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'I have won several prizes as the world's slowest alto player, as well as a special award in 1961 for quietness'. ~Paul Desmond

Paul Desmond (born Paul Emil Breitenfeld, November 25, 1924 – May 30, 1977) was an American jazz alto saxophonist and composer, best known for his work with the Dave Brubeck Quartet and for composing that group's biggest hit, "Take Five". He was one of the most popular musicians to come out of the cool jazz scene.

In addition to his work with Brubeck, he led several groups and collaborated with Gerry Mulligan, Chet Baker, Jim Hall, and Ed Bickert. After years of chain smoking and poor health, Desmond succumbed to lung cancer in 1977 after a tour with Brubeck.

Early life

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Senri Kawaguchi (川口 千里 Kawaguchi Senri) is a Japanese jazz and fusion drummer. In Japan she is sometimes known as tekazuhime (手数姫), ("Princess of Many Strokes"). She has the image of a gecko on the front of her 20 inch bass drum, and on her Zildjian drumsticks. She has won many awards for her drumming.

Early life
Kawaguchi was born in a suburb of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture on 8 January 1997; and when she was still very young, she moved with her family to Yokkaichi in neighbouring Mie Prefecture.

She was introduced to drumming at the age of five when her father, who she described in an interview as a mecha-otaku (メカオタク), brought home an electronic drum kit so that he could explore its inner workings. Eventually, he gave it to her to play with, and at the age of six, she began taking drum lessons locally. When she was eight years old her teacher recommended that, having shown sufficient interest and talent, she start taking lessons from the renowned Japanese drummer and drum instructor Kozo Sugunama.

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約翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴哈(德語:Johann Sebastian Bach,1685年3月21日-1750年7月28日),巴洛克時期的作曲家及管風琴、小提琴、大鍵琴演奏家,與作曲家韋瓦第、韓德爾並稱巴洛克三巨匠,在音樂史上和莫札特、貝多芬齊名,又漢斯·馮·彪羅將其與貝多芬、布拉姆斯排列在一起稱為「三B」。巴哈被認為是音樂史上最傑出、最重要的作曲家之一。

巴哈一生多產,除了歌劇,幾乎涉獵了當時所有的曲式,包含清唱劇(教會用和世俗用,也包含受難曲與神劇)、經文歌、彌撒、聖詠、各式的獨奏曲、組曲、室內樂及協奏曲等等。巴哈將對樂器的體會與各種曲式結合,在超過40年的創作生涯寫出許多豐富多彩的樂曲;他的作品編號(BWV)也隨近代的不斷發掘而擴充,目前已增至BWV 1163。



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1. Heilig, heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr!
Heilig, heilig, heilig, heilig ist ist nur er!

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「莫札特效應:莫札特讓你更聰明」是一場誤會?文 / 一流人 / 遠見雜誌      2018-01-15

莫札特效應是在一九九三年十月闖進了大眾的意識,當時《自然》期刊(全球最頂尖的兩家科學期刊之一,另一家是《科學》期刊)發表了一篇一頁的文章,作者是羅契爾(Frances Rauscher)、蕭歐(Gordon Shaw)和凱(Katherine Ky),這篇文章的題目看來四平八穩,<音樂與空間推理的表現>(Music and Spatial Task Performance)。蕭歐出身物理學家,後來興趣移轉到神經科學,他和學生合作發展出一套數學理論,關於腦部神經元如何協同運作。熱愛古典音樂的蕭歐注意到,「古典音樂的數學結構」與「他的理論所預測的神經元電流活動模式」之間,具有某些相似之處。然後他又從他感覺到的這層相似處,做出另一項預測:單單聆聽音樂,就可以強化腦袋功能─ 但必須是正確的音樂。蕭歐相信,莫札特所作的曲子「最能與我們天生內在的神經語言起共鳴」,且具有最大的強化功能效應,就像他後來所寫的,「莫札特的神奇天才,或許就展現在他的音樂作品充分利用了先天的大腦皮質語言。」


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Jacques Loussier (Piano, Arranger)

Born: October 26, 1934 - Angers, France

The French pianist/composer, Jacques Loussier, started playing piano at the age of 10 and quickly demonstrated tremendous ability. When Loussier was just 16, he entered the Conservatoire Nationale de Musique in Paris where he studied with Professor Yves Nat whose youthful compositions were praised by Gabriel Fauré, Camille Saint-Saëns and and Debussy, and whose prodigious gifts as a pianist were encouraged by Debussy. Continuing this distinguished lineage, Loussier was to become one of Nat’s most accomplished pupils, heading the conservatory’s piano class of over five hundred students.

