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列夫·尼古拉耶維奇·奧博林(俄語:Лев Николаевич Оборин,1907年9月11日-1974年1月5日),蘇聯鋼琴家。




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Dubach began studying violin under Elisabeth Schöni at the age of 7. Within two years, he won the Concours National of the 1964 EXPO in Lausanne, followed by appearance on television and radio around Switzerland. He proceeded to study under Eva Zurbrügg, Ulrich Lehmann, Yehudi Menuhin, Nathan Milstein, Magda Lavanchy and Salvatore Accardo.

At 15 he gave his debut performance of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto with Armin Jordan and the Tonhalle Orchester Zürich, where he returned regularly as soloist and from 1981-1985 also as leader.

At the age of 16 he won the Migros study prize and completed his studies at the Conservatoire in Fribourg "summa cum laude". His talent was recognised in international competitions, including Senigallia, Sion, Vienna, Naples, Gernsbach, Freiburg and Vercelli, where he won 1st prizes, including the coveted ”Premio Rodolfo Lipizer“ in Gorizia (I). In 2000 the town of Thun awarded him their prize for culture.

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  • Jun 26 Wed 2019 19:00
  • 盛原

Nach der Auszeichnung mit dem Artist International's Rubinstein Memorial Award in New York und dem anschließenden, höchst erfolgreichen Debüt in der Weill Recital Hall in der Carnegie Hall zählt Yuan Sheng zu jenen chinesischen Pianisten, die regelmäßig in die USA eingeladen werden.

Seine sich weitenden Konzertverpflichtungen führten Yuan Sheng aber auch durch Asien, nach Südamerika und Europa. In eine Musikerfamilie hineingeboren, erhielt Yuan Sheng den ersten Klavierunterricht mit fünf Jahren. Später studierte Yuan Sheng am Zentralen Konservatorium in Peking bei den Professoren Qifang Li, Huili Li und Guangren Zhou. Von 1991 bis 1997 war Yuan Sheng Schüler von Solomon Mikowsky an der Manhattan School of Music in New York City, wo er Abschlüsse als Bachelor und Master of Music machte. Sein Interesse an der Musik von Johann Sebastian Bach führte zu intensiven Studien mit Rosalyn Tureck. Harris Goldsmith schrieb nach Shengs US-Debüt in der „New York Concert Review“: „Herr Sheng ist ein Künstler höchster Qualität“, und David Dubal, der Autor von „Reflections from the Keyboard“ bemerkte: „Hören Sie ihn sich einfach an, Sie werden verzaubert und berührt sein.

中國特牛鋼琴家,擅長詮釋巴哈 + C. Bechstein

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村治佳織(Kaori Muraji,1978年4月14日-),日本古典吉他演奏家。1978 年生於東京,3 歲時即開始彈奏吉他,10 歲時拜福田進一為師,11 歲即在日本少年吉他比賽中獲最優秀獎。1993年 3月,15 歲的她在津田會場舉行了首場獨奏音樂會。1997年 9月到巴黎的高等音樂學院留學,1999年 6月學成歸國。目前已發行五張專輯的村治佳織,在日本被稱為「吉他公主」。~ wiki

這段教學影片,是少見清楚拆解名曲 '阿罕布拉宮的回憶' 顫音部分技巧,值得學習者參考~


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《親愛的爸爸》(O mio babbino caro)是義大利歌劇作曲家普契尼1918年作品《賈尼·斯基基》中的詠嘆調。歌曲出現在女主角勞蕾塔由於斯基基和他在法律上的權利之間的矛盾達到了頂峰,而害怕和戀人里努契奧分開的狀態中。它表達了一種內心樸素的表白,和周圍虛偽、嫉妒的氣氛所形成的強烈衝突而出現在這一部發生在佛羅倫斯中的喜劇。這首詠嘆調受到了極大的歡迎,甚至超過了這一部歌劇而逐漸成為一首純粹的經典義大利歌曲。

這一詠嘆調幾乎是歌劇女高音的必唱曲目,其中著名歌唱家包括了:瑪麗亞·卡拉絲、蒙特賽拉特·卡芭葉、安娜·奈瑞貝科,奇里·特·卡娜娃、伊莉莎白·舒瓦茲科普夫、海莉·薇思特拉和安琪拉·基柯基沃。小提琴家約夏·貝爾曾有過這首詠嘆調的錄音,這份錄音出現在他的專輯《小提琴的浪漫》中。搖滾組合East Village Opera Company更是將這首詠嘆調改編,融入了 R&B 的表演。~ wiki

O mio babbino caro
Mi piace è bello, bello

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Voi che sapete che cosa è amor (You ladies who know what love is, is it what I'm suffering from?)

