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"Lucky Man"

He had white horses*
And ladies* by the score
All dressed in satin

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前幾首是克萊斯勒 (Fritz Kreisler) 與海飛茲 (Jascha Heifetz) 的錄音、第七首是曼紐因 (Yehudi Menuhin) 的版本、最後一首是卡拉揚 (Herbert von Karajan) 指揮難得輕柔的慢板:

1. '美麗的蘿絲瑪莉'

2. '泰旖絲冥想曲'

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Gustavo Dudamel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Dudamel and the second or maternal family name is Ramírez.

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Ilana Vered (Hebrew: אילנה ורד‎; born December 6, 1943 in Tel Aviv, Israel) is a concert pianist and professor of piano.

From age 13 to 15 Vered attended the Paris Conservatoire, which awarded her first prize in piano upon her graduation; among her teachers there were Vlado Perlemuter and Jeanne-Marie Darré. She continued her music studies at the Juilliard School under Rosina Lhévinne. In 1961 she won the Young Concert Artists International Auditions.

Vered has performed across the world with orchestras such as the New York Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony, the Cleveland Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the London Symphony, Royal Philharmonic, and Philharmonia, the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Japan NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic, and the Israel Philharmonic. She has performed as soloist with conductors Leopold Stokowski, Georg Solti, Zubin Mehta, Rudolph Kempe, Kirill Kondrashin, Michael Tilson Thomas, Edo de Waart, Leonard Slatkin, Sergiu Comissiona, James Conlon, Andrew Davis, Kurt Sanderling, Jean-Claude Casadesus, Gary Bertini, Walter Weller, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Moshe Atzmon, Raymond Leppard, Mendi Rodan, James Judd, Lawrence Foster, Matthias Bamert, Mariss Janson and Osmo Vanska. She has performed as a chamber musician, and soloist, focusing on Frédéric Chopin and Moritz Moszkowski études. Vered has also taught master classes and has founded at least two festivals, the Summerfest Series of Rutgers University and Music Fest Perugia in Perugia, Italy.

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Alain Raës ~ http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Raes-Alain.htm

Born: March 26, 1947 - Roubaix, France

The French pianist, Alain Raës, was born to musical parents with whom he began his musical studies very early. He became a pupil of Jean-Jacques Painchaud at the Schola Cantorum. In 1965, he entered the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique (CNSM) in Paris. In 1970 he obtained a 1st prize in piano in the class Lélia Gousseau. He then enrolled in the 3rd round for the preparation of international competitions. In 1972 he won the 1st Prize for ensemble music in the class of Maurice Crut, and in 1973 the Grand Prix and the Prix Spécial Suisse" at the Geneva International Competition.

Winner of first medals of music theory, sight-reading and history of music, Alain Raës also works in musical analysis with Jacques Castérède. Today, besides his concerts, he teaches piano and musical analysis at the Conservatoire National de Region (CNR) de Lille and the conservatoire de Roubaix respectively.

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Moritz (Maurice) Moszkowski (23 August 1854 – 4 March 1925) was a German composer, pianist, and teacher of Polish-Jewish descent. His brother Alexander Moszkowski was a famous writer and satirist in Berlin.

Ignacy Paderewski said: "After Chopin, Moszkowski best understands how to write for the piano, and his writing embraces the whole gamut of piano technique." Although less known today, Moszkowski was well respected and popular during the late nineteenth century.

Life and career
He was born in Breslau, Prussia (now the Polish city of Wrocław), into a wealthy Polish-Jewish family whose parents had come to Breslau from Pilica, near Zawiercie, in 1854. He was an ardent Jew at a time when many Jews downplayed their Jewishness. He showed early talent from a very tender age, beginning his musical training at home until 1865, when his family moved to Dresden. There he continued his piano studies at the conservatory. He moved to Berlin in 1869 to continue his studies first at the Julius Stern's Conservatory, where he studied piano with Eduard Franck and composition with Friedrich Kiel, and then at Theodor Kullak's Neue Akademie der Tonkunst, where he studied composition with Richard Wüerst and orchestration with Heinrich Dorn. There he became close friends with the Scharwenka brothers, Xaver and Philipp. In 1871 he accepted Kullak's offer to become a teacher in his academy; as he was also a more than competent violinist, he sometimes played first violin in the orchestra.

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étincelle [etɛ̃sɛl] by HarperCollins Publishers
fr, f, noun

Example Sentences Including 'étincelle':

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馬友友(Yo-Yo Ma,1955年10月7日-)是一位大提琴演奏家,為法國出生的華裔美國人,曾獲得多座葛萊美獎。



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Nemanja Radulović (Serbian Cyrillic: Немања Радуловић; born 1985 in Niš) is a Serbian violinist.