In the late 1950's Jacques Loussier left the Conservatoire to commence a freelance career that included travels to South America and the Middle East as well as work as accompanist for Catherine Sauvage and Charles Aznavour. In 1959, Loussier hit upon the idea that was to make his international reputation, combining his interest in jazz with his love of J.S. Bach. Only a pianist with such an exceptional classical technique and deft improvisatory skill could have nurtured such a vision. He founded the Play Bach Trio, which used J.S. Bach’s compositions as the basis for jazz improvisation. The trio immediately caught the public imagination. In their live appearances, tours and concerts, plus a succession of recordings built on the cornerstone of four albums made for Decca between 1960 and 1963, Loussier’s group achieved a breakthrough to popular commercial success enjoyed by only a select few jazz musicians. In 15 years, the trio sold over six million albums.

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性價比最高的進口鋼琴-三益鋼琴 sk122m
2017-07-06 由 鋼琴調律師小康 發表于資訊 每日頭條

三益(Samick)鋼琴品牌創始於1958年,是目前全球最大最專業的鋼琴、吉他生產商,隨著 2008年11月 正式收購有著 160 年歷史的德國頂級鋼琴品牌 Seiler (賽樂爾鋼琴)及 2009年11月 正式控股全球頂級鋼琴品牌斯坦威 STEINWAY&SONS 成為其最大執行股東、2014年 全面收購日本 Kawai 鋼琴並成為其最大執行股東,三益如今已成全面超越亞洲其他樂器企業,為全球最大的、最重要的、最專業的樂器企業,在世界音樂事業的發展中起著舉足輕重的作用。[編者補充一下 猜猜看 yamaha 現在擁有了誰?ㄎㄎ]


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  • Mar 15 Fri 2019 22:00
  • 槌頭

2016-11-30 由 心靈手巧的明明 發表于資訊 每日頭條

1. 德國著名品牌 FFW (Filzfabric Wurzen) 製造廠,生產其純羊毛鍵槌產品歷史悠久,德國 Weickert 毛氈廠,自 1847 年開始,已成功研製出第一組應用在鋼琴上的弦錘,當年已備受各大品牌鋼琴採用。繼傳至 1991 年,Weickert 的後人繼承先祖的技術,延續在 Filzfabric Wurzen 出產 FFW Hammer 弦錘而名聞國際,現今世界頂級的鋼琴品牌大多是採用其配件。

2. 著名的舒楠Schramm榔頭是德國鋼琴大師 SCHRAMM 舒楠 (1865.9-1941.3) 於 1899 年創立,橫跨幾個世紀,是德國歷史悠久、最著名的品牌之一。SCHRAMM 舒楠弦槌憑藉著精湛的傳統手工製造工藝, 成為世界上最大的獨立運營,製造鋼琴擊弦機零件和音槌的公司,製造出了 400 多個基本品種的音槌,這其中還不包括多種材料的弦槌柄木芯和特殊定製的音槌。

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抱歉,老外的採訪內容,我速記下來的,自己孤狗翻譯一下囉 ㄏㄏ:

1. rim the thicker the better
2. soundboard and bridge the material matters
3. duplex scale (adding more harmony of higher frequencies, honestly not so bothering focusing on this)

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用料真是重足、聲音真是厚實、觸鍵真是強猛,可是,為甚麼就沒有像雅媽的 '四合一' 套裝組合呢?這要讓我怎麼選啊啊啊?嗚嗚嗚...

mod. d/w/h/kg/深重比

GL-10 153/150/102/282/1.843 (2019 年全新公司貨的價格是 42.5 萬元,可有六折的優惠價 25 萬上下,GL 系列每高一級約多 6 萬元)

GL-20 157/150/102/300/1.911

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平台鋼琴 + 自動演奏系統 + 靜音系統 + 錄音系統 = 一件對我而言最完美的傢俱之一

ENSPIRE ST 為一擁有無限潛能的鋼琴系列,擁有完整的錄音及播音功能,Yamaha 專利的 Yamaha SILENT Piano™ System 及 DSP Servo Drive System,提供想要從他們的原音鋼琴得到更多的使用者。相容於三種平台鋼琴 GC1、GC2、與 GB1K。

                          GC1                            GC2                            GB1K

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A leading Finnish trumpet player, Tero Lindberg can be heard on numerous recordings and tours by front-line Finnish artists and in many TV programmes. In recent years he has also toured Europe with such bands and artists as Sunrise Avenue, Leningrad Cowboys and Jimi Tenor. Lindberg's YouTube videos have over half a million views. In addition, he lectures and coaches players all over Finland. Lindberg became the artistic director of the Turku Jazz Orchestra in the beginning of 2018.

Tero Lindberg is also known for his fine arrangements. In addition to the numbers on his solo album, he has done arrangements for many TV programmes (including nine seasons of Finland's Strictly Come Dancing) and concerts, and arrangements by him have found their way into the repertoire of many Finnish big bands, symphony orchestras and smaller line-ups. Among his recent projects have been commissions from the Vantaa Pops Orchestra, the Oulu Sinfonietta, the UMO Jazz Orchestra, the Tapiola Sinfonietta, and Finnish bands Haloo Helsinki! and Popeda.