抒情詠嘆調:知否愛情為何物 (莫札特歌劇【費加洛婚禮】)

Text by Lorenzo Da Ponte (1749-1838):

Voi che sapete che cosa è amor,

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〈公主徹夜未眠〉(義大利文:Nessun dorma)是普契尼最後一部歌劇《杜蘭朵》的詠嘆調,由男主角卡拉夫王子(Calaf)演唱,訴說杜蘭朵公主要全城徹夜不睡,在天亮前替她尋找卡拉富王子的名字,若無法如期查出,則全城百姓都必須受死。歌曲的原意為「不讓人入睡」,中譯為「今夜無人入睡」或「公主徹夜未眠」。這首古典歌劇作品是著名男高音帕瓦羅蒂(Luciano Pavarotti)的經典金曲,1990年英國廣播公司(BBC)用此曲作為當年義大利世界盃足球賽的主題曲後,令它的知名度更廣為人知。


Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!

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節錄自 http://munkustrap.pixnet.net/blog/post/35827431




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Oleg Moiseyevich Kagan (Russian: Оле́г Моисе́евич Кага́н; 22 November 1946 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian SFSR ~ 15 July 1990, Munich, West Germany) was a Soviet violinist, known for his chamber collaborations with such musicians as pianist Sviatoslav Richter and cellist Natalia Gutman, his wife. He was also a significant proponent of modern music, in particular Berg's Violin Concerto. Several recently released concert recordings have added to his posthumous reputation.

Born in Sakhalin, Kagan was brought up in Riga following his family's relocation to the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1953. He began studying at the Latvian State Conservatory in Riga at age eight under Joachim Braun; five years later, he was taken to Moscow by the well-known violinist Boris Kuznetsov. During the 1960s, he won the Sibelius and Bach Competitions, while also placing in the top-five of the Enescu and Tchaikovsky Competitions. Upon Kuznetsov's death, Kagan began studying with David Oistrakh, and in 1969, he began playing chamber music with Richter. Along with Richter and Gutman, Kagan also appeared frequently with pianist Vasily Lobanov, who would later dedicate a piece to him.

As Kagan seemed to be approaching the zenith of his career he became seriously ill with cancer in 1989. He had several surgeries, but struggled to remain active, touring Europe when he could and arranging festivals. Though his doctors at a hospital in Lübeck, Germany declared him too sick to be released, Kagan discharged himself to appear at his final festival, in Kreuth am Tegernsee, Bavaria. Shortly after giving two Mozart concerts there, where he had to be helped on-stage, he died on July 15, 1990, not yet 44.

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  • Jun 14 Fri 2019 22:00

1798 到 1812 年間,貝多芬一共寫了十首小提琴奏鳴曲, 1801 年發表第五號小提琴奏鳴曲 '春',旋律洋溢著溫暖美好的幸福感。

Violin Sonata No. 1 in D, Op. 12
Violin Sonata No. 2 in A, Op. 12
Violin Sonata No. 3 in E-flat, Op. 12

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  • May 07 Tue 2019 21:00
  • 林北

今天又發現來自芬蘭、強而有力的小號演奏家,tero lindberg,的最新力作。這裡先重複一下他的簡歷:

A leading Finnish trumpet player, Tero Lindberg can be heard on numerous recordings and tours by front-line Finnish artists and in many TV programmes. In recent years he has also toured Europe with such bands and artists as Sunrise Avenue, Leningrad Cowboys and Jimi Tenor. Lindberg’s YouTube videos have over half a million views. In addition, he lectures and coaches players all over Finland. Lindberg became the artistic director of the Turku Jazz Orchestra in the beginning of 2018. Tero Lindberg is also known for his fine arrangements. In addition to the numbers on his solo album, he has done arrangements for many TV programmes (including nine seasons of Finland's Strictly Come Dancing) and concerts, and arrangements by him have found their way into the repertoire of many Finnish big bands, symphony orchestras and smaller line-ups. Among his recent projects have been commissions from the Vantaa Pops Orchestra, the Oulu Sinfonietta, the UMO Jazz Orchestra, the Tapiola Sinfonietta, and Finnish bands Haloo Helsinki! and Popeda.

