This summer is no vacation, and my vacation is no summer, to me, rather a toil and challenge. That's why I don't bother to conjure up a goal or aim to do something great, not to mention an innocent reverie.
First time I felt perplexed as Mom suffered her usuall but irregular bellyache this time, which has always been regarded as some kind of unimpressive gastrointestinal uncomfort. Quite a presentiment surged in my mind that mom should better be under some examination. It is weird to ache so often and so acutely like that.
She finally conceded to let my brother and my wife rush her to the hospital, first in Cardinal Tien, Hsin-tien, then transferred to Municiple Jen-ai, Taipei, thanks to her goddaughter being a nurse-in-chief there, where she was further diagnosed to have infection in the liver while the former didn't find out. The doc said it would have developed into serious septicaemia if it had been located a bit later. Mensch! How could a "decent" hos in Hsin-tien make such a blunder like this? How could a careless medication group squander golden time of emergency aid? I was so sorry to hear about this, and it is a pity for the community to be under such medical services. Should I still be proud as a Hsin-tien citizen?
I pondered carefully over how to avoid this and not to make it happen again. Therefore I come up with a great saying from maybe one of the greatest snipers in the world, the legendary finnish national hero, Sulo Kolkka, when people asked him about why he was so amazingly accurate picking off the impalpable 500 plus red army soldiers during 105 days of the Winter War. Simply, aloof, but rather modestly replied Sulo, "Practice." Asked about if he felt guilty: "I am just trying to get my job well done, that's all."
My dream of the future about myself? "I will try doing my part well, that's all."
- Aug 28 Fri 2009 07:59
My Dream