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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Daniil Olegovich Trifonov (Russian: Дании́л Оле́гович Три́фонов; born March 5, 1991 in Nizhny Novgorod) is a Russian concert pianist and composer.

Early life
Trifonov was born in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia on 5 March 1991. Both of his parents were professional musicians. He began studying the piano at age five, and gave his first concert performance with an orchestra at age eight, losing one of his baby teeth during the performance. He studied under Tatiana Zelikman at Moscow's famous Gnessin School of Music.

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Arthur Rubinstein exclaimed: “I thank God for keeping me alive so that I would be able to hear with my own ears Sgouros play. He is the best pianist I have ever heard, including myself”. He then took off his gold watch and put it on Dimitris Sgouros' wrist as if passing on the torch. Two months later, he passed away.

Dimitris Sgouros (Greek: Δημήτρης Σγούρος; born 30 August 1969) is a Greek classical pianist. He began playing the piano at a young age, and received formal training in Athens, London, and New York. Widely acclaimed for his prodigious musical talent as a boy, Sgouros is one of the world's leading concert pianists.[citation needed] Arthur Rubinstein remarked that he had produced "the best playing I have ever heard;" However, the accuracy of this information has been challenged.

Sgouros was born on 30 August 1969 in Athens, Greece, the son of Sotirios and Marianthi Sgouros. There was no notable record of musical talent in his family. He began playing the piano at a young age and gave his first public performance at the age of seven. At the age of eight, he entered the Athens Conservatoire, studying under Maria Herogiorgiou-Sigara. Sgouros won several competitions between 1978 and 1983, including the UNICEF competition in Bulgaria (1979), a competition in Ancona, Italy (1980), and two competitions in his home city of Athens. He was also the recipient of the 1982 Leonardo da Vinci International Award.

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"... 關於陳必先的少年故事,是陳必先的母親親口告訴孟絕子* 的,孟絕子寫下簡歷加上口述給我的。陳必先的資料在網路媒體和上流傳的很多,今天我要講的大部份是外界不知道的,也許會得罪一些人,但是,我覺得必須讓大家知道。

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Orfeo ed Euridice
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Orfeo ed Euridice (French version: Orphée et Eurydice; English: Orpheus and Eurydice) is an opera composed by Christoph Willibald Gluck based on the myth of Orpheus, set to a libretto by Ranieri de' Calzabigi. It belongs to the genre of the azione teatrale, meaning an opera on a mythological subject with choruses and dancing. The piece was first performed at the Burgtheater in Vienna on 5 October 1762 in the presence of Empress Maria Theresa. Orfeo ed Euridice is the first of Gluck's "reform" operas, in which he attempted to replace the abstruse plots and overly complex music of opera seria with a "noble simplicity" in both the music and the drama.

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大調的定義:在鋼琴上任一鍵開始,上行以 '全、全 (這樣稱為 '大三度音程')、半、半、全、全、半' 的音程關係組成的音階稱之。


@ 自然小音階:全、半 (這樣稱為 '小三度音程')、全、全、半、全、全。

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FEURICH verbindet traditionellen Instrumentenbau mit hochmoderner Klavierproduktion und begeistert mit seinen Instrumenten Menschen seit über 160 Jahren weltweit.

Das 4. Pedal - "Pédale Harmonique"
Zum ersten Mal seit der Erfindung des mittleren Pedals (Sostenuto Pedal), gibt es neue, einfach anzuwendende Klangmöglichkeiten für akustische Klaviere.

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Problems with Hanon Exercises
Since about 1900, Charles Louis Hanon's (1820-1900) exercises have been used by numerous pianists in the hopes of improving technique. There are now two schools of thought: those who think that the Hanon exercises are helpful and those who do not. Many teachers recommend Hanon while others think they are counter-productive. There is one "reason" many people give for using Hanon: that is to keep the hands in good playing condition from day to day. This reason is most frequently cited by the type of person who wants to warm up the fingers with the brain shut off. I suspect that this habit grew out of having learned Hanon early in the person's piano career, and that this same person would not be using Hanon if s/he were not so habituated.

I used Hanon exercises extensively in my youth but I am now firmly in the anti-Hanon school. Below, I list some reasons why. Czerny, Cramer-Bulow, and related lesson pieces share many of these disadvantages. Hanon is possibly the prime example of how intuitive methods can suck entire populations of pianists into using methods that are essentially useless, or even harmful.