Tero Lindberg (b. 1976) was 16 when he entered the Porvoo Region Music Institute to study the trumpet with Reijo Ruokonen. He was already playing keyboards in many different line-ups and when a certain soul band was looking around for a trumpet to supplement its sax player, he decided to try his hand at a new instrument. He soon realised that the trumpet was his instrument, and at the age of 20 was accepted for the dance musician programme at the Helsinki Pop/Jazz Conservatory as a pupil of Raimo Korhonen and Markku Renko. In 1997 he did his compulsory military service as a member of the Conscript Band in Lahti. Two years later, he got accepted for the degree programme in pop/jazz teaching at the Helsinki University of Applied Sciences and received his degree in 2005. His teachers at the time were Timo Paasonen, Mikko Pettinen and Tero Saarti. Tero spent 2001 as an exchange student at the Kunstuniversität Graz in Austria, where his teachers included Stefan Hofer, Stjepko Gut and Edvard Holthaner. He then practised and freelanced in Vienna from 2004 to 2007, after which he returned to Finland and has been kept extremely busy playing the trumpet and doing arrangements for numerous recordings and tours by leading Finnish artists and many TV programmes.

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Rafael Méndez (March 26, 1906 – September 15, 1981) was a Mexican virtuoso solo trumpeter. He is known as the "Heifetz of the Trumpet."

Early life
Méndez was born in Jiquilpan, Michoacán, Mexico to a musical family. As a child, he performed for the cornetist for guerilla leader Pancho Villa, becoming a favorite musician of his and required to remain with Villa's camp.


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Marc Coppey


出生: 1969 年 9 月 18 日(49歲),法國聖特拉斯堡;學歷: Lycée Racine

In 1988, Marc Coppey attracted the attention of the world of music by winning the two highest prizes of the International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition - the first prize and the special prize for Bach's best performance - at 18. He was then noticed by Yehudi Menuhin.

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While My Guitar Gently Weeps ~wiki

Cover of the Apple Publishing sheet music
Song by the Beatles
from the album The Beatles

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L'Academy du Verbier Festival a représenté un tremplin précieux dans la carrière de certains des solistes les plus recherchés aujourd'hui. De nombreux musiciens talentueux sont passés par Verbier et ont conservé depuis un lien fort avec l'Academy et le Festival.

IDAGIO, partenaire de streaming audio officiel du Verbier Festival, a mis en place une playlist qui rend compte de ces réussites, avec des enregistrements dePatricia Kopatchinskaja, Quatuor Ebène, Trio Dali, Fanny Clamagirand, Maximilian Hornung et Christian Poltéra.

~ verbier festival 2018, khatia buniatishvilli, scherzo nr.3, chopin

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Performance, Beauty, and Value --- Hallet Davis Piano

We believe that all children who learned to play the piano – due to either the insistence of parents or to their own initiative – are very happy as adults that they learned to play the piano as a child.

Here are a couple interesting statistics about piano!  If you surveyed 100 adults and asked them if they play the piano – probably under 10% would respond “yes”. If you, however, asked the 90% who said “no” if they would like to be able to play the piano today – almost every single person would say “yes”.  This is true – we have tried it!

Being able to play the piano for personal or family enjoyment is a very big, secret wish with many, many people. At Hallet, Davis pianos we hope that the information provided in this website will help your secret wish come true – because “Every Life Needs Music”.

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Chesney Henry Baker Jr. (December 23, 1929 – May 13, 1988) was an American jazz trumpeter and vocalist.

Baker earned much attention and critical praise through the 1950s, particularly for albums featuring his vocals (Chet Baker Sings, It Could Happen to You). Jazz historian Dave Gelly described the promise of Baker's early career as "James Dean, Sinatra, and Bix, rolled into one." His well-publicized drug habit also drove his notoriety and fame. Baker was in and out of jail frequently before enjoying a career resurgence in the late 1970s and '80s.

Early years
Baker was born and raised in a musical household in Yale, Oklahoma. His father, Chesney Baker Sr., was a professional guitarist, and his mother, Vera Moser, was a pianist who worked in a perfume factory. His maternal grandmother was Norwegian. Baker said that due to the Great Depression, his father, though talented, had to quit as a musician and take a regular job.

