埃萊娜 格里莫(法語:Hélène Grimaud,1969年11月7日-),猶太裔法國女鋼琴家。

埃萊娜 格里莫在法國羅訥河口省普羅旺斯地區艾克斯出生,父親是柏柏爾猶太人,母親是科西嘉島的塞法迪猶太人。她剖析自己年幼時「極度過動」,在小學課堂上總是無法乖坐,且過度集中於某些事情上,這些現象在她7歲開始學習鋼琴後,便逐漸穩定下來,而這種過度專注的特質,加上絕佳的聽力與節奏感,使學琴過程進步神速。1982年13歲時即獲巴黎音樂學校(Conservatoire de Paris)破格錄取,與鋼琴手雅克 魯維耶(Jacques Rouvier*)同校。

1985年,埃萊娜·格里莫憑謝爾蓋·拉赫曼尼諾夫的《Piano Sonata No. 2》贏得巴黎音樂學院贏得第一個獎項、雅克 克羅學院(L'Académie Charles Cros)的格蘭披治光碟獎(Grand Prix du Disque)。1987年,她展開事業生涯,在巴黎舉行獨奏會;又與巴黎管弦樂團合作演出,由丹尼爾 巴倫波因指揮。


埃萊娜·格里莫具有聯覺 (感覺相連症) 的特殊能力,彈奏音符時視覺上會同步出現色彩,她曾提到,彈奏巴哈的平均律時,會看到紅色和橘色;彈貝多芬的暴風雨奏鳴曲看到黑色和藍色;C小調的音樂則是黑色。

埃萊娜·格里莫才華洋溢,不僅是音樂家,也是位作家,2003年至今已出版了三本著作。此外,她致力於野生動物的保育,曾不惜延緩音樂工作,努力研讀動物生態學,並於1996年在美國紐約州成立狼群保育中心 (Wolf Conservation Center),每年邀請數千名美國兒童參觀園區。埃萊娜·格里莫也是音樂家人權協會 (Musicians For Human Rights ) 的成員之一。~ 維基



*PS Jacques Rouvier (born 18 January 1947 in Marseille) (跟上面那位比較一下差異吧) is a French pianist. He studied at the Paris Conservatory with Jean Hubeau, Vlado Perlemuter, Pierre Sancan and later on Jean Fassina. He won two Premiers Prix (first prizes): in piano performance (1965) and in chamber music (1967).

Rouvier was remarkably successful at piano competitions in his youth. He won the Grand prize at the Concours des Jeunesses musicales in Montreal in 1965. He took first prize at both the Viotti International Music Competition in Vercelli and the Barcelona Competition in 1967. He then took third prize at the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud International Competition (ex-aequo with Vladimir Viardo) in Paris in 1971, securing an international career.

In 1970 he founded a piano trio with Jean-Jacques Kantorow and Philippe Muller with whom he continues to perform. His recording of the complete works for piano by Maurice Ravel won the Grand Prix du disque.

BTW He is NOT Jacques Loussier (born 26 October 1934)who is also a French pianist and composer. He is well known for his jazz interpretations in trio formation of many of Johann Sebastian Bach's works, such as in the Goldberg Variations.

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