37:2 Josef brought bad news on them. - a good reason for his half brothers to hate him more.
37:35 Hebrew "sheol" means "grave", or "陰間". It's long been arguing if there should be a place for the dead to stay.
38:7 Will God interfere when people commit evil? Yes, if He could not bear it.
38:12 "comfort" means "when the time of mourning was over..."
38:16 Judah wenched, with his daughter-in-law. = =:
38:17 A pledge is sth for mortgage.
38:29 Perez = breakout, Zerah = bright, Mt 19:30
39:19-23 Bible doesn't emphasize the defence or the explanation of Josef. Josef did what he was supposed to do, and God would take care of the rest.
40:23 If I were Josef, would I impute all this to God at this moment?
41:16 Josef contributed all this glory to God.
41:32 Sometimes God's determination is fixed and it is sure to happen. And the sign is also appearant enough for us to see. Yet sometimes God is relatively meeker, and He allows things happen; He tolerates us for what we will do and have done. 
41:52 Manasseh: to forget; Ephraim: double prosperity
42:2 【糴】音【迪】,買米之意。
42:9 37:7, 9
42:24 Josef cried, turning away from them crying and took Simeon instead of Reuben for gratitude to Reuben's words to save his life 20 years ago.
43:30 Josef cried.
45:2 Josef cried.
45:14-15 Josef cried.
46:26 Actually 66 persons in total as above, but plus Jacob himself, Josef, and his two sons, 70 persons. Another view is 70 is the number with women excluded. Actual number should be larger thatn 70. See Acts 7:14.
46:29 Josef cried.
47:9 A mighty man (God-wrestler) may not live that long and healthy; he encountered so many sufferings in his life and lived only to 147. (Father Isaac 180, grandpa Abraham 175) - it's all depending on God's grace.
47:29 Isreal, a man who loves God and his people.
48:19 Jacob already knew what he was doing and will happening. God's instruction? I think so.
49:2-27 The longest blessing in Genesis, also the prophecy about the future of his descendants, Isreal 12 tribes.

Isreal's 12 Tribes: (Numbers 1:5-15, 1:47 for Levi)
1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Judah 4. Issachar 5. Zebulun 6. Ephraim 
7. Manasseh 8. Benjamin 9. Dan 10. Asher 11. Gad 12. Naphtali
The Levi were scattered throughout Isreal and were not to be counted under God's law.

49:5 Simeon and Levi killed all the people in Shecem Ge 34:25. Because they were too brutal, Jacob (God's will) would like them to shred and scatter them like confetti throughout Isreal.
49:9 Judah, a lion's cub. A symbol of power and courage in Old Testament times. Jesus is from Judah's clan and is "the Lion from Tribe Judah". (Rev 5:5)
49:10 "Shiloh", "the ultimate ruler"
49:17 The man who strikes the horse in the heel might refer to Samson (Judges 14-16), who is also from Dan's Tribe.
49:18 "I wait in hope for your salvation, God." Jacob's praise to God for not leaving him.
49:27 Benjamin's offspring are mostly cruel and brutal. (Judges 19-21)
50:2 Jacob is mummy. ^^
50:17 Josef cried. He cried for his brothers didn't trust him still, afraid that he would revenge on them after their father died. Bible noted his crying for seven times. He is a man of being emotional. (42:24, 43:30, 45:2, 14, 15, 46:29, and 50:17)


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