Long since some wayward cramschool supervisor banned us to linger around in his territory to proclaim his sole dominancy over the pathetic reign actually he and I established shoulder to shoulder for over 15 years, maybe out of his solitude dignity, or, what is the last I would associate with, vicious envy and bitter jealousy against the flourishing connections and friendship among numerous students and their perverted English teacher, which has been increasing nonstoppingly, while there was only scarce in his case, I have worried for finding a better venue for those raging herds to settle down themselves as well as their endless stamina, not having to be moped nomads ranging about nowhere so that you can spot them in rags with butts here, there, and everywhere, crooning the same old melody with the same name. I decided to take them away to where is with green mild herbage for a nice snug.

A suitable corral for these broncoes, thus I wondered, was fairly large enough for them to happily and wildly neigh, trot, and crop. A large room for the said demand and requisites will be no more satisfying than the PARK near my house, where there can people be seated, nap, meal, laugh, and preach. As days went by, more and more apprentices participated in to be some others' masters, and they surely deserved that, including me. In different lights, they were my masters too. I liked to share what I knew and what I saw toward something that kept confusing them. Or, likewise, they would also be very pleased to tell me what they thought over some of my provious dicisions or ideas. We learned a lot at the park; we bantered around there; we knew each other more immerging within silver silk of moonlight. In fact, I was also so willing to attend their spending sprees, binge and yelling, teasing and flirting, experiencing and realizing. After all, I might be a person who hated to pretend to be 'mature' and 'sophisticated' all the time, like common adults and elders, or, like an ass-stubborn carmschool supervisor. 'Being a teen or keeping a teen's mindset is not always a bad thing', is what I have long been murmuring to myself since I was not a teen any more. I always like to be with the young bandits. They are sincere and vigorous. They are my good friends.


Out of a heavy burdon to give something practical and useful but also economical and effective to students to learn English better, I have since then to compile a equine manual about how to tame rampant mustangs into racing stallions. And, fortunately, most colts have grown tough sinews ready for a valiant gallop for their future mares. It seems not necessary any more to lasso them and hobble them as prosaic packhorses. I now unlock the stable and release them in a bid to witness the wonderfulness yet cruelty of the panorama of the universe. So I decided to dismiss our routine happy gettogether at the park every night after I come back home, and on August 31, is the very last midnight we stay up and chat about so late, well, all for the sake of their further growth and my mission impossible. And this was quite a comforting metamorphosis, and I felt elated.

Nevertheless, I have to give them a decent code before I see them off to memorize such a happy and unforgettable experience cherished in my life, for which I thank God and all of them. So what is the code on earth? AMG, it is exactly a pronoun standing for a group fond of warm gathering and conceiving collective mammal instinct in pursuit of mutual interests of oneself and so forth people in the same communities under the blessing of our dear Father, which means:

Good night, my dear Arena Motored Gangsters!


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