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Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921)
Complete Piano Études
6 Études, Op. 52 (1877)

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zum amfang

1. burgmueller 25 op. 100

2. czerny 30 op. 849

3. hanon #39~#60

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Love Me With All Of Your Heart

By Engelbert Humperdinck

Love me with all of your heart

That's all I want, love

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White Christmas
with lyrics and guitar chords

C    C5#              F        G
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

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-1. fingers (哈農認識鋼琴演奏)


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i'm yours   
by jason mraz

well you done done me

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(Adapted from Wikipedia)
Pablo Martín Melitón de Sarasate y Navascués; 10 March 1844 – 20 September 1908) was a Spanish violinist and composer of the Romantic period.
Pablo Sarasate was born in Pamplona, Navarre, the son of an artillery bandmaster. He began studying the violin with his father at the age of five and later took lessons from a local teacher but his musical talent became evident early on and he appeared in his first public concert in La Coruña at the age of eight. His performance was well-received, and caught the attention of a wealthy patron who provided the funding for Sarasate to study under Manuel Rodríguez Saez in Madrid where he gained the favor of Queen Isabel II. Later, as his abilities developed, he was sent to study under Jean-Delphin Alard at the Paris Conservatoire at the age of twelve. There, at seventeen, Sarasate entered a competition for the Premier Prix and won his first prize, the Conservatoire's highest honour.
Sarasate, who had been playing in public since childhood, made his Paris debut as a concert violinist in 1860, and played in London the following year. Over the course of his career, he toured many parts of the world, performing in Europe, North America, and South America. His artistic pre-eminence was due principally to the purity of his tone, which was free from any tendency towards the sentimental or rhapsodic, and to that impressive facility of execution that made him a virtuoso. In his early career, Sarasate performed mainly opera fantasies, most notably the Carmen Fantasy, and various other pieces that he had composed. The popularity of Sarasate's Spanish flavor in his compositions is reflected in the work of his contemporaries. For example, the influences of Spanish music can be heard in such notable works as Édouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole which was dedicated to Sarasate, Georges Bizet's Carmen, and Camille Saint-Saëns' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, written expressly for Sarasate and dedicated to him.

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Juilliard breaks with all-Steinway tradition, purchases a Fazioli
by Marsha Lederman 
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail Published Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2011 12:00AM EDT
The Juilliard School, long an all-Steinway institution, is breaking with tradition and buying a non-Steinway piano. Paolo Fazioli, the Italian piano maker, will be in New York later this week to complete the deal with Juilliard, after the performing-arts school agreed to purchase one of his pricey, handmade – and coveted – pianos.

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André Mathieu (18 February 1929-2 June 1968) was a Québécois pianist and composer. Mathieu was born in Montreal, Quebec on February 18, 1929, in the parish of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur. 
Mathieu's father Rodolphe Mathieu was a music teacher and composer, and his mother Wilhemine Gagnon-Mathieu was a cellist and teacher. Mathieu was fascinated by the world of music from an early age, and received his first music lessons from his father. Mathieu as a child was unusually precocious. He spoke his first words at the age of 4 months and took his first steps before seven months. 
Rodolphe Mathieu was at first reluctant to teach his son music, and forbade him to touch the piano. This is because the senior Mathieu regarded music as a pauper's profession. Even so, Rodolphe Mathieu resigned himself to teaching his son music, because he recognized the exceptional talent in Mathieu. Mathieu began composing at the age of 4. At age 6 Mathieu gave his first recital of his own composition at the Ritz Carleton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, on February 25, 1935. In 1936 Mathieu performed his Concertino No.1 for Piano and Orchestra as a soloist on the CBC network. He was later given a grant by the Quebec government that enabled him to go to Paris and study piano with Yves Nat and Mme. Giraud-Latarse. Mathieu also studied harmony and composition with Jacques de la Presle. In December 1936 Mathieu gave a recital of his works at Salle Chopin-Pleyel, and again at Salle Gaveau on March 26, 1939. His recitals were received very enthusiastically by the Parisian critics. They unanimously agreed that André Mathieu was a "little Quebecer Mozart". Rachmaninov pronounced him, "a genius, more so than I am". 
Mathieu returned to Montreal for the holidays, but due to the outbreak of war he could not return to Europe. Instead, Mathieu performed in a series of recitals in Canada and the United States of America, and gave a remarkable performance at the New York City Town Hall on February 3, 1940. He remained in New York with his family until 1943, studying composition with Harold Morris and fulfilling concert and radio engagements. In 1941 when he was not yet 12 years old, Mathieu won the first prize at the composition competition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. He also played his Concertino No. 2 for piano and orchestra at Carnegie Hall. Mathieu also played his compositions at a concert of the League of Composers. 

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If possible, the following masterpieces of pianoforte would be in my life-time repertoire, which is the excellent and perfect musical legacies of humanism:
J. S. Bach
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I   

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The following info is adapted from Ondine Homepage:

Born in Helsinki in 1954, Matti Raekallio studied in his home country of Finland, as well as with Maria Curcio in London, Dieter Weber at the Vienna Academy of Music, and at the Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) Conservatory. He has been an active concert performer, making his American debut in 1981 at the Carnegie (Weill) Recital Hall. Since then, he has made regular tours of the US, including solo recitals and performances with several American orchestras. He has performed complete cycles of the 32 Beethoven Sonatas, the 10 Scriabin Sonatas, and the 9 Prokofiev Sonatas, as well as a total of 62 piano concertos. He has made approximately 20 CD recordings for Ondine.

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Mach doch alles klar, dann wirst du mein Super Star!

Bach: Well-temperierten Klavier + Partiten + Toccaten + Suiten

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