Keep fit! I have much work to do. Since I have known my Lord's plan for me, I should waste no time, concentrating on what seems meaningless, worldly or emotional. I've got to equipt myself to be a humble servant of God. Being His servant is never an easy task, and such honor is not easily granted either. But still I will try my best to get as many gifts He prepared for me to meet His requirement for being His servant.
Thank you, my dear Father for you have fillfuled what I yearned and told me who I am, what I should do and where I should go. Please don't leave me alone and put me into great temptation that I couldn't bear. Be with me always...  

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But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptaion and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
                                                                            1 Timothy 6:6~10   

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The reason people get together is not due to certain obligations or responsibilities we feel reluctant to take, but because of true love the Lord gives us beforehand toward each other from the deepest of out hearts.
We should fulfill tasks assigned from the Lord together with such love, to bear hopes and to take and share each other's weakness and pain.
For the Lord is always watching if we do concern our prayer to be humble servants of Him. He will certainly grant us what we need in time. 

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Recently I've gone through so many miracles, so many that I just couldn't help but believe in His Almighty. One of my naughty students, Howard, not much willing to open any one of his text book, always making troubles on studies, has shown me how wonderful God is and how amazing and incredible He conducts His work upon us. As Howard had his saddest slump in his life ever, losing his Miss Right for his pal during a party, well, let me put something ahead,his "dream girl" is somewhat... you know, ODD. She seldom pays attention to the feelings someone else could bear, and she just didn't care about them. On that day, I arranged a little gettogether among some of my students, including Howard and her, of course, in order to make both of them more acquainted. But to my big surprise, the girl gave her hand to his friend, Super, who is also a young, slender and gentle kid with the same passion for love. This broke Howard's fragile lonely heart, simply totally..., into pieces, fractional. I was so afraid then that he would do something terrible to hurt Super or even himself. And I had no ideas how to comfort him or do something to make him a bit more relexed.
What happened then? Did Howard lose his mind doing anything crazy? Read Part II and you will know... 

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What is the best accessory for human? Nice clothings? Fancy watches? No, I always wonder that God has already given us human kinds the best accesories long ago; they are simply the good merits of noble virtues: honesty, genltleness, temperance and being dependant on God. There will be nothing in the world which can be comparable to these graceful fragrances released from our pure souls.
As for the best clothings, I still favor the very only single "uniform" taylormade to every one of us by God Himself: our bodies. I like the shape a human body presents: elegant, sexy, well balanced...,simply gorgeous! I will build up my body to the pursue of fitness, to the utmost of being lean, flexable, strong, vital and totally masculine! Having such torsos divinely created, any plain clothing will turn to be Georgio Armani, Christian Dior, Dunhill, Versace, Polo and Hugo Boss. I will look like a real man. If I still put on those abovelying accesorries, I will, barely, be ready to be a humble servant of God for I wear the finest garmant He granted us. I am only one single person who lives it out. Every one has such nice clothing already, and the only difference lies that they just don't know it yet.  

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