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Keith Jarrett (May 8, 1945) is an American jazz and classical music pianist and composer.

Jarrett started his career with Art Blakey, moving on to play with Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis. Since the early 1970s he has enjoyed a great deal of success as a group leader and a solo performer in jazz, jazz fusion, and classical music. His improvisations draw from the traditions of jazz and other genres, especially Western classical music, gospel, blues, and ethnic folk music.

In 2003, Jarrett received the Polar Music Prize, the first recipient of both the contemporary and classical musician prizes, and in 2004 he received the Léonie Sonning Music Prize. His album The Köln Concert (1975) became the best-selling piano recording in history.

In 2008, he was inducted into the Down Beat Hall of Fame in the magazine's 73rd Annual Readers' Poll.

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Kawai makes two series of grand pianos: GX and GL. The GX line (formerly RX), which is sold in North America in a version known as the BLAK series, is the most expensive and has the best features. It is designed for the best performance, whereas the GL series is designed more for efficiency in manufacturing, with fewer refinements. All the GX pianos feature a radial beam structure, converging together and connected to the plate using a cast-iron bracket at the tenor break. This system makes for a more rigid structure, which translates into better tone projection. The soundboards in the GX models are tapered for better tonal response; and the rims are thicker and stronger than in the GL models, and are made of a blend of open- and closed-pore hardwoods to improve the tone. The Kawai Millennium III actions used in both series now have hammer-shank stabilizers, designed to retain power by keeping the shank from wavering under a heavy blow. All GX pianos have agraffes, duplex scaling, lighter hammers (less inertia), and Neotex synthetic ivory keptops; and come with a slow-close fallboard. The GX grands get more precise key weighting, plus more tuning, regulating, and voicing at the factory. The cabinetry is nicer looking and of better quality than that of the GL series pianos, with the polished ebony models in the new BLAK series receiving a UV-cured, scratch-resistant coating on the music rack.

In 2013, the GX BLAK models replaced the previous RX series. The changes from RX to GX include a pinblock that is fitted to the plate flange and more securely attached to the case for better tuning stability, and the front stretcher has been made thicker, stiffening the structure, and thus both conserving tonal energy and contributing to tuning stability. The GX rims use alternating layers of two different hardwoods, one chosen for tonal power, the other for warmth. There have also been some changes to the scale designs and soundboard taper.

In the fall of 2015, Kawai consolidated its GM and GE piano lines into a single, new GL line of models: GL-10 (5'), GL-20 (5' 2"; 157.5cm), GL-30 (5' 5"; 165.1cm), GL-40 (5' 11"), and GL-50 (6' 2"). The GL models share some important features with the higher-end GX models: Millennium III action with hammer-shank stabilizers, agraffes, stronger pinblock/stretcher design, longer keys, full sostenuto pedal, and soft-close fallboard, among others. However, the GL models have a single-wood-variety hardwood rim, rather than the blended hardwoods of the GX series; a solid rather than a vertically laminated bridge, without cap; acrylic rather than Neotex keytops; a simpler beam structure in the smaller models (GL-10/20/30); and a simpler cabinet design and less elaborate interior finishing. The GL-20/30/40/50 models are all built in Japan; the GL-10 is made in Indonesia. The inclusion of several GX-level features makes the GL-10/20 models significant steps up from the discontinued GM models.

Kawai's quality control is excellent, especially in its Japanese-made pianos. Major problems are rare, and other than normal maintenance, after-sale service is usually limited to fixing the occasional minor buzz or squeak. Kawai's warranty service is also excellent, and the warranty is transferable to future owners within the warranty period (a benefit that is not common these days). The tone of most Kawai pianos, in my opinion, is not as ideal for classical music as some more expensive instruments, but when expertly voiced, it is not far off, and in any case is quite versatile musically. In part because the touch is so good, Kawai grands are often sought by classical pianists as a less-expensive alternative to a Steinway or other high-end piano. Kawai dealers tend to be a little more aggressive about discounting than their competition (Yamaha). There is also a thriving market for used Kawais. 

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いのちの名前とは、日本の歌手木村弓の歌。彼女の 1st シングル「いつも何度でも」の両 A 面として収録されている楽曲であり、ジブリ映画「千と千尋の神隠し」のテーマソングとして有名である。



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