Radulović began studying the violin in 1992. In 1996, he was awarded the October Prize for music of the city of Belgrade, and in the following year, he received the Special Prize from the Serbian Ministry of Education for "Talent 1997". He continued his musical studies in 1998 at the Hochschule für Musik Saar in Saarbrücken with Joshua Epstein, and in 1999, at the University of Arts in Belgrade, with Dejan Mihailović. At the age of fourteen, he moved to France to study with Patrice Fontanarosa at the Conservatoire de Paris.

In 2006, on short notice, he replaced Maxim Vengerov in the Beethoven Concerto with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France and Myung-Whun Chung at the Salle Pleyel. Since then, he has performed as an international soloist with the two chamber ensembles he founded, The Devil's Trills and Double Sens. He performs regularly with the harpist Marielle Nordmann and the pianists Laure Favre-Kahn, Dominique Plancade and Susan Manoff. He is closely associated with the Festival des Nuits Romantiques. Radulović plays on an 1843 violin by Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume.

Awards and honours

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  • Dec 20 Thu 2018 23:00
  • 龜毛

埃萊娜 格里莫(法語:Hélène Grimaud,1969年11月7日-),猶太裔法國女鋼琴家。

埃萊娜 格里莫在法國羅訥河口省普羅旺斯地區艾克斯出生,父親是柏柏爾猶太人,母親是科西嘉島的塞法迪猶太人。她剖析自己年幼時「極度過動」,在小學課堂上總是無法乖坐,且過度集中於某些事情上,這些現象在她7歲開始學習鋼琴後,便逐漸穩定下來,而這種過度專注的特質,加上絕佳的聽力與節奏感,使學琴過程進步神速。1982年13歲時即獲巴黎音樂學校(Conservatoire de Paris)破格錄取,與鋼琴手雅克 魯維耶(Jacques Rouvier*)同校。

1985年,埃萊娜·格里莫憑謝爾蓋·拉赫曼尼諾夫的《Piano Sonata No. 2》贏得巴黎音樂學院贏得第一個獎項、雅克 克羅學院(L'Académie Charles Cros)的格蘭披治光碟獎(Grand Prix du Disque)。1987年,她展開事業生涯,在巴黎舉行獨奏會;又與巴黎管弦樂團合作演出,由丹尼爾 巴倫波因指揮。


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Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (8 December 1882 – 24 April 1948) was a Mexican composer active in the 20th century. His work as a composer, music educator and scholar of Mexican music connected the concert scene with a mostly forgotten tradition of popular song and Mexican folklore. Many of his compositions are strongly influenced by the harmonies and form of traditional songs.~ wiki

其中最著名的一首曲子便是 Estrellita 了 (1912),原曲為人聲,被改編為多種器樂獨奏,這裡收錄了 人聲版 (Deanna Durbin)小提琴版 (J. Heifetz)

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《威風凜凜進行曲》又譯作《威儀堂堂進行曲》(英語:Pomp and Circumstance Marches),作品第39號,是英國作曲家愛德華·艾爾加在1901年至1934年間創作的一組管弦樂進行曲。這部作品包括以下六支進行曲:《D大調第一進行曲》、《a小調第二進行曲》、《c小調第三進行曲》、《G大調第四進行曲》、《C大調第五進行曲》和《g小調第六進行曲》,其中前五曲是埃德加作為作品第39號發表的,第六曲則是未完成的遺作。每支進行曲的演奏時間大約是五分鐘。


該進行曲的標題「威風堂堂」來自於莎士比亞的劇作《奧賽羅》第三幕第三場的台詞:「……永別了,長嘶的駿馬、銳厲的號角、驚魂的鼙鼓、刺耳的橫笛、莊嚴的大旗和一切戰陣上的威儀(pomp, and circumstance of glorious war)!」在《第一號進行曲》的總譜上,埃德加引用了詩歌《榮耀的進軍》(The March of Glory)中的一段詩句作為主題句。他想藉此表達的意思是,戰爭場面看似雄壯華美(pomp),但真實的戰爭環境(circumstance)則是則是枯燥而恐怖的。

最有名的《D大調第一進行曲》,創作於1901年,題獻辭是「致我的朋友阿爾弗雷德·E·羅德瓦爾德以及利物浦管弦樂團的成員們」。1901年10月19日,阿爾弗雷德·羅德瓦爾德指揮的利物浦管弦樂團在利物浦舉行了《第一號進行曲》的首演。兩天後,亨利·伍德(Henry Wood)指揮的《第一號進行曲》在倫敦逍遙音樂會上進行了演出,觀眾反響熱烈,使得樂團兩次返場演奏了這支曲目,伍德形容「這是逍遙音樂會有史以來的首次」。英國國王愛德華七世在聽完該曲後建議應該給這首曲子填上歌詞使之成為一首偉大的歌。1902年,艾爾加在為愛德華七世譜寫《加冕頌歌》(Coronation Ode)時,對《第一號進行曲》的中段(trio)部分進行了修改,並由阿瑟·本森(Arthur Benson)填詞,使之成為加冕頌歌的末樂章《希望與榮耀的土地》。希望與榮耀的土地隨後成為了一首廣為傳唱的英國愛國歌,並成為了英格蘭隊在體育運動中常用的一首國歌。在一年一度的逍遙音樂會上,這首歌曲也是保留曲目,並會按首演時的慣例演奏兩次。1905年6月28日,艾爾加應邀前往美國耶魯大學接受音樂學博士榮譽學位,並指揮演奏了《第一號進行曲》。此曲在教員和學生中廣受好評,因而耶魯大學採用其為畢業典禮配樂,並逐漸傳播至其他學校,通常在畢業典禮入場和開幕時進行演奏。目前,而幾乎所有高中和部分大學會在畢業典禮上使用《第一號進行曲》的中段部分,因而它又稱作《畢業進行曲》。這一樂段在美國則直接稱作《威風堂堂》。在義大利,此曲則作為禮拜音樂使用,名為《上帝的榮耀教堂》(Santa Chiesa di Dio)。~ 改作自維基

