I read a short lovely poem of Robert Frost (1874-1963), Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, when I helped Kevin Wang with his first monthly exam. I knew I was not alone as I forced myself going forward, even not daring to stop and regain my breath. I was so glad and comforted to realize what responsibility should be throughout the poetic revelation and how heavy a lifetime journey will be, and so thinks Robert:

During the past 43 years, I also met a lot of fancy woods I thought I knew what these woods were.
Those nice villas were not in the village though. 

And the hosts were call welcoming me to join them. 
I saw all the buildings shining with alluring glow.
My faithful friends must think it queer of me to stop without a farmhouse I was supposed to own near.
Between the woods and frozen lake, the darkest evening of the year, I devoted my stamina sheer.

They gave their advice to ask if there should be some mistake.
The only other sound is the sweep of easy wind and downy flake.

The worlds are lovely, dark and deep.
Yet with thousands of traps that are fatal and steep.

People dash in and immerge lost, fascinating though, while all in the end of creep.
But I have no look backs, for I've promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep...

1. 與翔哥比賽,在被讓 5 桿狀態下勝利。(詳 MSC II)
2. 與翔哥比賽,共享星期五漢堡餐。
3. 對抗英法聯軍,並獲得初步勝利。
4. 進一步研習推桿理論,精進揮桿理論系統使臻完備。此期間【五榮書】若再能有所更動,一字千金矣。敬請期待!


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