Idioms are phrases used unexpectedly or not literally which are repeated by the native speakers if they find some figuative descriptions are interesting or humorous, heuristic enough to make a relatively more profound expression of communication. They are indeed of fantastic genres of languages. Here are a little quiz to show the diverse and kaleidoscopic propensities of idioms. Take a look at how much and how well you know about them:

English- Chinese Translations: (100%, 2% for each question)

1. I'm gonna bug out for I've got to pick Janny up on to a midnight party.

  • to depart hurriedly; retreat

2. When the manager show Carlos the price of the brandnew convertible, he stared at him bug-eyed.

  • being very surprised; stunned

3. To be compatible for the job, you must bear consistant moral fibre.

  • the steady virtue of moral senses

4. Stock exchanges collapsed, and the recession fed back to worsen the quality of living standard. Currency values suffered depreciation which arose the infation. Such domino effects could be seen everywhere in human histories.

  • A cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events

5. If you accept my sincere advice, you won't have to taste your own medicine by a hard way.

  • the payback of the unpleasantness in the exact manner that one has been giving to others

6. Why don't you jog your memory to tell me the name of the song?

  • to stimulate one's memory so as to recall something

7. My father is such an opinionated person that no matter how I explained to him about the existence of Jesus, he just wouldn't believe me.

  • sticking unreasonably and stubbornly to one's own opinions

8. I personally don't like dancing, but different strokes for different folks.

  • Different people like different things.

9. At one stroke, Tom experienced the gamut from exhilaration to impoverishing of life.

  • immediately

10. After Helen has found out the fomula of nuclear fusion, she soon became a person of substance.

  • being wealthy

11. It is unwise to go against the grain of the professor since we have to take two more couses of him next semester.

  • to rub one the wrong way

12. Bible is sometimes esoteric and enigmatically profound. You can't take this book just at face value.

  • to comprehend someone or something by apparent significance or value

13. Don't merely build up a picture-perfect idea in your mind. Put it into practice!

  • fine in appearance or quality

14. The new prime minister has a powerful think tank in his cabinet, and he is highly expected by all the people during such critical moments.

  • a group organized for intensive research and problem shooting, esp. in the areas of technology or political strategies

15. Optimistic people always know how to turn adversities to their advantage.

  • to make advantage for someone out of something which might otherwise be disadvantage

16. You should read the fine print of the contract before signing it.

  • an important part of a document that is not easily noticed because of the smallness of the printing

17. Don't launch your attack with striking distance. Finish him right before he makes the very initial move.

  • being very close within a distance

18. Leo went the distance anyway back from his business trip to Canada though he caught a bad cold there.

  • to be able to complete an assigned task or responsibility

19. Ecotourism is prevalent these days due to the awareness of environmental protection and ecological interests.

  • tourism to exotic natural santuaries under the guidance of a naturalist to observing the wildlife and environment

20. I once took a gap year to learn Japanese at a language school in Tokyo.

  • a year's break between leaving school and starting further education

21. It was such a pitiful turnaround of our constant customers not to giving orders for our offering was not luring anymore.

  • a shift or change in opinion, loyalty, or allegiance

22. You will be ticketed if you insist U-turning at this street corner.

  • completely reversing the direction of a vehicle

23. Timmy was lost of words at Cathy's forward presumption.

  • unable to think or say something suddenly

24. How can you second-guess my next move so precisely? No wonder I am no competitor to you.

  • to predict what someone will do before it is known to anyone, including the person

25. There is usually a plastic bag in front of each seat in an airplane for those who suffer motion sickness.

  • nausea and dizziness induced by motion as in travel by car, ship, or airplane

26. It is a breaking point to decide whether to break into the house to save the hostage or just wait for further instructions.

  • the moment of crisis in a situation

27. Stand guard the balcony of the opposite building which will be the best vantage point for snipers to take the Chairman.

  • a position that affords an overall view to clear observation

28. Your parent's marriage is a case in point to know how poor communication causes relationship to fall.

  • an example which best proves to be true about one's idea

29.  It is amusing to see a newscaster fall flat on the face.

  • to fail or make a mistake in an embarrassing way

30. She told her pursuers flat out that no bundles of flowers will be necessary and working.

  • clearing and definitely; not holding back

31. Mr. Schultz never attends parties or flirts with young girls. He is a straight arrow proper.

  • a person who is extremely conventional ore morally upright

32. Emily kept such a straight face even when knowing her pet puppy was badly sick.

  • a face that betrays no sign of emotion

33. Superman used to be one of the famous action figures worldwide. It is also wonderful memories for many people.

  • a figure modeled off famous cartoon or sport stars whose arms and legs are jointed and movable

34. Watch out closely as Tiger swings into action, making a nice draw.

  • to start doing something

35. The late well-known host of Animal Planet, Erwin, usually flirted with danger by  approaching some real predators like avocadoes or grizzlies.

  • to challenge dangerous things

36. As parents continuously demand better grades of their children, cram schools have thus been in the driver's seat.

  • in control; in charge of things

37. Try hitting a golf ball over 250 yards and expierence for yourself. Don't just be a cocky back seat driver there!

  • a person who is usually not able to be in control of one thing but feels the need to tutor someone else engaging in it

38. Be sure to take Morris with you if you want a binge drinking at Allen's place. He is a trusted designated driver.

  • a person who promises to be responsible for driving those who get drunk home and remains sober to the others who get drunk

39. The former president failed to get a clean bill of health from federal investigators. He is indicted for embezzling the state funds during his incumbency.

  • news that an individual or organization is healthy or operatingly well

40. My brother-in-law is a dedicated dentist who works from dawn till dusk.

  • a relative by marriage

41. I am of no offense to persuade you from running for the mayor because the chance is fairly slim.

  • not pertaining to displeasure or affront

42. Henry always tries to order about his wife by intimidating for a divorce.

  • to bully or domineer

43. Kevin asked me to see the teacher together as there's safety in numbers.

  • something is to believed to be less likely to get harmed or blamed if done in group

44. Louis' blog is so popular which can be easily seen through its web traffic.

  • the amount of data sent and received in certain domains such as blog or websites on the Internet by the number of visitors

45. Human trafficking is strictly prohibited in Taiwan which may lead to over 5 years' imprisonment.

  • illegal transaction of human inidividuals for purposes of manpower exploitation

46. You are destined to lose the case for most of the judges have already been bought off.

  • to bribe in order to secure improper cooperation or gain exemption from an official legal consequence

47. The young mother would nearly be driven nuts as her child kept crying monotonously.

  • to make someone mad

48. You'd better knock some sense into your girlfriend as not to go to those wild parties.

  • to strike one smarter, or at least obedient

49. For such a minor operation a local anesthesia will be adequate.

  • anesthesia characterized by loss of sensation only in a certain area of the body where the drug is applied or injected

50. Will this restaurant fit the bill for the promotion ceremony?

  • being eligible for what is required

Result Evaluation:

80% ~ 100% : William Safire
60% ~ 78%   : Witticist
40% ~ 58%   : Wonk
20% ~ 38%   : Whelp
Below 20%  : Wizened Chris


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