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Eugen Cicero, born Eugen Ciceu (27 June 1940 – 5 December 1997), nicknamed "Mister Golden Hands", was a Romanian-German jazz pianist who performed in the mixed classical-swing style.

Born in Vad, Romania, to Teodor and Livia Ciceu, an Orthodox priest and professional singer respectively, he began to play the piano at the age of four. Aged six, he performed a Mozart piano concerto with the symphony orchestra of Cluj. Although he graduated from the National Conservatory in Bucharest, he abandoned a career as a conventional concert pianist and established his style between classical and jazz piano, introducing swing harmonies into baroque, classical and romantic compositions, often as spontaneous improvisations.

In 1962, while touring East Berlin, Cicero fled to West Berlin. He spent the next two years in Switzerland, where he joined the "Kindli" orchestra of Joe Schmid. After returning to Germany, Cicero produced more than 70 recordings, some of them with the Berlin and Munich Philharmonic orchestras. He had numerous appearances on German TV and enjoyed much success while touring Japan. In 1976 he was awarded the Deutscher Schallplattenpreis for his interpretations of Franz Schubert.

In 1982, Cicero moved to Switzerland, where he died in Zurich in 1997 from a cerebral apoplexy, aged 57. His younger brother Adrian Cicero is a jazz instrumentalist. His son Roger Cicero (1970–2016) was a renowned jazz singer. ~ wiki

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Music's Greatest Innovator by David Hurwitz, LISTEN Magazine

On the occasion of his seventy-fourth birthday in 1806, Joseph Haydn reportedly remarked: “My calling has no limits; what may yet be done in music is far greater than what has already been done.” It's a fitting comment from music's greatest innovator. Haydn was born in 1732, the son of a wheelwright living on the Austro-Hungarian border, and he died in Vienna in 1809. At the time of his death he was Europe;s most beloved composer. He had been Mozart's best friend and Beethoven's teacher. Bach and Handel were still alive when Haydn began writing music, but the Baroque period was waning. A more dynamic style based on the lively and tuneful musical language of Italian comic opera would soon characterize what we now call the Classical period, in a true musical revolution led by Haydn himself. At the end of his life Romanticism was in the air, yet Haydn was still, amazingly, at the forefront of the latest musical developments.

In his instrumental works Haydn enlarged the expressive scope of music to include not just happiness and sadness in varying degrees, but also humor, irony, desolation, ambivalence — the entire gamut of emotional expression. His “Farewell” Symphony (No. 45) remains one of the most turbulent, disturbing and ultimately wistful pieces in the form. It is the only symphony in the unusual key of F-sharp minor written in the entire eighteenth century, and the only orchestral work of note in that key written before the twentieth century. I say this not to make a tedious academic point, but to suggest that Haydn's method for expanding music's range of emotion and contrast occurred in tandem with a new approach to form, instrumental color and texture. His music isn't necessarily longer than a lot of previous Baroque music, but it's incomparably more diverse, dramatic and action-packed.

While Haydn wrote a great deal of superb vocal music — his late oratorios The Creation and The Seasons remain perennial favorites — his fame rests primarily on his instrumental music, as “the father of the symphony” and the “inventor” of the string quartet. The fact is that both of these genres existed before Haydn came along, but until he got his hands on them, they didn’t matter. After Haydn, the symphony became a feature concert attraction, a showpiece for the entire orchestra, and the string quartet found its niche as the vehicle for the most profound and intimate expression yet achieved in instrumental music. Absent Haydn's achievement, the entire subsequent history of orchestral and chamber music would have been very different. He also left us similarly extraordinary, if less frequently cited, bodies of work in two other fields: piano solo (sonatas and variations) and piano trios.

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Emil Grigoryevich Gilels (sometimes transliterated Hilels; Ukrainian: Емі́ль Григо́рович Гі́лельс, Russian: Эми́ль Григо́рьевич Ги́лельс, Emiľ Grigorievič Gileľs; 19 October 1916 – 14 October 1985) was a Soviet pianist, widely regarded as one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century.

Early life and education
Gilels was born to a Jewish family on 19 October 1916 (6 October, Old Style) in Odessa, Ukraine (then part of Russian Empire) the son of Esfir and Grigory Gilels. His father worked as a clerk in a sugar refinery. His sister Elizaveta, born 3 years later, subsequently became a renowned violinist.

