidence.
3. Consistency: As the same old cliche but true wisdom goes, 'Uebung macht Meister'.
How to know your swing is consistent? When it is never hard for you to spot your flying ball after any swing with any club.
4. Strategy: Teeing-off will be its only panacea, absolutely no short cut.
How to know your strategy is cool? You will gloat every time when you look at your score card.
欣逢建國百年除夕,方知學球練球,倏忽七載矣。今能有如此體悟,除我 父之外,實當鳴謝以下各路英雄:
- Feb 02 Wed 2011 00:00
The Amazing Four