Such a long time, Your Honor. Also feeel so appreciated that you would like to pay attention to the urgent case of my student, trying to justifying the wretched for redeeming their unwanted loss and deep sorrow and fear for the cold and serious inquiries by the judges later in the court. Sir, you would do all this for nothing. And I believe that true zeal for this is the best proof of God's love, though you may not know Him well yet. I thank you for doing all this for my student and his family's sake, and of course, for His too. :)

7. テレビ放送

7. television broadcast
日本で 初めて テレビ放送を した 日は 1953年2月1日です。
japan in, for the first time, tv broadcast's day, 1953 february 1st, is = In Japan, the day for the first TV broadcast was February 1st, 1953.
そのとき 日本に あったテレビは 全部で 836台だけ でした。
those days, in japan, have, tv sets, in total, 836 sets, only, was = In those days, there were only 836 TV sets in total.
ほとんど 東京と その 近くの 町の 喫茶店や レストラントや ふろ屋に ありました。
almost, tokyo and, its neighborhood's café and, restaurant and, public bath in, there were = Almost all the cafés in Tokyo neighborhood along with the restaurants and public baths kept ones.
サラリ―マンの 一か月の 給料は 3万円ぐらい でした が、
salaryman's, a month, salary, 30000 yen, about, was, even though = Regardless that the average income of a normal salaryman was 30,000 yens a month,
いちばん 安い テレビは 25万円でした から、
the most, cheap, tv set, 250000 yens, was, because = and owing that the cheapest TV set still cost 250,000 yens,
普通の 人の うちに ありません でした。
normal people's, house in, there were not = so that's why there were no TV in a normal person's house.
テレビを 初めて みた 人たち は びっくりして、「この ラジオは 見ること が できる。」と 言いました。
tv, first saw, people, amazed, "this 'radio' seeing, i can do", said so = People that witnessed a TV set were all amazed, saying 'I've once seen such a "radio" before'.
テレビの 中に 人が いると 思った人も たくさんいました。
tv in, people, there are, think, people, many, there were = Also not a few people considered there must be someone in the TV set.
放送は 1日に 4時間だけ でした。
broadcast, in one day, 4 hours only, was = There were only 4 hours a day for TV broadcasting.
1959年4月に 皇太子の 結婚式が ありました。
1959, april in, royal prince's, wedding ceremony, there was = In April, 1959, the wedding ceremony of Royal Prince took place.
結婚式を みたい 人が テレビを 買いました。
the wedding ceremony, want to see, people, tv set, bought = People who wanted to see the ceremony would all buy a TV set.
日本の テレビは 4月に 200万台に なりました。
japan's, tv, april in, 2 million sets became = The number of TV sets in Japan soars for 2 million in April then.
1964年 10月に アジアで 初めて オリンピックが 東京で ありました。
In october, 1964, asia in, first time, olympic games, tokyo in, there was = In October, 1964, Tokyo hosted Olympic Games for the first time.
たくさん 人が カラ―テレビを 買いました。
many (の is redundant here), people, color tv, bought = Many people would thus buy a TV set for that.
今は ほとんどの うちには テレビが あります。
nowadays, almost, every family, tv, has = Now, almost every family has a TV set.
2、3台ある うちも あります。
2 or three sets, have, family, there are = Some families even get 2 or 3 TV sets.
テレビが ない 生活を する 人は 少ないです。
tv, no, living, lead, people, few, are = People that lead a living without TV are very few.


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