5. タイタニック

タイタニックは 船の 名前です。
titanic, ship's, name, is = Titanic is a name of a ship.
1911年 イギリスで 造られました。
in 1911, in england, was built = It was built in England in 1911.
その ころ 造られた 船の 中で いちばん 大きくて、すばらしくて、絶対に 沈まない 船だと 言われました。
that days, built, ship, of the, the most, biggest, fantastic, absolutely, not sinking, ship, was said = Titanic was the biggest, the most luxurious then, and was a ship said never to sink.
1912年4月10日昼12時に イギリスの サザンプトンを 出て、ニュ―ヨ―クに 向かいました。
1912, april 10, noon, 12:00 at, england's southampton, starting off, to new york, headed for = At the noon of April, 10, 1912, starting from England's Southampton, Titanic headed for New York.
5日目の4月14日23時45分、タイタニックは 冰山に ぶつかりました。
the fifth day, april 14, 23:45, titanic, iceberg, hit on = On the 5th day, at 23:45, April 14, it hit on an iceberg.
初めは 誰も 船が 沉む と 思いません でした。
at first, no one, ship, sink, expected = No one from the very beginning would have thought that the ship would sink.
そして 船が 沉むの を 知った とき、船の 上で いろいろな ドラマが 生まれました。
and then, ship, sinking, knew, when, ship's top, various, stories, appeared = The moment when the ship was sinking, there were many touching stories happening there.
船には ボ―トが 十分なかったので、まず 女の 人と 子どもが 乗りました。
ship in, life boat, enough, was not enough, because, firstly, women, and, kids, got in = Thanks to the lack of life boats, women and children would thus firstly be on board.
ある 女の 人の 夫と 別々に なりたくなかった ので、ボ―トに 乗りませんでした。
certain, women's, husband, separately, didn't want to do, because, boat in, didn't get it = For not wanting to leave their husbands, some women didn't get in the life boat.
ある 男の 人は 早く ボ―トに 乗りたくて、けんかを しました。
certain, men, earlier, boat in, want to get in, fighting, did = While some men that would get into the boat earlier fought each other.
乗れない 人は お祈りを して、最後の 時を 待ちました。
can't get in, people, prayer, doing, the last moment, waited for = Those who didn't make it to get in the life boats, prayed till the last moment coming.
楽団の 人は 最後まで 弾くのを やめませんでした。
orchestra's, players, till in the end, playing, didn't stop = The orchestra players wouldn't stop playing till the final ending.
2時間ぐらい あとで、近くに いた 船が 助けに 来ました。
two hours or so, after then, in the neighborhood, existing, ship, offering help, came = After about 2 hours, there came a ship in the neighborhood for help.


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