
301. The robber jumped the country when he heard the lady scream.

302. Come on! Don't focus on your sitting below the salt. You are on the list of Best Salesmen anyway.

303. Victor tackled me till I cried uncle.

304. I bet Monika was sure to be on intimate terms with her supervisor during these years.

305. Life is but a dream; everything is just like a flash in the pan.

306. Confidential diplomacy is pertaining to any agreement or reconciliation between countries made on the sly.

307. Naomi, a peanut of golf, stole a march on the other competitors and finally won the game off the glasses.

308. It is not a decent victory in the election to hit the opponents below the belt.

309. Once a knave and ever a knave.

310. Problems will never be solved if you just put them out of your head.

311. A good seaman is known in bad weather.

312. The darkest place is under the candlestick.

313. You'd better think on your feet when you are a leader one day. Fish or cut bait. Once faced with hardship, take the bull by the horns.

314. Ray began to put on airs after he got promoted. He stroke an attitude in front of the boss each time. What a flatterer!

315. The actress just feigned ignorance in the conference and told nothing about the drug abuse.

316. Congratulations! Let's wet our whistle and go on a blind!

317. With the threat of enterovirus and H1N1, the young children in Taiwan are now between fires.

318. Bank insolvency means the incapability of the bank to pay for the bills it has run up.

319. I can never find anything in a room at sixes and sevens like yours.

320. Emily's acute insights into children's emotions are bred in the bone.

321. To ally with NAZIs is to ask a kite for a feather.

322. Van Gogh painted in his own way, totally unconcerned about ohters' opinions.

323. Even at the age of 80, Mr. Thomas is still in the pink. Don't you think that is the premonition of stroke?

324. Going well on her job recently indeed colored Sammie up a lot.

325. Chris is well versed in fields of musicology. As far as I know, he is also a polyglot of five.

326. You will certainly make a fine haul if you talk with him for a while.

327. Germans are people of practice and precision. Once they ask, they go down to earth.

328. The Willsons are a family that always keeps open house. We can spend the whole afternoon there.

329. Beware of your words. In North Korea, the tongue sometimes talks at the head's cost.

330. To start with a bang may not necessarily be a good sign. Sometimes the best gain is to lose.

331. I'll take the job, and I'll work on it for all my worth.

332. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

333. After the work, Genny came home as dead meat, worn to frazzle and totally knocked up.

334. I still have to work harder even as a graduate school student. Though good be good, yet better is better.

335. Keep your pecker up, and stop grumbling like a defeated rooster!

336. It's a long story to explain why I don't go to graduate school till I am 42.

337. Yip Man's hands are agile and dexterously swirling. He can hit you before you could say Jack Robinson.

338. In the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, the monarchs played each other false for desires to expand their authorities.

339. Let's deposit more money and take a powder! This will be the most successful enlopement ever!

340. The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve.

341. You don't have to skate over all the unfair treatment and wronged feelings. You will be better if you speak them out.

342. Think twice before you leap. Rushing headlong will only lead to a thorough fiasco.

343. Call no man great before he is dead.

344. People started a whispering campaign when the police announced that Michael Jackson had been murdered by his doctor.

345. The old chair in my study is a token of rememberance of my grandfather and my childhood.

346. It seems that my thesis won't be finished till the cows come home.

347. Don't worry. The Lakers are now streets ahead of the Rockets, and there is only one minute left.

348. There are always more round pegs than square holes.

349. How can you paint a horse in such bold relief? It seems to be sprinting forward in front of my eyes!

350. About halfway through the book it looked as though the butler was the murderer, but that turned out to be a red herring.

351. I like to watch Zoe tread a measure. She is such a great ballroom dancer with graceful and lightly poise.

352. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.

353. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, living high off the hog.

354. After Queenie got married into a family not so well-off, she had to work all day and looked like a brick-broom in a fit.

355. I like reading the Bible. Each Scripture is simply the pink of perfection.

356. Hong Kong is an amazing place. Try to imagine over 7 million people dwell in this hole-in-the-wall.

357. Let Yvonne be the team leader. She is an old hand at the game.

358. Mom would hit the ceiling if you go home with this strayed puppy.

359. Breaking up with your girl and losing your job, you indeed throw the helve after the hatchet.

360. Play the game in your style, not by claptrap.

361. Never try to intervene between others' family arguement. There're always wheels within wheels in it.

362. Since it is only a matter of procedures, you don't have to bring the rookie to book.

363. He cares for nothing and has fear of nothing. He simply renders himself in the lap of God.

364. Doing so would only fly off at an agent. You would rather keep your cool at the moment.

365. Jennifer is nursed in cotton and never has to worry about money.

366. Tell exactly what you saw. Don't make up anthing out of thin air.

367. Vertigo can sometimes make people as sick as a cat.

368. It is surprising that Ian makes headway to study in Havard University at the age of 14.

369. The old man must have been through thick and thin judging by his haggard face and wizened hands.

370. Don't jump the gun to our son. He is only 9 years old.

371. Don't beat the air! He won't take our advice and will keep pushing people around.

372. Once you have your fingertips on math, you'll definately like it.

373. Pretty girls are often bossy, twisting her admirers round her little finger.

374. You have to be as close as wax or we couldn't sale under false colors this time.

375. People born to swim luxury may not be able to go through hardship.

376. It is a lift of the finger for Chris to translate English into Chinese.

377. Our new marketing manager is truly worth his salt for he can easily deal with situations between hawk and buzzard.

378. As Tiger Woods turned pro, he has been keeping sweeping the board since then.

379. Solitude is better than ill company.

380. Thanks to well preparation, she had a ready tongue in the entrance interview.

381. Migraine really makes a lot of people toss about all night.

382. The only way for Neil to become a director is to hail the rising sun.

383. The polititian tried to ride off side issues several times when the journalists grilled him.

384. Don't be shilly-shally. Girls like men of decisiveness.

385. He has signed a contract with the company, but he would like to resign at once. Now he is really holding a wolf by the ears.

386. To survive in a family firm, you have to know the time of day.

387. Are you having soul above buttons of being an English teacher?

388. Peter is our new board chairman. But many gossips show that he keeps up with Joneses.

389. Constipation and piles are usually the bones in many people's throats.

390. It is a lot too thin that his articles are mostly garbled quotations.

391. Beautiful young girls with virtues and tenderness are hard to come by.

392. If you stand truth on its head too often, few people might take your words then.

393. Don't be bluff and bluster in front of the elderly. There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.

394. Tim is a resilient young man loaded for bear any time.

395. Step mothers are usually described as heart-boiled and mean characters in many fairy tales.

396. Since James already put his foot in it, he would just have to leave all to chance.

397. Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. Adam devoured all the food in the refrigerator at one scoop. He was as hungry as a hunter.

398. Taking pain killiers is only a makeshift device. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

399. As an airhead and snob, it sticks out a mile that Uma was not welcome at the party.

400. Oscar had a brain wave and bought a bouquet of roses for his girlfriend, who was out of spirits recently for being laid off.

暫時寫到這裡吧,實在太多。凡此 400 句,雖是滄海一粟,亦可略見英文成語及慣用語之妙。莊周有無涯之憾,於今倒也可以理解了... 讀莊子這麼些年來,檢討自己,只有一句感想:『非常喜歡老莊,不太喜歡莊老;英文不好老裝;其實很嫩裝老。』

對了,想吃漢堡的話,任選其中 40 句翻成典雅中文留言於下,我們 19 見。但如果你知道我為何要以 40 句當作一個測驗單位,請讓我永遠請你吃飯,因為這將是我的榮幸。


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