Hi, there. This is a column for examples of brief essays within 250 to 400 words, which is issued every Saturday from August, 8, the date to honor Mr. Johnny Neihu, a veteran journalist and a true raconteur. It aims to help senior high dudes to improve their writing ablities as well as creativities. The characters, events, and the names in each story are mostly fictitious. Should any coincidence happening will be conceived totally deliberately as a prank.
Yesterday in English class, as boring as usual on an August dog day, the teacher urged us to keep a weekly composition about what we did or what we thought during the past week, when something might be interesting to be written down, in order to improve our exacerbating poor English comprehension.
Personally, I am quite for such a suggestion, which is more of an order, or let me put it this way, a threat. Ignore it, and you're flunked. My English grades and the coming graduation cirtificate are hence on those strict teachers' hands, especially the ones of English teacher. Allow me to be a bit candid. Are there really so many funny things worth marking down, sadly to say, if you are a senior high school student in Taipei, Taiwan in modern times? Oh, give me a break.
In spite of my intensive education for these years, however, I still find myself in a dilemma and have no ideas of what to do, whenever being assigned such writing tasks like these. As many other teens in Taiwan, I have to do as I'm told to whenever I'm still under eighteen. I seem never determined. As a matter of fact, once I have to write something. I get a stiff neck! (Now, think of the "Buddha Hopper"...)
By the way, I would never submit this article as homework to teachers if I were you.
Yesterday in English class, as boring as usual on an August dog day, the teacher urged us to keep a weekly composition about what we did or what we thought during the past week, when something might be interesting to be written down, in order to improve our exacerbating poor English comprehension.
Personally, I am quite for such a suggestion, which is more of an order, or let me put it this way, a threat. Ignore it, and you're flunked. My English grades and the coming graduation cirtificate are hence on those strict teachers' hands, especially the ones of English teacher. Allow me to be a bit candid. Are there really so many funny things worth marking down, sadly to say, if you are a senior high school student in Taipei, Taiwan in modern times? Oh, give me a break.
In spite of my intensive education for these years, however, I still find myself in a dilemma and have no ideas of what to do, whenever being assigned such writing tasks like these. As many other teens in Taiwan, I have to do as I'm told to whenever I'm still under eighteen. I seem never determined. As a matter of fact, once I have to write something. I get a stiff neck! (Now, think of the "Buddha Hopper"...)
By the way, I would never submit this article as homework to teachers if I were you.