book 2

1. can/ can't/ cannot/ wh- can

2. and/ but/ or

3. telephone

4. do/ don't/ do?/ wh- do

5. does/ doesn't/ does?/ wh- does

6. a cute little young black-eyed Chinese doll

book 4

1. give to/ buy for

2. whose 'mine'craft?

3. 1st

4. look/taste/sound/smell/feel/become/get/turn

5. by bus

6. the possible if

book 6

1. had had

2. so long as/ as long as

3. used to/ be used to/ get used to/ be accustomed oneself to

4. either or/ neither nor

5. get it in/ get off it (error on p.49)

6. one/another/the other (end of book 6)


本學期七年級八年級第一次段考前週考、九年級會考複習計畫 (平日 17:50~18:20 練習;遇放假不順延,當成回家功課):

23/1 L1 單字、背課文
30/1 L2 單字、背課文
6/2 L3 單字、背課文
13/2 L1 B 卷
20/2 L2、L3 B 卷
27/2 L1~L3 總復習 B 卷
6/3 L1~L3 總複習 A 卷
13/3 L1、L2、L3 A 卷 (共三張考卷) 翻譯部份

23/1 L1~L2 單字、背課文
30/1 L3~L4 單字、背課文
6/2 L5~L6 單字、背課文
13/2 L1、L2、L3 B 卷
20/2 L4、L5、L6 B 卷、L1~L3 總復習 B 卷、L4~L6 總復習 B 卷、第六冊總復習 B 卷
27/2 L1~L3 總復習 A 卷
6/3 L4~L6 總複習 A 卷
13/3 L1、L2 A 卷
20/3 L3、L4 A 卷
27/3 L5、L6 A 卷
3/4 第六冊總復習 A 卷

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