So sad to find an unrefutable reason to pick up once again my old gadgets only because Bruce seemed not to find his way to be the grizzly. And I just couldn't realise the factor leading to such frustration.

And that's why I have to see thoroughly through the whole system to know the likely gnarls that hinder Bruce's progress. To me, to know such a diligent man with amazing perseverance and commitment only to end up with unknowing and unexpecting fiasco is indeed also a flat fall on my face, which reminds me that I am by no means a good communicator to convey useful info to others efficiently and understandably. Nevertheless, it's no use crying over spilt milk, so what I could do at best in the moment is set up a practical project to trace the possible reasons for Bruce not being able to that 'conductible' to be the polar predator.

Here is the schedule:

1. Be as fit as a fiddle like Bruce, which is in terms with netto body fat ratio (BFR) under 15% along with body mass index (BMI) under 22. Reason: I have to be as brawn as Bruce to make my body mass own basic similar requirements or media of 'conductivity'. Being sebaceous is believed to deter the cerebral neurotransmitters.

2. After acquiring the expecting BDF and BMI, I will follow the diversing routes respectively to see whether body suppleness or the cardio-vascular trainings such as jogging or karate punching works on the efficiency of conductivity of Qi. I would practice '10' first in condition of 'stiff' body status (Of course, certain part of my body must  always remain stiff when necessary. lol), which is to say that I would not do any stretching exercise to make my tendons supple, writing down the increasing rate of the pulse index (PI).

3. Then I will do all the same from the start with the condition of flexible muscles and sinews, writing down the increasing rate of PI, and compare these two data consequences.

Here people might doubt the increasing rate of PI could not be of the same tangent quocient with regard to said two different practice environments, or the differentials take place due to setting of from a different starting points, one on a lower PI status while the other higher. This is true of the error existence to be experimented under such different circomstances. So I would curtail the periods of those two phases to abate such inevitable inaccuracy by alternating the two conditions within 5 of PI at early stages, say from PI 50 to 60, by which I believe the higher level of PI does relatively less interference on the true data factors of conductivity.

4. Next I wil check if cadio- vascular well-being, so-called the pulse frequency (PF), impacts the progress of '10' or 'Front 12'. Also I will practice this under two different routes on PF 60 imp/min and 50 imp/min to 'expierence' the fluency of qi (Well, here would seem to be a bit subjective. After all, no one can 'measure' the quality and quantity of qi in this world for the time being anyway.) and PI increasing ratio respectively.

After finishing these 4 stages of experiment, it would be much clearer to prove true the earlier assumption PF and suppleness as main reasons of Bruce's incapability of achieving the dreaming 80, the constant 80, the sturdy 80, and the exhilarating 80 in a reasonable period of time, non-stopping day by day, for one proper year.

Good luck, my all 75 Club members! Hope soon we can discussing with each other in front of the wardrobe mirror.

Important Definitions:

1. PF: the number of wrist impulse per minute

2. PI: the 'quality' of general performance of pulse; e.g.

PI under 10: PF over 80 and HXLXK1XLXSXK2X
PI 10 ~ 20, PF over 70 or H-LXK1XLXSXK2X
PI 20 ~ 30, PF over 70 or H-LXK1XLXS-K2X
PI 30 ~ 40, PF over 70 or H-LXK1XL-S-K2X
PI 40 ~ 50, PF over 65 or H-L-K1XL-S-K2X
PI 50 ~ 60, PF over 60 or HOLOK1-LOSOK2-
PI 60 ~ 70, PF over 60 or HOLOK1OLOSOK2-
PI 75, PF over 55, and HOLOK1OLOSOK2O,『從容勻平,弦洪毛沉,豹也。』
PI 80, PF over 50, and HOLOK1OLOSOK2O,『六脈勇旺,四時勃生,熊也。』
PI 90, PF under 50, and H-L-K1-L-S-K2-, 『六脈中和,亢不見悔,鹿也。』
PI 95, voluntary PF, and H-L-K1-L-S-K2-, 『隨處自得,陽殺陰藏,鶴也。』
PI 100, PFX, X,『無我無相,無譽無毀,境念兩忘,山中之人。』

Here is the odometer of my practice in detail, and I would still name it [RPGS], which would be from now on updated periodically:

1. Beginning Stage Without 10:

2010/01/25, PI 12 (PF 70 + 2), 109 Kg, BFR 42, BMI 33.6
2010/01/27, interfered by 19, large greasy food intake
2010/02/01, 108 Kg, BFR 39, BMI 33.3
2010/02/08, 15, Happy New Year, and the result could be easily guessed out...

2. Upper- beginning Stage With 10:

2010/02/22, 110kg, BFR 37, BMI 34.0
2010/03/01, 110kg, BFR 37, BMI 34.0; the same? why? I quit smoking.
2010/03/03, Horse Morphing begins!
2010/03/22, Begin my ass! Procrastinated everything...
2010/03/29, ...
2010/07/01, 形馬一出,龍騰馬奔。戒菸,少食,步行。
2010/07/26 All system failure!!! SEE '停詩緘'

3. Inetermediate Stage Without Stretching Sinews (SS) With 10:

Halted due to said cause...

4. Upper- intermediate Stage With SS With 10:

Halted due to said cause...

5. Advanced Stage With F12:

Halted due to said cause... Ciao, Qi!

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