Answers to the Review Questions of "A Christmas Carol" from Compass Publishing:
Chapter 1
1. To Scrooge, his nephew was poor, having nothing to make a living. He couldn't figure out how could a man be happy if he had no money. Money was everything and the only thing in this world.
2. People thought Scrooge was a mean person, so mean that the guiding dog of a blind man would lead its master out of his way.
3. 15 Shillings a week.

Chapter 2
1. Jacob Marley was the only partner of Scrooge in business before he had died seven years ago.
2. They prepared to gather donations such as money to buy some good food and clothing for the poor on Christmas Days.
3. Carols are songs of praise or joy, especially for Christmas.

Chapter 3
1. He did so as punishment for those bad things he did when he was alive.
2. During Marley's living days, he went nowhere other than his office. Now it's time for him to go somewhere else. But in this book nothing has been mentioned why Marley "must" go to other places.
3. Marley said Scrooge would be visited by three spirits: the Spirit of Christmas Past, the Spirit of Christmas Present, and the Spirit of Christmas Future

Chapter 4
1. Scrooge had a lonely childhood. He had no friends at all except his cute sister, Fan.
2. She died very young when she was still a young woman. Her death had left her only son alone.
3. Fan's only son was Scrooge's nephew.

Chapter 5
1. He lived in the back of the warehouse with his friend and co-worker, Dick.
2. Mr. Fezziwig was a kind boss with a warm heart, treating his two employees vast meals on Christmas and brought them joy, where he achieved that with only a little money.
3. They argued over the attitude toward how to handle money in their future when getting married. And Belle thought Scrooge loved money even more than her. He thought wealth was first thing first for a young couple about to get married. No money, no talk.

Chapter 6
1. The Spirit of Xmas Present brought Scrooge directly to the downtown of a city where Scrooge lived then, right in downtown.
2. People were walking to and fro. They were to some degree in a hurry, but never were they angry or anxious. There were no quarrels or hard works. Some tried to buy something for Xmas, and others hurried to the church so as not to be late  for the Xmas services.
3. Scrooge misunderstood the Spirit for making Sunday and other Holidays off days for shopping, when people happened to be available for buying something as their daily supplies. In fact, Scrooge was wrong. The Spirit told him it was humans themselves that made all this happen. They were "convinced" that they understood God's will and plans. They set rules for how to respect God. They thought they were pious. God gave this world to humans, only to see they spoiled it on and on...

Chapter 7
1. After Bob came back with Tiny Tim, he went with Peter and other children to help cook the goose for Xmas dinner.
2. Tiny Tim was Bob's little son; he somehow had trouble walking normally like ordinary people. Maybe he suffered from polio and needed a iron frame to support his legs. On Xmas day, Tiny Tim sang a song about a lost child traveling in the snow. His voice was nice and soft and sang it very well indeed.
3. The Cratchits were not a wealthy family. However, they were happy about what they had. They felt quite content and satisfied to have such a home sweet home.

Chapter 8
1. The Spirit of Xmas Present showed Scrooge first his nephew's, Fred's house. He saw how generous and kind his nephew was. Then the Spirit showed him many families spending their Xmas evening other than England, not only on land, even on the sea, all over the world. Maybe the Spirit wanted to show him how normal people celebrated Xmas and how happy they were supposed to be.
2. They had to hurry for the Spirit had only a very short life span, that is, twelve days from Xmas, untill the church bells struck twelve in the midnight this day. The Spirit had still something to show Scrooge; that is why they had to hurry.
3. A word guessing game played by his nephew, niece, and other guests.

Chapter 9
1. This time, the Spirit was silent, not saying a word. It only gestured to indicate Scrooge to do as he was informed.
2. Maybe the Spirit would like Scrooge to learn something by himself alone. It might be considered better to spare some room for Scrooge's own thinking. Or maybe the Spirit didn't have a head at all...
3. He found the man to be buried was so mean and obnoxious that  no one would regard him as a "friend". But for a free meal, no one  would attend this man's funeral. Pitifully enough, Scrooge never tried to figure out who the man was in the future scene...

Chapter 10
1. The curtains were taken down from dying Srooge's house by some poor nasty thieves who stole things from dying, weak, old or helpless people.
2. So were the blankets.
3. Scrooge thought he saw his own death and being plundered even after he had died!

Chapter 11
1. Because what Scrooge had seen then didn't really happen eventually. They were images of the future, which meant all this could have chance to be altered. This was the reason the man was still hopeful.
2. The Cratchits might, yes, I said "might", lose this young child. The Spirit of the Xmas Present once predicted Tim's death unless something in the future could be changed.
3. Scrooge's nephew, Fred, was really a kind man. He met Bob only once, yet he greeted Bob sincerely on the morning of Xmas day and was very willing to offer timely help to Bob's family, especially his young kid, Tim, which made Bob very impressed.

Chapter 12
1. "Good morning, Sir! A merry Xmas to you!"
2. A surprise Scrooge would give Bob to see how much he had changed from a mean person to one with delight and blessing.
3. It turned out that Tiny Tim was not dead. Somehow he was saved, either by some miraculous medi treatment or by the sudden change Scrooge was dertermined to practice, as he once promised the Spirit. Scrooge ended up becoming Tim's God Father, giving him from now on his endless care and love!



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