Gilels had perfect pitch, and at age of five and a half, he began lessons with Yakov Tkach, a famous piano pedagogue in Odessa. A quick learner, he was playing all three volumes of Loeschhorn's studies within a few months, and soon afterwards Clementi and Mozart sonatinas. Gilels later credited this strict training with Tkach for establishing the foundation of his technique. In turn, Tkach commented on Gilels:

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Ignaz Friedman (also spelled Ignace or Ignacy; full name Solomon (Salomon) Isaac Freudman(n), Yiddish: שְׁלֹמֹה יִצְחָק פֿרײדמאַן‎; February 13, 1882 – January 26, 1948) was a Polish pianist and composer. Critics (e.g. Harold C. Schonberg) and colleagues (e.g. Sergei Rachmaninoff) alike placed him among the supreme piano virtuosi of his day, alongside Leopold Godowsky, Moriz Rosenthal, Josef Hofmann and Josef Lhévinne.

Early and later life
Born to an itinerant Jewish musician in Podgórze near Kraków, Ignaz Friedman was a child prodigy. He studied with Hugo Riemann in Leipzig and Theodor Leschetizky in Vienna, and participated in Ferruccio Busoni's masterclasses. Friedman lived in Berlin until 1914 and settled in Copenhagen in 1920.


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Album Espagnol, Op.21
Albumblatt, Op.2
Allegro scherzando, Op.20

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Daniel Barenboim, KBE (German: [ˈbaːʁənbɔʏm]; Hebrew: דניאל בארנבוים‎; born 15 November 1942) is a pianist and conductor who is a citizen of Argentina, Israel, Palestine, and Spain.

The current general music director of the Berlin State Opera and the Staatskapelle Berlin, Barenboim previously served as Music Director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre de Paris and La Scala in Milan. Barenboim is known for his work with the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra, a Seville-based orchestra of young Arab and Israeli musicians, and as a resolute critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

Barenboim has received many awards and prizes, including seven Grammy awards, an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, France's Légion d'honneur both as a Commander and Grand Officier, and the German Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz and Willy Brandt Award. Together with the Palestinian-American scholar Edward Said, he was given Spain's Prince of Asturias Concord Award. Barenboim is a polyglot, fluent in Spanish, Hebrew, English, French, Italian, and German.

Musical style

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Anna Lee, violin ~ http://musicfestival.com
Anna Lee began violin studies at the age of four with Alexander Souptel and debuted as soloist performing the Paganini Violin Concerto #1 a year and a half later with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Lan Shui. She spent a large part of her childhood in Japan and Singapore even though she was born in South Korea, and at the age of six moved to New York after being accepted to the Juilliard School Pre-College Division under the tutelage of Masao Kawasaki.

Concert venues that Anna has appeared in are the Carnegie-Weill, Carnegie-Zankel, Wigmore, Alice Tully, Avery Fisher, Victoria, and Esplanade Concert Halls, as well as Merkin Hall and Peter Jay Sharp Theater. She has claimed top prizes in the 2011 Sion-Valais Competition, 2011 Kronberg Violin Masterclasses, 2010 and 2012 Menuhin Competition (Junior and Senior Divisions, respectively), Aspen Music Festival (AACA) Competition, Long Island Competition and Blount-Slawson Young Artist Competition. Anna Lee has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Bernhard and Mania Hahnloser Violin Prize at the Verbier Festival Academy and the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist, Young Scholar and College Scholar Awards. She has also been featured in music festivals around the world such as the Gstaad Menuhin Festival, BeethovenFest in Bonn and the Marlboro Music Festival, and on radio shows such as “From the Top” with host Christopher O’Riley and NPR Performance Today with host Fred Child. She has also been the cover page feature of the Wall Street Journal Magazine.

Anna Lee made her conducting debut with the Peoria Symphony Orchestra in November 2010, and in April 2011 made her New York Philharmonic debut. In Germany she has been presented by Sir András Schiff at the BeethovenFest in Bonn and has played chamber music with artists such as Gidon Kremer, Yuri Bashmet and Steven Isserlis in the Kronberg Academy's "Chamber Music Connects the World" festival. In addition, Anna made her Frankfurt solo debut in 2016 with maestro Christoph Eschenbach and the Hessische Rundfunk Radio Orchestra.

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Aimi Kobayashi (小林 愛実 Kobayashi Aimi, born September 23, 1995) is a Japanese classical pianist.


今年年初聆聽她四歲時的演奏,驚為強者!但過了近一年後再聽幾年之後的錄音,個人認為此曲總體的演奏稍嫌 '厚重' 了些,尤其是 5:30 處弱音的處理,應再輕快一點比較好吧。不懂為何神童要那樣處理;我想只有一個可能的原因:她是神童,我是飯桶。如果不是這個原因的話,斗膽以為原因如下,這些原因也可以作為日後自己演奏時要注意的地方:

1. 手指肌力不足:無法處理 pp 以下的音粒與手指的轉換 (可以 23:36 時誤觸鍵的可能情形來判斷)

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