翻譯最好賺的地方在於:你不會翻,找我、他不會翻,找我,他不知道你找過我,你不知道他也需要;於是,差不多同樣的東西,我可以用它賺好幾次錢。以下為常用到的醫療保健用語,以後全 po 上來,google 一下,這樣,大家的需要就可以一次滿足了。至於賺錢.... 興奮地告訴你,我老闆要我賺的 「貨幣」 單位不同;超值、永遠不會朽壞、並搭配絕頂經濟的理財方案。想獲得這樣完美的財富嗎?你來,讓我慢慢告訴你吧...
Body fat ratio too high: It is to suggest to avoid high-calorie foods (such as cakes, bread, pizza, and fried foods) as well as consistent milder exercise (such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling ...and so on, exercise at least three times a week and at least 30 minutes each time).
理想體重:46.7~57.1 公斤,目前體重〔48.5公斤〕為正常。
Ideal weight: 46.7~57.1 kg, whereas 48.5 kg is normal.
Suspected goiter or swollen thyroid gland: Visit regularly the metabolism out-patient clinic for further ultrasonic inspection every 3 to 6 months.
Astigmatism: In case of a blurred vision, go to an eye clinic and have an optical inspection.
Slightly lower intraocular pressure: A result of reduced secretion of aqueous or aqueous discharges. Increasing intraocular pressure results from lack of sleep, along with certain infections which result in disorders such as aqueous humor secretion abnormalities. Low intraocular pressure is normally only a temporary phenomenon, but the long-term secretion abnormalities may lead to ocular atrophy. If so, go to the eye clinic for follow-up examinations.
WBC Differential abnormal: Possibly a temporary transition due to viral infection or inflammation. Further out-patient tracing 3 months later is recommended.
Hepatitis Type B HBsAg positive and Anti-HBs negative: Evidence for HBs carriers. Regular examination and abdominal ultrasound for lever functions. Visit gastro-intestine out-patient immediately when symptoms such as jaundice, poor appetite, lethargy appear.
Over value of abdomen circumference (> 90 cm) and BMI: Risk of high blood sugar, hypertension, and other metabolic disorders. Intake of high- calorie diet such as cake, confectionaries, pizza, and fried food should be restrained, along with mild and constant exercise at least three times per week such as brisk walk, jogging, and biking.
Ideal weight: 60.1 ~ 73.4 kg; current weight: 81.9 (obesity; weight control is recommended)
Mild hemorrhoid: Adequate fluid, high-fiber intake such as vegetables, fruits, oat meal, brown rice, whole wheat products and regular bowel movement are recommended. Consult gastroenterological department if hemorrhage and other IBS appear.
Mild astigmatism: Consult the ophthalmologist if further visual impairment appears.
CHOL/ HDL-C abnormal: Diet control against high blood fat and cholesterol is strongly recommended, along with mild and constant exercise.
Anti-HCV negative: Hepatitis type C is not contracted.
Counter-clockwise cardio axis dislocation: It is possibly normal output of cardio electrical activity. Yet latent heart diseases are still potentially existing. Consult cardio-vascular department for further inspections if irritable syndromes such as chest tightness, gasping, discomfort after exercising appear.
Mild fatty liver: Excessive fat storage in liver due to over-nourishment, overtake of high-calorie and high-sugar foods, or binge drinking. Restrained diets and mild and constant exercise for at least 30 minutes each time, three times per week are highly recommended, along with regular liver ultrasonic tracing examinations.
Hyper body-fat rate, hypo triglyceride: balanced dietary intake from six main categories.
Slight low-frequency impairment on the left ear: Avoid exposure in noisy surroundings. Regular hearing examination at ENT outpatient is required.
Hepatitis C antibody negative: Hepatitis C is currently not infected.
Hepatitis A antibody positive: Antibody has been developed and will be immune to hepatitis A.
Mild fatty liver: Excessive fat storage in liver due to over-nourishment, overtake of high-calorie and high-sugar foods, or binge drinking. Restrained diets and mild and constant exercise three times per week for at least 30 minutes each time, are highly recommended, along with regular liver ultrasonic examinations.
Open Hepatitis B carrying factors --- negative, antibody against open Hepatitis B --- positive; regular liver ultrasonic examinations for jaundice, loss of appetite, and drowsiness monitoring.