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《查爾達斯》(Czardas)為義大利作曲家蒙蒂(Vittorio Monti,1868-1922)創作的小提琴曲,《查爾達斯》曲名是一種舞蹈的名稱 (匈牙利的一種民間舞蹈),它採用兩拍的節,在樂曲結構上由兩部分成。第一部分叫“拉遜”(Lassau),速度緩慢,第二部分叫“弗里斯”(friss) 是主要部分,速度大都很快,常用切分節,氣氛熱烈狂放。樂曲前半部分悠揚而舒緩,後半部分是急促的快板,中間經過一次轉調,最後又轉回原調上結束全曲。蒙蒂的這首小提琴曲很有名,被歐洲很多小提琴演奏者所喜愛; 中國演奏家將其移植為二胡曲,亦曾被改編為長笛、小號、手風琴等多種樂­器的獨奏曲。

查爾達斯舞曲,匈牙利語:Csárdás,發音為 char'dash,源自 csárda,意為客棧,是匈牙利民俗舞蹈。起源於馬劄爾人及吉普賽人。舞者包含男與女。女舞者著傳統寬裙,通常是紅色的裙子。當女舞者旋轉時,寬裙會形成別具特色的形狀。另說源自18世紀時的 verbunkos,起初為匈牙利陸軍徵兵者所使用的舞蹈音樂。它的特色是節奏的變化:慢與快。以慢節奏(lassú)開始,結束於快節奏(friss)。另外有其他種類的節奏變化,稱為 ritka csárdás、sürü csárdás、szökös csárdás。音樂節拍有2/4拍或4/4拍。

~ 改作自 台灣長雲樂集 之樂曲介紹

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阿爾弗雷德 布倫德爾(德語:Alfred Brendel,1931年1月5日-),奧地利鋼琴家。


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賈桂琳 杜普蕾 (Jacqueline du Pré,1945-1987) :被上帝收回的天籟琴音 

作者 劉聖文 (愛樂大百科)


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mostly from wiki~

The International Chopin Piano Competition (Polish: Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina), often referred to as the Chopin Competition, is a piano competition held in Warsaw, Poland. It was initiated in 1927 and has been held every five years since 1955. It is one of the few competitions devoted entirely to the works of a single composer, in this case, Frédéric Chopin.

The first competition was founded by the Polish pianist and pedagogue Jerzy Żurawlew. Subsequent editions were organized in 1932 and 1937; the post-war fourth and fifth editions were held in 1949 and 1955. In 1957 the competition became one of the founding members of the World Federation of International Music Competitions in Geneva.

Traditional special awards include the Polish Radio prize for the best Mazurka performance (since 1927), the Fryderyk Chopin Society in Warsaw prize for the best Polonaise (since 1960), and the National Philharmonic prize for the best performance of a Piano Concerto (since 1980). The competition is organized by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Warsaw.

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Boogie-woogie is a musical genre that became popular during the late 1920s, developed in African-American communities in the 1870s. It was eventually extended from piano, to piano duo and trio, guitar, big band, country and western music, and gospel. While the blues traditionally expresses a variety of emotions, boogie-woogie is mainly associated with dancing. The lyrics of one of the earliest hits, "Pinetop's Boogie Woogie", consist entirely of instructions to dancers:

Now, when I tell you to hold yourself, don't you move a peg.
And when I tell you to get it, I want you to Boogie Woogie!

It is characterized by a regular left-hand bass figure, which is transposed following the chord changes.

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無意間找到了一首之前愛聽的老歌,二人的世界 (二人の世界)。あおい輝彦主唱,這是原唱版,也是我最喜歡的詮釋;輝彥還唱了另一首,跟二人世界有關:只有你 (あなただけを),也是好好聽。

的確,正如歌詞所說,這世界上不用太多人,二個也就夠了;重點是,要找到那 '對的人',何其困難啊!


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Reine Gianoli
Reine Gianoli (13 March 1915 – 21 February 1979) was a French classical pianist.

Born in Paris, Gianoli studied with Lazare Lévy, Alfred Cortot, Yves Nat and Edwin Fischer.

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