Welcome to Chris Bistro! Please allow me to introduce one of our specialties --- Anglo Bovril Cubic, which consists of 250 ~ 500 toughest wild ox sinews in each of the following servings, slowly stewed and condensed into a sturdy lump. There are altogether 10 such compact 'condensed chunks' in our 'Cubic Series' and will be served up ocasionally. You may somehow find a few similar or even the same entries in them for it is normal for a chef to pick up the same material if he considers it necessary every time when cooking. But just don't worry. You will hardly have the chance to feel humdrum with these morsels. Munch them all, ruminate the cud, and assimilate all their nutrients as your own elixir. Then you could slightly impersonate the blowhard like a seasoned polyglot and babble under the Babel.

enthralling, pomegranate, cleanup, facilitator, to oversee, to hold down, to solicit, charter flight, premed, hyperbaric, resort destination, bastion, citadel, vintage, a world away, upscale, sliver, mishmash, dingy, hub, homegrown brand, to chase out, incursion, cockapoo, Lhasa dog, in places, in place, jaunt, an enclave, eatery, a sure fix, grazing, to complement, compliment, to wage a battle against, pestilence, virulent, surfeit, kosher, a jump-start, to enliven, be billed as, inadvertent, slovenly, to insinuate
, tomme, chevre, by happenstance, to cull, to toss aside, to stake out, to cut a check, to make higher profile, on the bottom line, pretax profits, brand recognition, altruistic, tax breaks, to backfire, to discard, long vigils, a scape, be up on, euphoric, to take on, to rack up, conspicuous, tendinitis, par for the course, shin, splint, to trip off, mind-set, disposition, doldrums, slacks, low seasons, dog days, off seasons, rush seasons, boom seasons, high seasons, the doldrums, to stalk, gait, stalk, to decimate, Consortium, to edge out, reigning, fabric conditioner, megabrand, lining, to roll around, cachet, to juice up, staid, to stay true to, rarity, a man of his roots, photo op, mawkish, bathetic, maudlin, schmaltzy, mushy, drippy, gauche, to pride oneself on, to smile angrily, ministration, impudent, sassy, saucy, impertinent, flippant, forward, to enfeeble, to jibe with, to tally with, to debilitate, to vacillate, to oscillate, to coagulate, grandioso, bucolic, feline, tawny, golden ager, centenarian, nonagenarian, octogenarian, septuagenarian, sexagenarian, to squelch, to stifle, to subdue, to quell, to allay, reticule, endocrine, iridescent, rhizomatous, ageratum, ecliptic, promissory, insolvent, fullery, full beam, full blown, irradiate, gymnosperms, angiosperms, conifer, galvanic, ebullient, exuberant, abominable, odious, paragon, voltaic, nonpareil , apotheosis, nonesuch, magniloquent, to stoop, to deign to, hodgepodge, patchwork, dobbin, palpitation, gobbledygook, to blot, to obliterate, to plod, to trudge, to lumber, to tramp, jumble, muddle, delimiter, pathogenesis, excommunicate, matador, toreador, to betroth, to affiance, imperceptible, breezeway, bimodal, misbegotten, enmity, rancor, loathing, spite, typhus, typhoid, quadruped, fetid, rancid, putrid, graveolent, mephitic, whiffy, unsavoury, repugnant, repulsive, repellent, objectionable, fulsome, bilious, heinous, detestable, affronting, irksome, distasteful, galling, vexatious, bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, onslaught, assailment, provocative, projectile, fissure, crevice, cleft, rift, residue, dreg, sediment, pomace, geyser, pantry, tactile, tramp, vagabond, hobo, vagrant, fridge, remittance, menstrual pad, sanitary napkin, menstrual cramps, minstrel, bard, troubadour, anamnesis, tinker, confectionery, potted landscape, bonsai, dwarf potted plant, miniature plant, sleuth, derring-do, incarnation, to prattle, to prate, to piffle, to recompense, to indemnify, to undulate, to cockle, to purl, to trill, to gurgle, to lap, to swash, to swish, to furrow, synergy, reparation, mausoleum, shrine, crypt, tabernacle, stupa, reliquary, receptacle, sepulcher, Occidentalism, Orientals, batiste, nugatory, insurrection, mutiny, sedition, insurgence, hydroxide, tiramisu, infuse, grate, cantilever, girder, stratification, albuminous, fibrin, exoskeleton, magnanimity, superstructure, to impend, purportedly, prostrate, bezel, Phylum, Genus, curator, pound-foolish, prescriptive, normative, bacillus, convolution, mortification, curlicue, squiggle, cant, peavey, milium, sebaceous gland, to eradicate, to extirpate, to uproot, whitehead, penmanship, ram, goad, prick, prickle, tingle, rowel, clandestine, subversive, concerted, macadam, neoclassicism, portend, baleful, salmonella, enterobacteria, nitrobacteria, vassal, vassalage, sclerosis, pique, slight, to interdict, cabana, prodigious, stupendous, mammoth, anthropogenic source, deism, sacerdotal, hieratic, priestly, lanceolate, indelible, pedantic, donnish, stuffy, jejune, median strip, medial, to introspect, truancy, grenadier, monism, syringe, to deprecate, to belittle, to raze, to inveigh, to descry, to palliate, to assuage to pangs of hunger, idiopathic, serotonin, alimentation, macaw, semiotic, ornate, grandiloquent, turgid, entrails, intraocular, reticulum, reticular, cellulitis, cellulite, isomorphism, harlequin, buffoon, conspicuous, conspicuous consumption, concealment, xylem, vascular bundle, cambium, phloem, impenitent, obdurate, redoubt, hexadecimal, beluga, jut out, shabby, tattered, seedy, to fray, pigsty, hovel, shack, hutch, shanty, red herring, netherworld, Hades, infernal, manor, magnitude, pith, symposium, indelible, judgmental, lackey, screech, screech owl, occult, telepathy, lysis, alacrity, bounteous, pinch, predicament, paunch, to disown a claim, wraith, specter, apparition, to recant, to feed rumors, to extradite, impeachment, to arraign, to inculpate, to whet, to filibuster, lilac, mauve, to variegate, foliage, deciduous, bulbous, obituary, at the earliest, at the latest, at the farthest, at the instance of, to bewitch, megrim, hemicrania, leghorn , Panama hat, boater, skimmer, chapeau, chicanery, saltire, cessation, to frazzle, thatch, eaves, icicle, chevron, heraldic, crown cap, to perforate, prevarication, imposition, imposture, sham, subterfuge, wile, wiliness, guile, collusion, knavery, dupery, to bamboozle, hocus-pocus, shenanigan, trumpery, jugglery, surcease, cessation, saltire, bicameral, metamorphosis, iris, Elysian, noncommittal


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