6. 雨降って、地固まる

rain, fall, ground, become solid = The ground is thus more solid after being soaked by rain. = No discord, no concord.
last year, got merried = (I) got merried last year.
妻は 働いています から、わたしも 料理や 掃除を しています。
wife, work, because, i also, cook and, do the cleaning = Because my wife has to work, I also do the cooking and cleaning.
月曜日と 木曜日は ゴミの 日です。
monday and, thursday, garbage, day = We take out the garbage on Mondays and Thursdays.
先週の 月曜日の 晩 妻は 「けさ ゴミを 捨てなっかった でしょう?」と 言いました。
last week's, monday's, night, wife, "this morning, gargabe, didn't throw?", asked = In the evening of last Monday, my wife said to me: 'Didn't you throw out the garbage this morning?'
「僕は『君、捨てて』と 言ったよ。」
i, 'you, throw' said = I replied: 'I said, "Please do it right now."'
「いいえ、言わなかった。わたしは 聞かなかった。」
'no, didn't say, i, didn't hear that' = She said, 'No, you didn't say so. I just didn't hear that.'
said = Yes, I did.
didn't say anything = No, you didn't.
どちらも 自分が 正しいと 思いました。
both sides, self, right, thought = Each thought he/she was right.
妻は それから わたしと 話しません。
wife, after that, me with, didn't talk = My wife since then didn't talk to me any more.
わたしの 顔を 見ません。
my, face, does not see = She also doesn't want to see my face.
わたしは 妻と 仲直りし たい です。
i, wife with, make peace, would like to = I'd like to make peace with my wife.
中川先生、アドバイスを お願がいします。
teacher nakagawa, advice, hope for = Mr. Nakagawa, could you please give me some advice?
(会社員 28歳)
(office worker, 28 years old)
まず 花を 買って、帰って 下さい。
first, flowers, buy, come back, please = First go buying some flowers back, please.
そして あなたから 「ごめんね。」と 言って 下さい。
then, your side from, 'sorry', say, please = Then from you to start, saying 'I'm so sorry.', please.
奧さんも きっと あなたと 仲直りし たいと 思っています よ。
your wife also, certainly, you with, make peace, want to, think, must = Your wife must also be wanting to make peace with you.
結婚生活は 楽しいことだけでは ありません。
marriage living, happy days, solely, there are not = There are not solely happy times during marriage living. 
時々 けんかに なります。
very often, argue, turn to = It is very likely to turn to argue.
顔を 見たく ないと 思ったり、話したく ないと 思ったりします。
face, want to see, not, think, want to talk, not, think = Both sides don't want to see the other, nor to talk to the other.
でも あなたは 奧さんと いっしょうに いたいでしよう か。
however, you, your wife and, together, hurt, must be = However, you and your wife both must be hurt. Am I right? 
奥さんも 同じだと 思います よ。
your wife also, the same, thinks, must = She must be thinking the same way as you are.
夫婦は けんかして、仲直りして、また けんかして、仲直して、だんだん いい 夫婦に なります。
couple, fight, make peace, again, fight, make peace, gradually, good, couple, become = It is the couple that fight and make peace all the time, and again and again, till when they thus become congruous.
「雨降って、地固まる」と 言います ね。
As the saying goes, 'No discord, no concord'.


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