What is the best accessory for human? Nice clothings? Fancy watches? No, I always wonder that God has already given us human kinds the best accesories long ago; they are simply the good merits of noble virtues: honesty, genltleness, temperance and being dependant on God. There will be nothing in the world which can be comparable to these graceful fragrances released from our pure souls.
As for the best clothings, I still favor the very only single "uniform" taylormade to every one of us by God Himself: our bodies. I like the shape a human body presents: elegant, sexy, well balanced...,simply gorgeous! I will build up my body to the pursue of fitness, to the utmost of being lean, flexable, strong, vital and totally masculine! Having such torsos divinely created, any plain clothing will turn to be Georgio Armani, Christian Dior, Dunhill, Versace, Polo and Hugo Boss. I will look like a real man. If I still put on those abovelying accesorries, I will, barely, be ready to be a humble servant of God for I wear the finest garmant He granted us. I am only one single person who lives it out. Every one has such nice clothing already, and the only difference lies that they just don't know it yet.
As for the best clothings, I still favor the very only single "uniform" taylormade to every one of us by God Himself: our bodies. I like the shape a human body presents: elegant, sexy, well balanced...,simply gorgeous! I will build up my body to the pursue of fitness, to the utmost of being lean, flexable, strong, vital and totally masculine! Having such torsos divinely created, any plain clothing will turn to be Georgio Armani, Christian Dior, Dunhill, Versace, Polo and Hugo Boss. I will look like a real man. If I still put on those abovelying accesorries, I will, barely, be ready to be a humble servant of God for I wear the finest garmant He granted us. I am only one single person who lives it out. Every one has such nice clothing already, and the only difference lies that they just don't know it yet.
